Equestrian Heroes: The Fall of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

by Rainb0wDashy

The Hero of Magic

“In the great struggles between good and evil, there is often more to a hero then meets the eye”-Staples Proverb

In a time of disrupt and controlled Chaos, in the descendent future of nowadays Equestria, the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic we all watch today has its story, those stories happened long ago though and now it’s time to read what happened after every series ended…The names Nix, I’m an old fellow, but I still understand the new changes of life pretty well as I age, I’m going to get out my book ‘Databases of true Equestrian history’ hoping for a moral to be evolved for us all, the understanding of the true Equestrian world, what we as ponies of Equestria are capable of, love never really lasted as long as we’d want it to but I guess that’s just life. “Ok, let’s see…AH here we are…” chapter 1 page four hundred and fifty five, Equestrian Heroes.
These heroes take on the wielding and ability of the unthinkable, these heroes can do things you would not dare to think about, teleportation, telekinesis and more, these heroes ‘Will’ is beyond natural. Nothing would stand in the face of these type heroes and say something of crudeness and live to tell the tale. Someponies of Equestria say that these ponies are the ‘Aliens’ of this world and was not at all created by princess Celestia, they are the power and the mind of the ‘Heroes of Equestria’. The forces of good and evil flow in the veins of these ponies and they do not have any ruler or follow anypony, these Heroes are rarely seen together, in battle or in life conversation.