I get a break

by xCloudx

Memories and racing

I lay in the grass eyes closed. I had my headphones on listening to deadmau5 on full blast for the last half hour trying to clear my thoughts and get the facts straight.
1. Big bad monster taking over other monsters
2. I haven’t eaten in ages
3. I have to pee
4. I need to ask rarity to come with me to the castle

Aw yeah awesome plan! I take off my head phones and open my eyes and scream. Lolly was looming over me with that sly smile of hers “Hey cloud!” I clutch my heart “Don't do that!” she backed away a little while laughing “To bad I do what I want!” I face palm. “How long have you been standing there?” she shrugs. “Okay why are you here then?” she shrugs again “Wait now I remember!” I motioned my hand “Well spit it out.”

“She told me that she wanted to talk to you at sugar cube corner.” I sigh and pick up myself from the ground. “Wanna tag along?” she nods her head and follows beside me. “So cloud I was doing some research on you…” I look into her eyes “Were you now? What did it tell you?” she clears her throat “well it says that you are the greatest of heroes and never backed down from protecting the innocent.”

“Never… I had done what I could...” memories flashed by of my life before the guardian. I felt a tear run down my cheek “Cloud what’s wrong?” Lolly asked worriedly “im fine it’s just some memories resurfacing...” the pain no one would help she died before I could help her they thought I was a monster. “Cloud you’re not all right something is wrong!” I felt my anger come up “NOTHING IS FUCKING WRONG LOLLY!” tears streaming down my face. A memory resurfaces “Im sorry there was nothing you could do” said the paramedic “YOUR LIEING!”

I looked around to see everypony staring and Lolly backing away “Lolly im sorry…” she nods her head “I guess I pushed a little too far” she had a tear run down her face. “Forgive me” she asked “it’s what I do best...” I gave her a hug and we continued in silence. I hung my head in shame. Why am I acting like this im never like this?

I wasn’t really paying any attention to where I was walking and walked straight into a wall. I grabbed my head muttering curses. I could hear Lolly snickering from behind me. I got to my feet and gave her a death glare but she shrugged it off. I walked into sugar cube corner to see rainbow dash sitting on her haunches bored out of her mind and pinkie bouncing happily out of the kitchen with a tray a cupcakes.

“Oh hi cloud!” I smiled pinks always makes me smile “hey pinks hey dash.” Rainbow glanced up at me “Sup” I walked up to pinkie and took a cupcake. “You wanted to see me dash?” she got to her hooves and stretched “Yea im ready for that race!” crap I forgot all about it “Alright fine where are we having it at?” her grinned widened “Ghastly gorge!” the hell is that? Pinkie gasped “Dashie last time you flew through there you got hurt!” pinkie exclaimed. She waved her off “I’ll be fine”
“And if she does get hurt im there to help” rainbow glared at me “Why help your opponent?” I smiled “Because im the good guy after all.” She rolled her eyes “Common we don't have all day!”

At ghastly gorge

“Damn...” is all I could say as I looked at the gorge. There were ponies surrounding us cheering us on before we even got started. “Ready to lose?” I shook my head “Hang on I have to ask rarity something.” I walk up to rarity “Yes dear?” I clear my throat “Hey im having dinner with the princesses she told me I could bring somepony so….” She smiles “Of course I will go with you” fuck yeah bitches love going to dinner with me “Thanks”

“Be safe cloud!” rarity called out as I approached the starting mark. I looked over at rainbow determination in her eyes. I spread my wings and I gasps can be heard from all over. “GO!” pinkie shouted. I took off at higher speeds than I have ever done before. I could hear rainbow yelling she was not far behind. It was begging to get narrow. I dodged the oncoming trees and rocks as I sped up even faster.

I flew down a tunnel gusting winds like a monster. Made it out easy though. I can see a bushel of thorns “oh shit…” I mutter as I slam through the thorns. I screamed cursing as the thorns penetrated my skin and stuck to my clothing. As I fly out of the thorn bush wall massacre I look back to see rainbow dash dodging every single one of them.
Damn she knows how to fly!

I look back to see a straight passage easy enough. Hell no it wasn’t! As soon as I flew in there eels started popping out trying to devour me. “WHY WASN’T I WARNED!” I scream as I dodge the last eel. I could see the finish line approaching “AWW YEAAAHH!!” I look back to see rainbow gaining on me. I pushed myself to the limit and went to LUDICROUS SPEED (AWW YEAH SPACE BALLS REFRENCE!)

I zoomed past the finish line not stopping screaming “CRAP!” I retract my wings. Not the best idea I have ever had. I skidded and rolled along the ground in pain as more thorns dug into my body. I layed on the ground motionless in fear of getting my body punctured more. I could hear galloping towards me. I stood up and threw my jacket off and thorns came off with it “OW DAMMIT!” I scream

The galloping got louder. I looked down at myself as I bled and the thorn started falling out of me as I healed. “Cloud are you alright!” I looked up to see twilight with a worried look on her face “No! I got thorns all over me and stuck in my jacket. I frowned I have to remove all the thorns before I can wear it again.

“Darling are you alright?” rarity questioned “Just peachy well besides that I can’t wear my jacket now.” She looked over at my jacket and covered her mouth as she saw how bad it was torn. “That’s terrible!” I nodded “Me and that jacket have been through hell and back and now look at it!” that jacket was my best friend. I looked over at rarity to see her thinking “Cloud I can fix it for you...” I jumped with glee “You can!”

“Yes of course I can!” I picked rarity up in a hug “Thanks marshmallow!” she returned the hug. I put rarity down to see rainbow with her head hung “I guess im not the fastest flier after all…” I sighed feeling like crap “Of course you are rainbow dash!” I shouted. She looked at me “What do you mean I lost!” I shrugged my shoulder “So you’re going against a 900 year old pro flier who has so much time to spare.” Her ears perked up “Thank you cloud.”

I nodded “Maybe I can teach you some stuff sometime.” she eyes were full of glee “Really?!” I smiled “Yea anything for a friend!” I was tackled by dash “Thank you cloud thank you so much.” I smiled “Remember im the good guy?” she let go of me and landed back on the ground. I stood up and stretched “Now let’s get out of here I got to get ready for a dinner.” I looked down at rarity “As do I”

Back at ponyville

“Cloud that was really nice of you what you said to rainbow.” Well yea I know it “Yea I know.” Rarity frowned “Cloud do you have any other clothes to wear to the dinner?” I pondered for a moment “Yea I do I just gotta go find the doctor I think he still has something of mine.” I began to head for the door. “I’ll be back bye” she frowned a little “Bye cloud, don't start any fights are get into trouble.” I shrugged that off “I don't without an intention… most of the time” I replied back as I closed the door. Now time to find the doctor….