Let's Play: Equestria Online!

by Jakinbandw

First Negotiations

Where I Talk About Things I Find Mildly Disturbing In Equestria Online

So, after reading through the comments section, I've had some mildly disturbing thoughts about Equestria Online. I spent some time looking up some information on the internet and talking to a friend (that I know in person) who also has the game, and I think I'm finally ready to share my thoughts on it.

First of all, something that is simultaneously the most blatant and most subtle disturbing thing I have found: the fact that the game censors me trying to talk about things outside of it. It's not so much that it does it, but rather how it does it. Take, for example, when I told Forest Trails that I was doing a Let's Play. That isn't easy to censor. In fact, I would argue that it is next to impossible to censor.

Take a look at it. The censoring needed to start on the words "doing a." Neither of those words is blatantly breaking character. The only way to censor the sentence properly and in real time is if the game was able to predict the exact words I would say before I said them. This, of course, should be completely impossible.

Why? Well, let's take the fact that it would require the sending of a massive amount of data to a server. Once the server had that data, it would have to store it, then call it back and calculate what I was most likely to say in the next second. It would have to do this on a spotty connection, at the same time as doing it for the couple million other people that were online. The amount of processing power that takes blows any supercomputer that I've heard of out of the water.

The other possibility, that the pads themselves are handling it, is even more crazy. It would mean each one is able to handle operations that I suspect would give the Cray Titan indigestion. That might be overstating how powerful each pad would have to be, but as I have not seen any evidence of predictive modelling in any computer news in the last few years, I am going to have to go with my gut.

But see, that's not the really scary part. Oh no, the really scary part is the fact that this technology exists. See, I remember back a few years ago to when a guy called Eliezer Yudkowsky did a test. He showed that if an AI was ever built that could reason decently, it could escape any man made containment and make it onto the net to do just about anything. The thing that scared me about the test that he performed is that it proved that anyone could be convinced to do anything. So, suddenly realizing that Equestria Online is capable of modelling my interactions with such a high degree of success is extremely worrying. It seems like it wouldn't take much to change the code so that I could be forced into any mindset the creators wanted me to be in.

This is tech that could win wars without a single shot being fired. It is the the ultimate goal in the war for hearts and minds. What on earth is it doing in a computer game?! Even more worrying, who else has this tech right now, and what are they doing with it?

Remember that earlier I said "First of all". Does that mean there's more? Turns out, there is! See, while the predictive modelling is the most scary, I can safely say that Celestia is an AI. Once I got thinking about the fact that she she doesn't have a dialog tree, and instead spoke to players directly, it was pretty obvious. Hofvarpnir doesn't have enough employees for the logistics to work out. I don't even think all of Hasbro has enough people employed. Also, we would have seen people blogging about it and heard leaks, no matter how awesome the non-disclosure agreement was.

So, this means that Hofvarpnir has both an AI, and real time predictive software. I don't believe that anything in this world is unique, so while they might be using it for something nice and non-evil like this game, what are the other people who have this technology doing? What wars are going on right now? How many of my decisions are my own, and how many are being forced on me by AIs and predictive modelling?

Is there any way to tell?

I will say this; I'm still sure that Forest Trails is another player. There is no way that Hofvarpnir has enough computing power to run two AIs, and even if they did they wouldn't be using them for random NPCs.

Something Else A Lot Less Worrying: Experiencing Equestria!

I started today’s session by spinning around in circles while waiting for Forest Trails to show up. Chatoyance said that there was an achievement for it, and I was kind of curious. I actually got caught up with how well the motion blur on the world looked, and ended up getting the achievement for falling over as well.

Of course, that was when Forest Trails showed up. She came from the back of the cave that we had explored the day before. When she arrived she just gave me a look and shook her head. “What are you doing?”

“Playing?” I said. I wasn't sure exactly how to say that I had gotten caught up in the graphics without looking silly. Sillier, at any rate.

She giggled. “So, have you figured out what what you want to do about the roc eggs yet?”

“Actually, I wanted to ask you some questions about that. I wasn't thinking yesterday, but I was talking it over and I realized I didn't know enough to make an informed decision.” I sat down on a rock and pointed at the eggs. “Are Rocs dangerous monsters?”

Looking at the nest

Forest Trails looked thoughtful for a second before shrugging, “Sort of. They occasionally attack houses to get building material for their nests, and don't much care for anypony they hurt in the houses when they lift them away. They don't eat ponies, but then again, most creatures know better than to attack ponies.”

I nodded, thinking that this meant the birds were a threat, but not evil. “Are they intellegent? If I remember right, ponies have agreements with cows and chickens. Are Rocs smart enough to reason with too?”

“Well, they're smart enough that they'll understand what you're saying, but they can't talk and they are extremely temperamental. Some ponies have managed to convince them to work with them, but the agreements never last long. The birdbrains always forget them, or just decide that they don't want to follow through on their end of the bargain.” She looked at me. “Are you thinking of trying to reason with it?”

“Well, I was considering it, but I'm not sure how I would go about it. I would feel wrong just stealing them though, since the Rocs are intelligent.” I stood up and started to pace.

Forest Trails shook her head, “I think you're over thinking this,” then she paused, “That said, now I can't stop thinking of the mother coming back to find her eggs missing. Now I don't want to take them either.” She glared at me, “And it would have been well worth it, too... Lots of bits for just a bit of work hauling them into Canterlot.”

“I was actually more interested in raising one myself,” I replied, “I would kind of like to raise one and befriend it.”

As we had been talking I had been pacing away from the eggs, and Trails had turned to look at me. I stopped when I saw something big and white roll up next to me. I swung around and there was the mother roc sitting in her nest looking at us. She must have landed silently while we were talking, and had pushed an egg in my direction.

Forest Trails turned and let out an “Eeep!”, taking several quick steps back to stand by me. I understood why. The Roc was huge. It was big enough that both Trails and I could have ridden on it, along with maybe four other ponies. It had dark wings, though not as dark as a raven or crow, and had the basic shape of an eagle. You know, if an eagle could have swallowed us in one gulp. I took one look and decided that I would not want to have to fight it until I was a much much higher level.

I looked down at the egg, and then back up at the mother, “Are you giving this to me?”

The roc gave a bob of its head and let out a crooning sound.

“I'll be sure to raise it well.” I had an impulse and decided to go with it, making Susland bow. “I am in your debt, and should you ever need assistance, you only ever need to ask and I shall return this favour.”

The roc let out a loud screech and bobbed its head once more. I picked up the egg, which was smaller than I would have thought considering how massive the roc was and turned and walked back the way we had come. Forest Trails paced me the entire way.

“I can't believe that worked,” she said when we were out of range of hearing.

“I'm right there with you. I'm not even sure what happened.” I glanced behind me even though there was nothing to see.

“I think,” Forest Trails said, “I finally know why Roc eggs are so expensive. I'm really glad we didn't steal it. It's one thing to see them from a distance, but another to actually be face to face with one.”

“Yeah. I think I'm ready to go and see Celestia now. We can find that book on how to raise a roc when we get to Canterlot.” I stopped talking as we carefully made our way down the platforming cave I had struggled with yesterday. It was easier going down than up, for which I was grateful. I didn't want to see if this game would model the effects of dropping a nearly hatched egg on stone.

“What are you going to name her?” Forest Trails asked when we reached the bottom.

I raised and eyebrow. “How do you know it's a her?”

“Mare's intuition!” she replied with her customary smirk returning.

I coughed. “But... that's not a thing! That's a myth propagated by people who are wise not wanting to explain how they reached their conclusions!”

We continued arguing about woman's intuition as we walked down the mountain. I honestly can't remember the entire argument, and I'm pretty sure it would bore everyone anyway. Suffice to say that neither of us won, but it was a lot of fun, anyway.

We are also fairly close to Canterlot now. I should be able to get there tomorrow, and I admit that I am really looking forward to it. I have a whole bunch of theories about Celestia that I want to try and disprove (as any good rationalist should).

A Short Wrap Up To The Events Of The Day

Normally, I would go on about something cool that I found in the game at this point. Unfortunately, today I used all the time I would do for that to flesh out the theories at the start of this post. I will say, though, that I really like the sound, and that I think that the speakers on the Pony Pad are as good quality as my hundred dollar speakers attached to my computer. They might even be better.

Achievements Achieved During This Play Session

First Pet – Get your first pet. Just remember to feed and water it!

Polly Want a Cracker? - Successfully bargain with a bird for the first time.

I Feel Dizzy – See the world go by again and again.

I Fall Down and Go Boom – See the world go by too many times in a row.