A Song a Day keeps the Blues Away

by Grey Faerie

They Call me...

Sometimes, the bakery can get slow. On other days, it's closed. On both occasion, the Cakes, Pinkie and sometimes discord, like to work on new flavors for cakes and pie and other pastries or desserts. I help. You break everything. No, I don't. Let me rephrase, you get around to breaking everything. Or, setting the kitchen on fire. I've been getting better. Not well enough.
Hey guys, whatca talking about? I was trying to tell a story about this one time Discord danced around the kitchen. Which time? I'm getting to it.
On one of the off days, Discord was working on how to put pop rocks into a pie without them popping. He had before made a Poison Joke cupcake. It had the cure in it. So, the effects lasted only 5-10 minutes. It was a perfect way to harmlessly prank friends or laugh at your own effects. It definitely is! A little bite of chaos. It's a big hit with everyone. Even, that stuffy spoil sport Celestia had a bite. Oh, I remember that! Hahaha, she turned pink.
It was funny. But, onwards. Discord was dancing around, humming a little tune to himself. He was trying hard to make the pie without any of his chaos powers. That would be cheating. And it changes the taste. Pinkie was lounging in the cafe part of the store. She was reading a book called Things unseen. It was about a boy who turns invisible.
I love that book. There's a few others I really like. Some I even read multiple times. Yeah, I'm that same way. But, let's talk more about books later. Ok? Totally. I like books. You like gawking at cake magazines like a horny teenager. Gah! I do not. You kinda do. Wha..never mind that. I love books. It should be obvious that I like a good tale. Twist endings are always a favorite of mine.
Yeah, sure. Now, Pinkie was reading a book when she became very interested in what song Discord has half humming, half singing. Is there a word for that? I don't think so. I'll make one up then. Sure.
Pinkie got up from her seat on the bench and walked over to the kitchen. You really can't call it a bench. It makes it sound like there's no padding on it. Aren't you suppose to be making up a new word?
When Pinkie came into the kitchen, she was met with the humorous sight of Discord dancing around with the bowl of pie filling and a whisk.
"Chuckle, what are you doing?" she asked.
"Have fun of course." he replied. Discord then went to mix the pie filling.
"What song were you sing? It sounds fun."
"Oh, just a little song I picked up when transversing the universe. Want to heard it?" he said.
"Of course!" Pinkie replied with glee.
With glee? Yes, with glee. That makes her sound like a dork. Oh, I'm soo sorry.
"Of course!" Pinkie replied with glee replied with excitement. Is that better? Meh.
Discord then went on to sing the Oogie Boogie song from Nightmare before Christmas.
That was so much fun! And it really fits him. It really does. That's why I remember it so well. I still don't quite get what Christmas is or who Santa's suppose to be. Christmas is a holiday to get presents, forcibly be with family, and do your good deeds of the year. Or so I think. I don't like holidays. They'd always changing or so random. When you live for so long, they just seem like excuses to do stuff. And Santa's like the spirit of generosity. If you're relatively good for the year, he'll come reward you with gifts. I think there's also something about believing. In what? Fairytales or something. Just keeping that childhood spirit alive.
That sounds nice. Much better than Hearthswarming Eve. What's wrong with Hearthwarming? I thought you loved it. I do. It's just that the origin and meaning are kinda...eh. If you really think about it, it's a holiday about how we either got to be nice to each other or be killed by windigos. Wow, I might start to like that holiday. Death is a real fun factor to it. I agree. Also, I love any holiday that involves free presents and lots of sweets.
I knew you would say that. So, Pinkie. You want to talk books or are you still busy coming up with your new word. I can put it off to later. Ooo, do you like books about sailors? With or without sexytime? Hehe, the normal without type. Sure.

Wasn't this chapter suppose to be about me? Oh, never mind. Pulls out a cake design magazine. Oooo, commence drooling. Gasp, they've got a fold out page!