An Angelic Soldier

by Korten

The Disappearances of Neighagra Falls Part 1

The Disappearances of Neighagra Falls Part 1

Like the first morning they arrived in Canterlot, Ember was the first to wake up. After doing her normal routine she headed over to Fiery’s room to find unsurprisingly, that he was still sleeping. Not wanting to waste time she sprinted over and instead of giving a gentle shake simply used her enhanced strength and lifted the pony up and dropped him back down to the bed. Fiery screamed and Ember just laughed.

“What was that for!?” he demanded to know.

She shrugged, “You were still sleeping and I didn’t want to wait too long for you to get your lazy ass up.”

“Pfff…” he simply stated unhappily. She pointed at the shower and he sighed, “Yeah- yeah. I know.”

It didn’t take long for him to shower and get ready. Afterwards they left together and headed towards the station. The snow was light in the morning and compared to the previous night wasn’t nearly as cold. Now that Hearth’s Warming Eve was over, people outside were starting to take down a lot of the festivities flair that had been up for the past week.

Before going to the station the two of them stopped at a general store and picked up some goods. Ember made sure to stock up on medical supplies and stored them in the cube. By this point all of her wounds had healed up and she was ready to go. However it was always good to be overly prepared rather than underprepared. They also made sure to stock up on food, more than simply apples.

Afterwards they got to the station and spotted Raven standing alone in a dark green and black cloak, “Lieutenant Ember, Slate, good morning you two.”

“Morning Raven, we just stopped and got some supplies before leaving,” Ember explained.

“I assumed as much when you weren’t here earlier. I too stocked up on supplies, and I believe he is also stocking up on some.”

He? Is she referring to the Unicorn that is coming with us? Just who is he?

Just as she was about to ask about him she suddenly heard a voice from above, “Watch out down below!”

She couldn’t react fast enough and suddenly felt something impact her back and sent her crashing into the ground. “Sorry my lady!” she heard the voice again but this time much closer… Like it was speaking from atop of her… The weight that had been on her back lifted and got off, she quickly stood up and looked down at what had impacted her.

A green fur stallion with a short blue mane and large red eyes and a horn atop his head stood facing her. “Ah you must be Ember! Pleasure to meet ya! I am Wishful Magic or as many call me, Crazy! I don’t know why. I was just testing my new spell, a mixture of teleportation and levitation and it didn’t work out to well as you can see. Oh dear I hope I didn’t hurt you, then again your armor looks tough so maybe the concern isn’t needed.”

Ember just directed her gaze at Raven, “Is this him?”

Raven simply nodded, “Call him Wish, he’s a bit crazy but he’s a lovable crazy.”

“I am not crazy! I am simply… very eccentric about my magic arts.”

“A crazy-level of eccentricity,” Raven insisted. “But that’s why your one of the best.”

Ember turned towards Fiery and he just shrugged. “Oh before I forget…” Raven spoke once more and dug into her saddle bag. “I got these for you three.” The mare pulled out three cloaks similar to hers, handed the first two to Fiery and Wish, and then handed the bigger one to Ember. She was surprised that it was made to fit her and perfectly fit over her armor.
“Wow, thanks. I am surprised that it fits me perfectly… I didn’t have anyone look over my figure or anything to give out measurements.”

Raven smiled, “We at the Night Corps are proud of our efficiently, we saw you in your normal clothes and simply went based on that. I am happy it worked out well. These are just in case we need to keep low. If this is bigger than we originally thought, it may be good to keep a low profile.”

Wish rolled his eyes, “I could simply use my invisibility spell but fine, I will use your cloaks. A tad bit more boring if I say so myself, why hide in the shadows when you can hide in the open?”

“Because that sort of magic takes quite a bit out of you… AND it doesn’t work all of the time, I’ve seen your reports. It goes on and off…”

Wish just scoffed it off. All together the four of them hopped on the train. Unlike their journey to Canterlot, there were no stops to the station outside Neighagra Falls. Raven explained that the station wasn’t in the village because of the terrain, near the village it was a mesh of lots of hills, trees, and rivers from the waterfalls.

Despite the Night Corps being part of the Canterlot military, due to their increased security and needing to stay undercover, they aren’t flown to their destinations on chariots as it’s a lot easier to be tracked by their enemies and as Raven stressed, the Night Corps has many enemies, not just the moles and dragons but ponies and some griffons as well. Although she did say that there are some griffons in the corps and they do sometimes work with some griffon military groups.

As they got seated the train began to move, seeing as they would be sitting with nothing much to do, Wish decided to make some small talk. “So, Ember, you’re a… Alien?”

Ember wasn’t surprised at the question, she had been asked it by various others, “I am, but to me, you’re the aliens.”

“Ah, so then it’s a matter of perspective is it not? I assume based on your rank of Lieutenant that you were in your military?”

Raven tilted her head, “Did you not read up on her before?”

“Reading? I may be one for magic testing and doing many… strange things but reading isn’t my forte.”

Raven just shook her head silently and turned away, but then Fiery spoke up. “You know Ember, you haven’t told me much about yourself. You told me your age and you trained me but I don’t know much about your history or were you’re from.”

Ember leaned back in her seat, “You ask me to divulge much information yet don’t give much yourself. For instance, Fiery, outside knowing that you ran from home and that you’re a blank flank, there isn’t much. For Wish next to you, I know even less.”

Wish still continued to persist, “See but your different. A being from another world, with technology generations ahead of our own. It’s far more intriguing to hear things from you- I mean I have a well… Colorful background but it’s not exactly unique in the Night Corps.”

Raven turned her gaze away from the window and back towards the group, “If Ember doesn’t wish to speak about it, then don’t pester her. If anything I am more surprised you aren’t pestering Slate, since he does have the ability to form and control fire, and not even a Unicorn.”

Wish looked at Fiery who was sitting next to him, “Now that is an interesting topic of discussion. I have been also quite curious about that since I heard about you two. Still no idea how you gained it? Most curious indeed… As much as I would love to see it in action, I realize that this is not the best place for it. Wouldn’t want to burn down the train, now would we?”

Fiery just shook his head. He was gaining a lot of control over it but he didn’t want to risk that.

Raven decided to change the subject, “How about we just stick to talking about this mission.., thoughts on it Ember, the disappearances and such?”

Ember folded her arms, “People disappearing mysteriously? Can’t say this is the first time I have dealt with such a thing. Assuming this is connected with what I and Fiery dealt with back in Santa Mane, then I think we might be dealing with an underground group of moles.”

“I just hope this doesn’t turn out like the Vanhoover incident a few years back, eh Raven?” Wish spoke.

“Don’t remind me… That was bad…” she spoke and could tell that Ember and Fiery were curious and decided to elaborate. “See before Princess Luna came back a year ago, the Night Corps was a much smaller and more disorganized group. However we still got shit done. In Vanhoover a similar incident to this was happening, people were going missing. But, unlike in Neighagra Falls were the people are still missing, in Vanhoover they would show back up- dead and hanging from street lights.”

“I recall that… The Vanhoover Murders, didn’t like twenty ponies die before those responsible got caught?” Fiery spoke.
Raven nodded, “It was bad. It wasn’t a single pony, but a group of crazed ponies. They believed they were being ‘told’ by some mysterious entity to kill it. Personally I think it’s just hogwash… All of those involved were already diagnosed with mental problems before the killings.”

“A mysterious entity? Did they ever say what it was?” Ember inquired.

“Nope. None of them ever spoke of what it was- so we just had to assume it was them being crazy. There wasn’t any evidence to suggest it wasn’t just them being psychopaths. But even I will give them credit; there are many strange creatures in this world. Discord, who is basically chaos incarnate, nearly a god.”

Ember remembered hearing about him from Princess Luna. The elements of Harmony helped stop him a year ago. From the tale she told, Discord almost reminded her of a weaker Dark God.

But a mysterious entity? Could it be what gave Fiery Slate his powers? Or was it another being on this world? So much we don’t know yet, it’s a bit maddening.

Raven continued, “We always try to stop such people before they act. Typically we’re quite good at that but they were quite organized. Although since Princess Luna has returned and take leadership of the Night Corps we have stopped other groups before they have gained public awareness. Outside the village of Neighagra Falls, no one’s knows about it.”

“I am impressed, due to your technology level- I would assume it would be a lot more difficult to keep such a range of control,” she replied, hoping they wouldn’t feel offended. Without things like digital communications that allow messages to be sent from across world systems, or even just fast communications from one person to the next, there would be an expected delay from the message being sent and arrival.

“To major cities and even to the most secluded places, we have members of the Night Corps who report to us frequently. We even have some dragons in the Corps; they feed us the most Intel they can.”

Even Dragons? Once again I am impressed by these ponies. They got quite the network of spies working under their belt. Like any good Black Ops group would.

“There’s something I’ve wanted to ask, why are they trying to overthrow the Equestrian government? Do they feel suppressed or something?”

Raven shrugged her shoulders, “That is still a mystery- from the Intel we have gathered they do indeed wish to take over Equestria. However, even with the Intel from our Dragon agents who are in the thick of things, the main reason is still unknown. Apparently the higher up of this operation are keeping their true intentions on the down low.”

Now Ember found that to be strange, “So they just started to rise up without reason? That seems a bit strange. Do we know if they’re working for someone else?”

Raven cocked an eyebrow, “Someone else? That is a possibility… Haven’t put much thought into that.”

“I wonder because where I come from,” she spoke and noticed instantly that Wish was leaning forward as if to hear better. “We have dealt with groups before that simply were the goons. Hired soldiers to do the dirty work of others and keep it secret.”

Wish looked disappointed that it didn’t delve into much specific information but Ember decided to share a bit more. “When I was just a kid, there was a civil war on a small planet known as Kasar. It seemed simple at first, one side was fighting for the leadership of Queen Daria, and the other were fighting to overthrow and install a new government. Both sides showed off their propaganda and it was hard to see the “good” guys in the situation, if there was at all. Queen Daria wasn’t perfect but she certainly wasn’t the worst.”

“Anyway, it soon became clear that there was more to this war than originally thought. The rebels who wanted to bring down the Queen were suddenly being funded- we didn’t know who was funding them at the time but they were getting really expensive and top of the line gear from somewhere. This was giving the rebels a boost over the loyalists. The loyalists however reached out to the United Alliance, or UA to look into the rebels suppliers.”

Wish decided to ask a question before she continued, “The United Alliance? Is that what you’re part of?”

Ember nodded, “Correct. The United Alliance is a multi-species alliance between various governments across the galaxy. A sort of peacekeeping group- but could also act as its own government and military if the situation calls for it- which is quite often. Well back to the story, at first the UA wasn’t sure to look into it, because they felt it was a war that they should solve themselves. Once some UA weapons and gear went missing and ended up in the hands of the rebels that was all the justification for the UA to look into them.”

“After months of investigating, it was learned that there was a large organization from another world that was pulling the strings and benefiting financially from the conflict but upon raiding one of their facilities we discovered they had their hands in conflicts happening across the galaxy, not just on Kasar. Not going to lie, but the UA did feel embarrassed that they hadn’t caught on to it until they hand their hands in over ten wars going on.”

Wish was happy, he had learned more about where she was from and some of the problems they face. “So what you’re saying Is that this maybe a group similar to that? Benefiting from the chaos?”

“I don’t know if that’s the case. As far as I can tell, there isn’t much of a way of benefiting from war like you can where I am from. All I can really say is that those who we fight may just be a façade, meant to keep us away from finding the source.”
“Who do you think the source could be?”

Ember shrugged, “I have no way of knowing. I am still new to this world; you three know more about here than I do.”
“I’ll admit there isn’t anything that readily comes to mind…” Wish admitted.

They continued to chat as the train moved down the mountain and down towards ground level. Fiery quickly dozed off and they didn’t both to wake him up. Raven told Ember that the reason they had no specific leads to go on was that their agent in the village had also gone missing, it was the reason they were being sent rather than anyone else. Because an agent has gone missing, the situation is deemed critical and of high importance because of the missing agent being such a rare occurrence.

As they got close to the station, Fiery woke up as the train stopped and frantically looked around “What? Are we there already?

Already? You’ve been sleep all of this time, I sometimes wonder if you have a sleeping problem,” Ember spoke, she quickly glanced outside and noticed there wasn’t a hint of snow of the ground, in fact it seemed a tad bit warmer. Which was odd considering they were further north, although she then did recall that they said that it snowed from the weather Pegasus and then wondered if there wasn’t any over here?

“I don’t have a sleeping problem, I just love to sleep. Is that too hard to understand?”

“Not really, but we’re about to be on our mission, sleep can wait… By the way, Raven, I noticed it’s not snowing here, why is that?”

Raven looked outside as did Ember, “That? You heard about Everfree forest right? How it has its own weather and such? How it doesn’t follow what we control?”

Ember nodded and Raven continued, “Well this is another place like that. It’s just not as dangerous. Very few monsters lurk here. Strange places indeed…” The Angel chuckled at that, and Raven tilted her head, “What’s funny?”

“Well what you consider abnormal, I consider normal. See every planet I have been to before have their weather controlled naturally by uncontrollable forces. There are no weather ponies to control when it rains; snows and we don’t clean up our snow either.”

Wish looked horrified, “What!? How do you people live, I would be scared if I had to live where we had no control.”

“For us it’s normal. We can predict what weather will come, but we can’t do anything to change it without seriously harming the environment. Our Sun and Moon or even Moons, are also uncontrollable. However unlike the weather, they’re extremely predictable. See, we rotate around our sun, and the moon around our world. However the world is also rotating, so that’s why there is the illusion of the sun rising and setting. In reality it’s not moving, we’re.”

It was a hard concept for Wish to comprehend as just as every pony, they know that Celestia rises and sets the sun and Luna rises and sets the moon and before them, the ancient unicorns did it, but never did they move on their own. However from what Ember stated, it was clear that their planet was the abnormal as all other planets follow what she said. He could only hope to eventually go to a planet and see this “natural” weather and planetary rotation for himself.


The four of them stood up and headed out the doors. They were the only four getting off the train, the rest going to either the Hollow Shades or Manehattan. As they stepped down the wooden steps of the station, the train once more set off. Leaving them as the only living souls in the area and with no quick escape if anything was to go FUBAR.

Getting on the wooden path they began to make their long walk to the village. A river of water flanks their right and trees on the left. However looking ahead, the amount of trees triples and the path begins to twist and turn and go up and down hills.

While walking, Ember continued to scan the area with her helmet’s interface. Just for safe measure she brought out her pistol. Wish watched the weapon and notice it was similar to something the Griffons have been working on, but more crude and larger. Ember was surprised at that, she hadn’t expected them to start getting guns for a while longer. “I wonder if I will ever get to see what the Griffons are working on,” she replied.

“The Griffons are quite militaristic, they put more of an emphasis on developing weapon technology than we do,” he said. “Some fear that it may lead to their domination of the world, but so long as Celestia keeps ties with them good, I don’t think we will have to worry about it. At least, not for a while.”

“Heh,” Raven spoke. “Griffons are militaristic but outside conflicts in the past, they don’t seem to wish for more territory. They’re on the border of Zebra territory, but the Griffons own most of their continent. With their current economic and social problems, I think expansion is the last thing on their mind. Not to mention we both benefit from trading. If we were to stop trading, their economic problems would worsen.”

“But if they took over us wouldn’t they be able to simply manufacture the goods they would normally import from us? That would generate jobs, and they wouldn’t have to pay for imports.”

Raven shook her head, “In theory, yes, they could do that. But they would lose revenue from us importing their goods. However while they’re more militaristic and superior in military technology, we out number them 2 to 1, and with our magic they would lose a good amount of people before they could successfully take control. There isn’t much reason to keep it in mind because it’s never going to happen. Lastly, like I said before, we have some Griffons working for us and they can alleviate those fears.”

Wish smiled, “But I like to theorize. It’s a fun thinking exercise. Plus I can’t stop thinking and theorizing about every little thing.”

“It can also make one very paranoid, if you’re going to theorize, do so about who is ultimately behind this Mole-Dragon alliance.”

“Fine,” he simply said and looked away and Raven just sighed.

Fiery kept quiet as he just took in the wilderness around them as he had never been in this area before and so it was new. When he had left his parents, he had gone south and never north, so for him this was all new terrain. Personally he was found of discovering new places, because with new places there was a sense of wonder and mystery that is lost once you see all of its secrets. He had only heard about Neighagra Falls before and it was one of the places he wanted to visit as it has the largest falls in the known world.

With that, he couldn’t care at all about the economic and political situations of any country, even of his own. So as he walked he ignored the conversation. Although if he didn’t at least care of the wellbeing of his country from terrorist groups, then he wouldn’t have signed up for the Night Corps in the first place, he just can’t be bothered by the politics of it all.

As for Ember, being a soldier she had one purpose. To fight to keep the galaxy at piece and so she felt it was really useful to keep tabs on the current political and economic situations of the United Alliance colonies and neighbors. Sometimes she felt soldiers, on her side and enemy sides are blinded to the truth and really understand what they’re fighting for. Knowing what each side believes in and what lead to the conflict really gives a person perspective and what is right and wrong.

Even in the past she had questioned the United Alliances actions before. Just like all of the other sides, they aren’t perfect but they get things right. Most of the time at least. She was at least lucky enough to not take part in the conflicts that did involve the UA fucking up. However her step-father had, and he had told her stories of the things they had to do, the things he wasn’t proud of but wasn’t hiding from them.

Around 1600 Hours, they arrived just outside the village. All of them put their cloaks on and it made them harder to see. They were deep in the forest near the falls now and there wasn’t much light getting through, just occasional sun ray through the breaks in the trees above. Through the trees she could see with her visor animals watching and then scurrying away as if in fear.

As they got closer they could see the small houses coming into view through the trees. There was a clear opening where the houses are. Once they stepped through a small gate that Ember could have easily hopped over, they entered the village. They could see some ponies walking about, others talking with each other. Not nearly as crowded as Canterlot but there was clearly some life in this town. Ember noticed the houses seemed more in tune with Nature than the Canterlot homes, in that many of them looked like they were made of a hollowed out tree.

“Just who are you folk?” An old stallion walked up to the group, not caring about the bipedal creature.

Raven decided to speak for the group, “Hello. We’re from Canterlot, here to investigate the disappearances that have been reported around here recently. Do you know anyone we could talk to on more information about this or yourself possibly?”

He just shook his head, “Sadly, I can’t help you. But you best go to talk to Rocky Autumn, his wife was one of the ponies who have vanishes. I do hope you can aid our village, we’re afraid if anypony find out about this than we will lose visitors. It’s the only thing that keeps our village relevant.”

Raven could sympathize, “We will. Thank you for your aid.”

“It’s no problem, just keep up the good work,” the stallion spoke as he walked off.

Ember then realized something but only too late as the old stallion had already walked off, “We forgot to ask him what Rocky Autumn looks like.”

Raven went wide eyed, “Shit.”

Wish just laughed, “I guess we will need to ask around. How about we split up and reconvene here in thirty minutes?”
“You sure about splitting up?” Fiery spoke. “Ember here might just scare away anyone she tries to talk to.”

“I hadn’t thought about that, mind just sitting here and waiting?” Raven asked Ember.

Ember shrugged, “I guess I can do that.” She decided to just sit down on a nearby bench that was more or less a log cut in half. With that the rest of them wondered off and out of her view. Sitting there she tried to keep her mind off of her current problems and on the mission. That was one of the problems of just sitting about doing nothing; your mind is more likely to wander off to either nothing of significance or something you rather keep away.

What was the point of pondering what has already passed? It didn’t help, only made her angry and sad of what could have done differently. But it was the present, nothing could be changed. It was better to look forward and try to learn from the mistakes rather than obsessing over them and nothing ever changing.


Fiery wondered about the village alone with his cloak still up looking for Rocky Autumn. He could see some fillies playing around a fallen tree that seemingly didn’t have a care in the world, maybe even oblivious so the dangers that are rising. Back when the days were simple and there wasn’t a care in the world, but then again, Fiery would argue that he didn’t have those days. Even from early on there was always some sort of strife in his life.

All of it could be traced back to one simple fact, his blank flank. Raven has her shadow cloak, a symbol of her ability to travel in utter stealth. Niche ability but it is perfect for her job. Wishful Magic is a lot less niche and not exactly the most unique, his is well simply a wand with magic at the top. It was useful in many ways, as was magic in general for Unicorns.

However he had to admit, while being a blank flank was a big negative for a while, he wasn’t minding it so much recently. Ever since he came across Ember, it was slowly going away from his mind, and with his new found fire ability it was starting to feel like the shackles of being a blank was breaking down. What much did it matter if he doesn’t have a cutie mark? If he can use his ability to defend pony kind, and maybe even from that a cutie mark may arrive.

Turning his gaze to other things in the village he came across a group of ponies talking with lower voices and almost disheartened expressions upon their faces. As he got closer two of them wondered off leaving one stallion with an orange coat, grey mane and eyes, standing alone. Seeing as Fiery had no one else to ask, he walked up to the stallion and asked a simple question, “Are you Rocky Autumn?”

The stallion looked up with his blank expressions and from a closer view he could tell that this pony had gone through much grief if just from his eyes. “Yes,” he said nodding. “I am Rocky Autumn, is there something you need?”

He wanted to apologize before asking but this wasn’t a time to beat around the bush, “I am actually here to ask about your wife. I heard she had gone missing. Can you give any information about her disappearance?”

Rocky’s expression narrowed and he could tell the pony was angrier, “What do you care? Who are you anyway to ask such a question?”

Fiery was taken a back from this sudden hostility and even stepped back a bit, “I am Fiery Slate, I am here with some friends to investigate the disappearances and see if we can find them.”

The anger began to leave Rocky after hearing that, “You’re really looking into them? Trying to find them?”

Without a word Fiery just nodded and that was all Rocky needed to see to open up, “Thank you… Truly… My wife, Starry Portrait had gone up to the falls as she had done many times. You see she was an excellent artist and did enjoy the moonlight. Always she went, but then she didn’t come back one day. She never gave specifics but if there was one thing she was always interested was a cave.”

“A cave?”

Rocky nodded, “Yes. You see on the closest waterfall to this village, there is a stony path leading up to behind the falls. Many don’t see it as many trees block this otherwise clear path, so many don’t even know it exists. But she was always curious. I don’t know if that helps but if there was a place to look that would be it…”

Fiery was about to speak when Rocky continued, “I… I always wanted to go looking. But I’m just afraid; I love her so much but… I’m a coward. I didn’t want to go and possibly lose myself. When more ponies began to go missing, I began to feel if it was my fault. Had if I gone and possibly helped Starry before this happened, maybe just maybe. Or it’s possible I may have vanished along with them.”

“Rocky, not everyone is a hero. Personally I am new to this whole aiding people business. Literally just started- but I understand that it’s not a thing for everyone. I really had conflicting thoughts if I had done the right thing. Don’t punish yourself over this, we will get her back. Just try and stay strong, so when she comes back, you will be right there waiting.”

A tear ran down Rocky’s face, “Thank you… I will try to stay strong. Thank you Fiery.”

Fiery simply nodded once more and turned away from Rocky, and headed in the direction of Ember. Maybe he wasn’t supposed to, but he now felt more obligated to complete this mission. Now more than ever. A stallion, an innocent one’s, life was torn asunder by this and it was up to them to restore the balance and give the people of this village back some semblance of normalcy. It’s a heavy burden but if there was one thing Fiery felt proud about it, was that he had friends to stand up with him.


Fiery was the first to arrive and he explained what he had learned to Ember. She was impressed and while she didn’t say it to his face, had expected either Wish or Raven to find Rocky first and speak with him. Ember patted him on the head and he smirked. Shortly after, when the thirty minute timer went off, both Wish and Raven appeared at the same time and Fiery explained to them what he had learned from Rocky.

Raven and Wish then went on to say that while they didn’t get to talk with him themselves that they both learned also about other disappearances and how they all were around the same areas of the falls. They had spoken to the relatives of the ponies that had gone missing and it backed up what the initial statement from their agent in the village had said. At first Raven wanted to just go there but realized that with the agent also missing that it may be good to get some more details before running in blindly.

However now was the time to go forth and try and find the ponies that had vanished. Leaving the village through the back entrance they began to make their way to the falls which resulted in them going down elevation wise. As they got closer they could hear the roaring sounds of the falls but still couldn’t see them over the vastness of the trees that surrounded the group. It was almost like a maze, as the paths began to be covered by brush and the way they had just come from was just a blur among the waving branches of trees and leaves that fall from above.

Although they eventually came to their destination, the Neighagra Falls. They exited the tree line to the edge of a lake that the falls exited into. The falls were like nothing Ember had ever seen before and she had seen waterfalls before. They stretched out for miles ahead of them and they reached miles up. The amount of water that was going through the area was staggering. She quickly let her helmet fold and let the mist and breeze that was being generated touch her skin.

It was a majestic sight; one that she wished could show to her squad as was her friends she had made since her arrival. However while the sight was nice, the group quickly began to make their way around the river and to the waterfall that is closest to the village. It didn’t take long and they could soon see where the trees blocked the path. Managing their way around the obstacle, they stepped onto the stony path that lead upwards and closer to the raging waterfall.

So loud was the noise that none of the group could even hear each other. Although for Ember she was able to use her helmet to block out the noise and she smiled at that. Upon reaching behind the waterfall they soon saw the entrance to the cave and it wasn’t as small as Fiery thought as it was easily big enough for a large group of people to walk into side by side.

One step into the cave revealed it was very moist which came to no surprise because of its location. Another thing was that it was very dark with no lights which could be either very bad or very good. It could be bad in that it’s a trap or no one has gone in here and it’s a cold lead, or it could be good because the enemies that may lurk inside don’t know about this entrance or didn’t believe anyone would find the entrance and thus left it empty.

“I think we should get this operation going, shall we?” Raven spoke as she stepped forward into the cave.

Ember nodded in agreement, “Yes, let’s.”