//------------------------------// // chapter one . // Story: gay bar . // by GhostAmi //------------------------------// By the time it's seven am, there's this giant fuck of a man in my bed and he's snoring very loudly and I really really really would like to kick him out but it's too early. I brush over my rainbow dye hair (that's began to fade... I should probably fix that at some point) His snores penetrate my ears a lot harder than he did with me in bed for some reason. I try to wiggle my way out of bed but his hands are wrapped around me very tightly. He's mumbling something in his sleep. Something about me belonging to him or some shit I don't even know. He also thinks he can control me and my sexual experiences. There's something really fucked up about this guy and I have absolutely no fucking idea why the fuck I slept with him. Probably because I was drunk. Maybe. Anyways seven am and it's Friday. So the guy is gone now, (his name is... Rex? Reynold? Ryan? It was an R. Actually no, his name is Flash Sentry. Or something.) which is good because I need to shower and wipe the smell of him off of me. (I'll give him that, he smells pretty good). Warm water rushes my nubile body (yes I consider it nubile, yes I'm proud of that fact) and I wash over my breast and for some reason I remember how it feels when she touched me. It was nice and soft and warm and loving. Such a shame she's not into me anymore. It is what it is. My cell phone rings and it's Applejack on the other line. "Rainbow, what's up? Any plans for the weekend?" Her voice has that country twang I'm used to. It puts me at ease. "Nothing. I've been in a funk lately. Kind of just want to get a drink and do nothing." "Mind if I join you? I'd rather you not go out alone." "Well sure.I do trust you with my life in case rapist try to get at me in my drunken stupor like in the past. I'm going to a gay bar though since I frequent there if that's no problem." "Ah that's no problem with me. Hey I also heard you slept with someone last night." I raise my eyebrow. "Who the hell told you that?" There's a pause. Then she clears her throat. "Was it Pinky again?" My voice trying my very best to remain calm even though it pisses me off I sent her that text drunk. "Yeah. Yeah it was. I mean she only told me it was a rebound thing since you and Spitfire split this week." Now I'm thinking about her in my shower, her body pressed against me. It makes me sick and horny and I long for it but I'm not going to get it so I try not to think about it. "Right. I'll pick you up later tonight, okay? Should we invite anyone else?" I ask hoping she knows I only want to go with her. She's the only one I really tolerate next to Twilight and even then she can be kind of annoying. (Rainbow has a habit of defending me and my sexual orientation as if I need to be defended. Spoiler alert: I don't.) "Sounds good to me Dash. I'll see you then." She hangs up and I try my best not to think about her but I already am and now I'm in her sweatshirt and fuck. * * * When I pick up Apple Jack, she's wearing her usual night clothes. Denim jacket, plaid button up, denim cut offs and leggings. She's also wearing boots and they're new and cute. She always did have good taste in fashion for being a country gal who works all the time. I wonder how she handles it. She slides in my car and the sounds of Arctic Monkeys are blasting through. I'm in the night drive mode where everything is loud and my vision is tunnel and all I want to do is just run someone off the road. She pulls out a cigarette in the car. I nod over at her. She stares blankly at me. "Do you want me to put it out...? "No. Actually can you give me a cigarette and kiss me?" She nods, pulling out a cig and placing it against my lips. I accept while keeping my eyes on the road and hands on the wheel. Then she lights her cig and lights my cig with her cig. She's the only person I trust to cigarette kiss me. For all the shit I kind of give Apple Jack for being a working girl who has no fun, I would sleep with her. She's got a nice curvy body. She's sexy when she wants to be. But at the same time she's like a sister to me. "So what's the plan for the night? Going for another rebound?" She's focusing on her phone now. "Seems like it. I'm kind of done with commitment right now. Just done with it all, you know? I just want to sleep with people because it's fun, exciting." "Do you enjoy sleeping with girls or guys?" I stop at a red light and think about that. Sleeping with men is great. They're big and protective and sometimes that's all I need from someone. They make me feel good in all the ways a man should make me feel. But women are kind and gentle and they understand the human body. They understand my needs. It makes sense that way. "I don't know Apple Jack. I really just don't know." Red light turns green. And we're off. * * * When we arrive at the bar, the neon sign that should be flashing pink and green is only flashing black and blue. Switch. Switch. Switch. Seems to accurate describe my sex life. It's fun. One minute I'm being dominated by a guy with his hands around my throat and for that split moment I feel like he's going to kill me and it's pure, there's nothing diluting it, it's pure. And then the next moment I want to choke a woman (or man) out with rope as I ride him vigorously and possibly hold a knife up to him forcing him to continue or else I'll kill him. From sub and dom in a matter of seconds. It's the spice of life according to Job. We arrive and Ocativia and Vinyl are preparing their orchestra dubstep performance.. It's one of the better performances I've seen at this venue and the two always kiss before they perform as if it's some sort of good luck ritual. Sometimes I wish I had a love like theirs. Then I remember I did. I don't think about it. I just head straight for the bar and pass by the usual girls macking on girls dodging guys who are trying to mack on girls. Apple Jack crosses beside me and sits with me. "What are you having? I'll treat you." I grin at the gesture. "Get me a Whiskey. The hardest stuff you got." So maybe whiskey wasn't the greatest idea because this shit is disgusting. But Apple Jack is paying and she's watching me, almost expecting me to say something to her but I keep pouring them into my mouth and she keeps staring at me. I'm a bit buzzy right about now but I'm okay for the moment. There's a strange man sitting next to me and then it dawns on me that she's not looking at me but she's looking at him and she's been listening to him talk the entire time. I turn over and smile best I can because it's polite and I'm trying. "...And that's what I do." His voice, when I begin to actually listen, is smooth and calm. He's casually dressed with glasses and scruff. He doesn't look my type but then again I've prided myself on not having a type. Hey, you're hot, let's fuck. That's my M.O. I look over at Apple Jack and mouth what is even happening? She grins. "Hey Joe. This is my friend Rainbow Dash. You can call her Rainbow." He extends his hand and I weakily try to grab his but I think the whiskey is getting to me and this is bad. "Nice to meet you Joe. What brings you to a gaysbars?" My speech is slurring. Fuck, get it together. He notices and snickers. "Well it's nice to meet you. I'm just here for conversation and a drink. I'm not gay or anything. Are you gay?" I blink at him. "Yes. Well no. I don't have a label, I just sort of go with anyone whom I like. Guys, girls." He stares at me blankly, confused almost. "So you date guys, correct?" I blink at him. Maybe it's the whiskey talking but I'm getting agitated with that question. I sigh, "You are aware we're in a fucking gay bar right? Why the fuck are you even trying to pick up girls here?" "Well, sometimes girls here are straight and you seemed straight." "I seemed straight?" He grabs his drink, glares at me, and walks away. Fucking prick. But now the drinks are really messing with me and before I know it Apple Jack is helping me out of the bar and the world is spinning and * * * I wake up in my car. Apple Jack is sitting beside me and smiles. "Oh good, you're awake. I just drove you to your place. Do you need help getting inside?" I look around and realize, yes I am home now. I unbuckle my seatbelt and step outside to the cold breeze touching my face and it feels great. Apple Jack steps out and helps me up the stairs and suddenly we're in the apartment and I'm lying in bed. Apple Jack sits in the chair beside my bed and sighs. "Dude, I was totally going to hook him up with you. You had a rebound, it would have been great, girl." I sit up and look at her and wow she's pretty so I lean over and give her a big kiss on the lips. She stares at me baffled, wiping her lips but I kiss her again. She's resisting me but I pull away and tell her I need her right here, right now. And something happens. She kisses me back and suddenly she's on top of me and this is perfect and this is great. Her hands are rough like a man's but her body feels curvy and soft like a woman and I feel like I'm going to die from the pleasure of her tongue racing against my neck. "I've always wanted to do this with you Rainbow." She seems extremely sincere. No lying. I kiss her, then bite her neck, then pull her shirt off revealing her voluptuous breasts hanging over my face. "Thanks for coming with me to the bar." And then I delve into her.