On Wings of Grace

by Midnight Solace

Ch 6: Old Friends and New Enemies

Winter was laying on her couch next to Rainbow Dash, who was nestled against her side, asleep. It had not taken long for the results of Winter’s magical outburst to disappear, leaving behind many questions in the minds of Ponyville’s residents. Luna sat in a chair across from Winter, listening to Twilight Sparkle and her sister argue outside the door. It didn’t sound good at all. She knew that Winter could hear the words being spoken, but at the same time knew that she was more concerned with other things, such as the young cyan mare asleep at her side. Winter lowered her head so that she could nuzzle Rainbow’s cheek. Rainbow mumbled happily as Winter draped a wing over her form.

“She is unpredictable and dangerous. She must be taken to Canterlot for observation so that she won’t cause any harm!” yelled Celestia, pacing back and forth in front of Twilight, who stood her ground and gave Celestia a steely glare. “Won't cause any harm to you, you mean. She is not some object to be kept in a vault and watched. She is her own pony and she is not somepony you can just order around.” argued Twilight, placing herself protectively in front of Winter’s door. “I AM HER PRINCESS!” yelled Celestia, stamping her hoof as if she were some foal throwing a temper tantrum. “You are A princess. So is she. You can’t just assume you can tell everypony what to do. You do not have the right.” yelled Twilight, her mane starting to glow a soft orange as her anger grew. Celestia was stunned at how Twilight had just spoken to her. “You will not speak to your princess that way.” said Celestia, using her full regal force to try and force Twilight to submit. But Twilight just countered using her own regal power, her mane now appearing as a burning flame. “You’re not my princess anymore. Now. Get out!” commanded Twilight using her own magic to open the door and force Celestia out, practically throwing the princess onto the muddy ground outside. Celestia just looked back as the door slammed shut, a shocked and angry expression on her face. “Twilight Sparkle, you will regret those words. That is a promise.” snarled Celestia as she flared her wings and took flight.

Chrysalis watched the exchange from the shade of the trees, shocked by Twilight’s expulsion of princess Celestia, as well as Celestia’s hateful last words. She felt a twinge in her hive-mind, something that almost felt like… gloating. But she ignored it and instead stepped forward out of the brush. “Twilight Sparkle, I presume.” said Chrysalis, still unsure of whether approaching the angry mare was a good idea at the moment. Twilight turned her burning gaze onto Chrysalis, before it turned to one of confusion and irritation. “Oh. It’s you. What do you want Chrysalis?” demanded Twilight, too irritated to do more than glare at the changeling. Twilight had pretty much made peace with Chrysalis a few years after the Canterlot invasion, though that wasn’t to say they were friends, or anywhere near it. They were more like mutual acquaintances.

Of course, Celestia had been most adamant about the fact that Twilight had settled things with Chrysalis, saying that they should not have to go crawling on their bellies to those insects, begging for forgiveness. The rift between Celestia and Twilight Sparkle had formed during that argument and has only been growing worse since. The events of tonight were just the final breaking point. All of Equestria and even some of the neighboring nations knew of the increasing tension between the two princesses, and some were even worried about what would happen should the two princesses decide to break away from each other. Some feared war would soon follow as the factions backing princess Celestia and the factions backing princess Twilight fought for control of Equestria. Those who could remember feared a repeat of the War of Sun and Moon, when Celestia and Luna had first fought and Luna was banished. All of Equis was on edge, uncertain of how things would turn out.

“I’ll ask again Chrysalis. What do you want?” asked Twilight. Chrysalis snorted, barely stifling a laugh at seeing the normally so uptight and organized princess so out of sorts. “Why, can’t I simply stop by and see an old friend.” mocked Chrysalis. Twilight huffed, not in the mood to deal with the changeling’s antics. “I’ve told you this before Chrysalis. We are not friends; all we are is allies in case of emergency and that’s it.” said Twilight, turning to shut the door on the changeling. “But I was not speaking of you. I was talking about dear Winter.” said Chrysalis. Those words froze Twilight’s feet to the ground and she turned to face the changeling queen, who was now making her way up the steps towards the door. Before she could cross the threshold however, Chrysalis was encompassed by a light purple glow, lifting her off her feet and bringing her face close to Twilight’s. “What do you know about Winter?” demanded Twilight, putting a slight amount of pressure on the queen. “We’re old friends, like I said. Just let me see her and I’ll explain.” said Chrysalis, her facing turning slightly blue as she tried to breathe. Twilight eyed her for a bit before gently letting her down. “Fine, but if you do anything to try and hurt my friends, you will pay.” said Twilight, walking through the door with Chrysalis right behind her.

Winter had just finished moving off the couch without waking Rainbow when she heard Twilight yell at Celestia, telling her to leave. She looked at Luna, about to ask if she had heard the same thing, only to see tears streaming down the night princess’s face, a pained and sorrowful expression showing. Luna was not crying because Celestia had been cast out. She was crying because she knew why she had been cast out. Celestia’s stubbornness and unwillingness to accept something she could not control had always gotten her in trouble with others. Even when they were fillies, Celestia always had to be in control and always freaked out when she lost it. Luna had thought that old habit buried when Celestia became Princess of Equestria, but was now seeing signs of its still strong presence in her sister, and she was worried about the implications that discovery meant. Luna was going to have to have a talk with her sister.

The door to the room opened and Twilight entered, a scowl adorning her features. And following close behind her was a pseudo-pony Winter never thought she’d see again. “Chryssie.” said Winter before galloping over and nuzzling the side of Chrysalis’s face, not believing it was truly her old friend. “Hello Winter. It is wonderful nice to see again after so many years.” said Chrysalis returning the nuzzle. Luna was eyeing the changeling warily, but at the same time her curiosity was piqued by her presence and seemingly close relationship to Winter. “What are you doing here Chrysalis?” asked Luna. “What? I can’t come and visit an old friend I didn’t even know was alive until a few moments ago.” said Chrysalis, lying down on the cushion Winter set on the floor for her. “Your… old friend?” asked Luna, questioningly. Chrysalis nodded, another smile spreading across her fanged face. “Indeed. I owe her my life after all. And she was the first real friend I ever made.” said Chrysalis as she settled into a comfortable position. Twilight and Luna looked at each other, shocked by this new information. “Tell us.” said Twilight. So Chrysalis began to recount her experiences with Winter, starting with their first encounter.

Zurgis had watched Queen Chrysalis walk inside the cottage with the ponies, completely of her own free will and smiled to himself. “She is friends with the ponies.” thought Zurgis, a disgusted tone attached to the thought. The hive-mind connected to him recoiled as the thought surged across the connection. They were both shocked and angry, although a large part of the hive was content, almost happy that their queen was more than willing to make peace with the ponies. Zurgis considered that part of the hive the part that was weak and unworthy to be part of the new queen’s glorious kingdom once Chrysalis was deposed. And after watching the purple pony toss the one known as princess Celestia into the mud and then Celestia’s furious exit, Zurgis knew exactly how to work their conflict to the hive’s advantage. He silently laughed to himself as he slipped back into the shady woods, already plotting his route towards Canterlot.