Fighting is Magic: Story Mode (Background Six Edition)

by Lance Skyes

Doctor Whooves: Doctor Whooves vs Derpy

The stage was packed with ponies of different colors, types, and gender. Some of the eliminated fighters were mixed in as well, and there was not one seat in the audience that was not filled. This newly constructed stadium in the heart of Canterlot served as the final stage of the tournament.
The loud cheering and thunderous applause was deafening, but it seemed like nothing to Princess Celestia as she addressed the crowd.
“Fillies and gentlecolts, foals of all ages,” Princess Celestia announced, “after seven rounds of intense fighting and pulse pounding action, it gives me great pleasure to introduce our two finalists. In one corner, we have Doctor Whooves, an adventurous stallion with many secrets, including his very name.”
The spotlights turned to the far left area of the stage where The Doctor was standing. He accepted the attention by waving to the audience and even blowing a couple of kisses.
“And in the other corner, we have Derpy Hooves, a kind and friendly mail mare with a pure heart and a kind soul.”
The spotlights turned to the other side of the arena where Derpy stood. At first, she was eating a muffin, but she quickly put it away and smiled at the audience when she realized that the spotlight was on her.
“Only one of these ponies will emerge victorious and earn the right to face me for the prize,” Celestia said. “So, without further ado, let’s get this show on the road!” The audience erupted into applause that was so loud, it could be heard for miles.
“It’s good to see you again, Doctor,” Derpy said to her old friend. “No offence, but I thought these combat tournaments weren’t your kind of thing.”
“They aren’t,” The Doctor gladly replied. “This one just kind of... called me, I guess. Honestly, though, I never expected to make it his far with as little experience as I have.”
“Well I’m glad you made it, Doctor. However, you heard what Princess Celestia said. Only one of us can come out of this victorious.”
“Of course, so let’s find out who it will be.”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way. But don’t think I’m gonna go easy just because we’re friends. We’ve been on enough adventures together for you to know that I can handle myself well.”
“What would possibly make you think I’ve forgotten that?”
As the two fighters finished their conversation, Princess Celestia addressed the crowd once again. “Now then, a simple coin toss will determine which stage the fighters will battle on.” Celestia then used her magic to launch a coin into the air. She let it come back down and then picked it up to look at it. “It’s tails, so with the help of the tournament officials, Derpy’s stage will be recreated.” She then instructed the unicorns to light up their horns and channel their magic into a special machine.
Within seconds, the background changed from a state-of-the-art stadium with thousands of screaming fans to a location that looked like it was in Cloudsdale. Of course, with the help of a protective spell cast by Princess Celestia, The Doctor did not fall through the clouds as he was initially afraid he would.
“Fighters, are you ready?” Princess Celestia asked the two combatants. Both ponies nodded their heads to indicate that they were ready. “Round 1, fight!”

Derpy wasted no time using her wings to propel herself forward using her wings to deliver the first strike. The Doctor was barely able to sidestep Derpy’s charge, but Derpy had expected this and quickly flipped around to kick The Doctor in the face. The Doctor was caught completely off-guard and stumbled back from the hit. “Not a bad hit, Derpy,” The Doctor said, rubbing his chin. “But you know as well as I do that-”
“-you’ve come back from worse than that,” Derpy finished. “Don’t think I was never paying any attention just because both eyes weren’t focused.”
“I never thought so.” The Doctor then rushed up and tried to give Derpy a mid-level punch in order to start a combo. However, Derpy blocked this attack, cancelling the combo and leaving The Doctor open for an attack. Derpy rushed in to take her shot, but The Doctor recovered quicker than Derpy anticipated and was able to counter her charge with an uppercut. This attack caught Derpy off-guard and flipped her right onto her back. The Doctor then picked Derpy up and threw her into the magical barrier surrounding the arena. Derpy slowly got up but was far from done with the fight.
The fight went on for a while and both fighters accumulated a decent amount of bumps and bruises. However, strangely enough, both of them had plenty of stamina left in them. “I never thought you’d put up this good of a fight, Doctor,” Derpy said to her friend.
“Same here,” The Doctor replied.
“Of course, we both know who’s going to win here, don’t we?”
“A foal and her money are parted, I believe the saying is.”
“We’ll see about that.” Derpy then flew up into the air and began flinging nearby clouds down at The Doctor. He was able to dodge a couple of them, but he was at a disadvantage against the barrage of projectiles.
“There’s no way I can beat this,” The Doctor said to himself. “Unless...” Quickly dodging another cloud, The Doctor pulled out his Sonic Screwdriver, kissed it for good luck, and aimed it right at a cloud that was flying his way.
“What the hay?” Derpy shouted as she saw what The Doctor had just done. Somehow, his Sonic Screwdriver was able to manipulate clouds in the same way that pegasi could with their hooves.
“Ooh, clever,” The Doctor said to himself. “I like clever.” He then used his Screwdriver to gather several clouds around him and hurl them right at Derpy. The poor pegasus was unable to block the attack and was quickly pelted with the rain and hailstones contained within the clouds The Doctor had launched. With hardly another word, she fell to the clouds below, defeated.
“KO!” Princess Celestia announced. “The winner of round 1 is Doctor Whooves!”
“You alright, Derpy?” The Doctor asked as he galloped up to where Derpy lay.
“I’m fine,” Derpy replied, getting up and shaking off the excess water that had soaked her from The Doctor’s attack. “I didn’t know you could do that with your Sonic Screwdriver.”
“Neither did I,” The Doctor replied. “But you know me. I usually make up my plans as I go along.”
“You’re as resourceful as ever, Doctor, but you won that round by luck. I know that you can manipulate clouds with your Sonic Screwdriver now, and I’ll be ready for your attacks.”
“Fine by me. I feel awful I beat you by luck, anyway.” Just as The Doctor said this, Princess Celestia healed both fighter’s wounds and restored their stamina. “I guess that’s our cue. Whaddaya say, Derpy? Wanna give these ponies the show of their life?”
“Saving worlds from monsters, robots, and now even boredom? Wow, are you one hyperdrive or something?”
“What can I say? This tournament makes me feel like I’ve regenerated, minus the part where the old me dies.”
“Fighters, are you ready?” Princess Celestia announced. “Round 2, fight!”
“Let’s get started,” The Doctor said, charging forward. He then leapt up and tried to give Derpy a flying high-level kick. However, Derpy grabbed The Doctor by the hoof he was trying to use for his kick and threw him into the barrier around the arena.
“Don’t tell me you didn’t see that coming, Doctor,” Derpy said as The Doctor got up and shook himself off.
“Of course I saw that coming,” The Doctor said. “It’s all part of my plan. I’m the man with a plan, remember?”
“Funny, because not one minute ago, you said you were playing this by ear.”
“You know I can play something by ear as well as have a plan at the same time.” The Doctor then charged forward once again, using his Sonic Screwdriver to gather a few clouds. Right as he got about five feet from Derpy, he leapt into the air and spun, causing the clouds to follow suit. He then launched the clouds right at Derpy, who was able to dodge the attack and even deflect a couple right back at Derpy. However, The Doctor expected Derpy to fall for this distraction and leapt up to give her a mid-level kick, causing the pegasus to stumble back a little.
The battle was a seesaw match for the longest time, and neither Time Lord nor pegasus seemed to be able to close the gap between each other. Both fighters became bruised and fatigued, but neither one was willing to submit to their injuries, let alone their adversary. “15 seconds remaining,” Princess Celestia announced.
“You aren't a bad fighter, Doctor,” Derpy complemented, panting heavily.
“Neither are you,” The Doctor replied. “But of course, this round is ending in ten seconds or less, so one of us have to finish this.”
“Don’t worry. I have every intention of doing so.” Derpy then used her wings to propel herself forward at a speed that could almost rival Rainbow Dash in order to finish The Doctor with a single powerful blow. However, The Doctor quickly sidestepped and used his Sonic Screwdriver to bring together some clouds to halt Derpy’s charge. The pegasus was unable to stop herself before she hit the clouds and became open to a powerful mule kick from The Doctor. Derpy was knocked far back and slammed hard into the barrier surrounding the arena. She then fell to the ground in defeat.
“KO!” Princess Celestia announced. “The winner of this match is Doctor Whooves who has earned the right to face me for the grand prize.” The background then changed from Cloudsdale back to the Canterlot Stadium. The spectators in the crowd were screaming and cheering wildly.
“I can’t believe I lost,” Derpy said while rising to her hooves. “And to the most violence-opposed pony I know, no less.”
“I guess that’s just how things work out,” The Doctor said, shrugging despite a heavily damaged shoulder.
“Well now that you’ve beaten me, you shouldn’t have any excuse for losing to Princess Celestia.”
“Oh come on. How hard could she be?”
“I’m glad you’re confident, Doctor. I’m sure our friends can only add to that confidence.”
“Hay yeah, we can,” Vinyl Scratch said from the stands nearby.
“We believe in you, Doctor,” Octavia said.
“Go for it, Doctor,” Lyra said.
“Just do your best,” Bon Bon said.
“Thanks, everypony,” The Doctor said. “I promise I won’t let any of you down.” Princess Celestia then healed The Doctor’s and Derpy’s wounds.
“I guess that’s my cue,” Derpy said, turning to join her friends in the stands. “Best of luck to you, Doctor.”
“Thanks Derpy,” The Doctor replied. He then turned and prepared himself for what he thought would be his last encounter of this tournament.