The Life Returns

by Dress72

008 innocence's Power of Anger

I was taken to Shining Armor’s house, by the pony himself. Upon arriving, he went to make some sandwiches. His girlfriend, Cadance (at least I think that it was his girlfriend, or would it be considered marefriend?), came over, stole my sandwich, and I decided that she was an enemy. As an enemy, I decided to mess with her, but ended up getting Shining Armor to propose to her. I know Daddy doesn’t condone me swearing, but damn it that was not how I was hoping it would go. Oh well.
The second sandwich that was brought for me was left and forgotten on the tame to all but me. During the nuzzling that was happening before me, I quietly went to the sandwich, took it, then sat down. Before I took a bite, I hollered at the show of affection, “Get a room you two… oh wait, I’m the one that should go. Continue.” I got up with the sandwich still in my hand/hoof and made for the front door. I don’t know how these hooves can hold anything, but they can.
“Hold on there, Red Wing,” I stopped, knowing that my trick didn’t work, “We still need to take you to Princess Celestia,” Shining Armor said.
“Drats, I should have just stayed quiet.”
“If you were trying to get away, then yes, you should have. Your trick to get my attention off of you by putting it on Cadance almost worked.”
“Actually, I thought of getting away after I had grabbed this sandwich, so like 30 seconds ago.” I corrected while holding up the article of food. I then did something I hadn’t done since sun rise, I ate.
The others realized how hunger they were, being close to two o’clock in time, and we sat down and ate the sandwiches that Shining made. “Let’s go,” I said, finishing my sandwich way before the other two.
“Hold on there,” Cadance said, “Shining Armor and I aren’t done yet. Didn’t your dad teach you to wait for when others are finished? And also, what do you say to Shining Armor?”
“My dad is the only one I usually eat with, and we finish at the same time, even if he has a larger serving. And I would thank Shining Armor if the sandwich he originally made for me didn’t get stolen. I think that you should be the one thanking him for covering for you by making another sandwich for me.” I retorted. Wow, I must really not like her as most every time I have talked to her, I say really complex stuff, simply.
“I will say thank you too him if you thank him anyways for the sandwich at least. And what about your mother? Don’t you ever eat with her?” She asked the question so innocently. Guess I can’t blame her since she didn’t know about her, but still.
When she asked this question, I sort of lost it while still somehow remaining calm and in control. It may not have looked it, but I was seething in anger and hate at both Cadance, and my mother. I turned away from her, and walked for the door. One of the two called for me to stop, but I didn’t. I was at the door, and felt something go through me that took away the anger and hate I had towards Cadance, but the hate I had for my mother still remained, causing the others to come back in higher amounts.
I opened the door, and just walked out, completely ignoring the confused words coming from Cadance. I headed towards the castle, walking calmly, deliberately, and boldly. I saw a lot of ponies stop and stare at this six year hold who was walking down the street extremely passive, but with a strange, venomous aurora about him. I heard a pony behind me talk.
“Princess Cadance! Shining Armor! Can’t you use your magic on that pony? It feels like he could lash out at any second and hurt somepony.” So she was a princess… again, I know I shouldn’t, but shit. Daddy told me specifically to be respectful and on my best behavior around the princesses.
“I’ve tried, but it didn’t seem to work. I will try again though.” I felt another thing go through me, but much stronger, and realized that it was Cadance’s magic. Once again, my anger and hate towards Cadance disappeared, and some of the magic carried over towards the feelings towards my mother. And once again, the emotions came back full force and with a vengeance. But unlike last time, I didn’t have a reason to add to the hate, so my emotions multiplied exponentially. But I also had a slight hate for myself added into the mix, because I felt like I had broken Daddy’s trust by acting rudely to a princess.
I realized it after it all happened, but air was starting to swirl incredibly fast around me, and I didn’t feel a thing, were as the ponies around me were having hats and such blow away from them, and it was getting difficult for them to stand. I continued walking, not observing any of this. I walked up to the castle, Cadance and Shining having difficulty following me, but still able to. Guards surrounded me as I approached.
“Move,” I said. None of them did, but I could see a liquid fly from some of their tails. It was then that I realized the wind was present, but I paid no mind to it, and continued walking forward. It was when they leveled their weapons at me did I truly lose it. I don’t know exactly what happened because I blacked out, but I have been told.
The guards leveled their weapons at me. I stopped my advance, and the guards advanced in slowly, yellow stains ran through most of their tails. “I said move,” I had said. The guard only continued their advance. I had pretended to lay down at this point, lulling the guards into false security to pull back their weapons. The wind was still going, but the circle around me had grown so that they, as well as Cadance and Shining, who were a good 10 feet back, were within the ‘dead zone’.
At the point of them withdrawing their weapons from near me, I leapt at the nearest one, and did a sweeping kick to his head, sending him flying 30 feet into the wall of the castle. The others realized this and went again for the weapons they had just put away. By the time that they even got to their weapons, I had uppercut the guard next to the one I had kicked, and sent this one 10 feet in the air, having him land on a guard on the other side of the circle. After this, I dashed across the circle, and side swept one to the ground, and jumped. At this point, the guards had drawn their weapons, and a few had soiled themselves more.
Within my flip, I passed the guard that I had uppercut’ed earlier, and flip kicked him into another guard. I had now broken the circle into two lines below me. Four had been taken down, and six remained, three on each side. I felt an aurora try to surround me, and it had seemed to work, until I started to fall past it. Guessed from others was that particles of stuff were caught in the magic, rather than me. Another guess that I heard was that it did catch me, but I was too willed (with anger and hate I will add) for it to properly affect me. I hit the ground, sending a rush of wind to catch two guards on the side, into the air and back, and the ones collapsed on the ground slide back.
I felt another aurora surround me, as well as the original. I can tell you that it did slow me down, but I was able to fight through it. At this point, three of the remaining two fled. I faced the one that was still there, and took a step forward. She dropped her weapon, and fled as well. She ran, however, right between Cadance and Shining Armor, both of whom had their horns lit up. I was told that they are probable the 3rd and 4th most powerful magic users, so being able to fend off their layered magic, was quite a feat. To be honest, I think that it was due to the immense rage I was in, and if only one of them was to try to hold me down when I was calm, then it would only take 1/128th of their concentration, and could still do 127 other things at the same time. I was told this by the two whom I faced at this point, and by one of the guards who fled.
I took five steps forward before finally being held down as a third, extremely powerful, and ancient magic layered over the other two. A white unicorn/pegasus landed between me and my two targets. I barely recognized the figure through the haze, but it was enough for me to regain control and perspective. I had a brief inner struggle, but ultimately calmed down by remembering Daddy and his words to be respectful, and on my best behavior in front of the princesses, and I had two of them before me. Even though I absolutely hated one of them, she was still a princess, and Daddy’s words still applied to her.
Let give you a perspective on how angry I was, right before I was restrained. Half of the capital was engulfed in a calm, dead air, while the other half was buffeted by 60+ mile per hour winds, circling the castle. Dust, debris, garbage, and clothing had need picked up, and towered the castle at a four times height. Yah, my anger apparently did that.
When I was able to gain control of my emotions, three things happened. First was that my anger turned to shame and guilt. Second thing was that the wind instantly died, and things fell. Luckily none of the stuff was heavy and was mostly small pieces of trash, hats, and a few dishes. The final thing that happened was that I blacked out again.
I woke up not to long after, I think, but was extremely tired, I forced myself to stay awake, but I couldn’t seem to open my eyes. I started to panic, but calmed down when I heard some ponies enter, and gather around me. A moment’s pause, and they began to speak, “What will we do with him?” I didn’t recognize the voice yet, but it was female.
“We can’t do nothing. Six of my best colts and mares were nearly killed by him. SIX of my BEST colts and mares. They are lucky to be alive with the amount of damage they too, and will most likely be unable to serve anymore. The other four that were there were so fear stricken, that they have resigned, and most likely will not come back. He isn’t even scratched or bruised. And he It took Celestia, Cadance, and my combined efforts to finally stop him.” This voice was male, and based off of the speech, I guested that it was Shining Armor.
“His name fits him well then, Red Wing. Although I doubt that that was intentional.” A female voice I hadn’t heard before spoke. “Red Wing... He was covered in blood. He hasn’t been dreaming during his night long slumber, so I couldn’t enter his mind. What caused him to go berserk like that though?”
“I’m not entirely sure. I had used my magic on him when he was angry. It seemed to work, but the anger just came back stronger. I tried a second time, and felt an anger not directed towards what I was expecting. I think it has something to do with his mother. Because it started when I asked him about her.” I recognized this as Cadance, but I didn’t feel any animosity towards her anymore. I doubt that it was due to her magic.
“I agree with your concerns, but I can’t do anything until I know how his father will react. If his son was capable of this, I doubt that all four of us would be able to contain his father, where he in similar circumstances.” I finally recognized this voice as belonging to Princess Celestia.
I stirred, acting like I just broke my sleep and didn’t hear any of what was just said. I sat up, and felt my head pound, but I was finally able to open my eyes. “What? Where am I? What just happened?” I asked, my stomach growling.