//------------------------------// // Forgiveness // Story: Story Of An Alicorn // by Applepip //------------------------------// I have no idea how long i was out, But when i finally awoke, I felt alive but more than that i felt nothing, The feeling of something in my head was gone, For the first time i felt whole, Then something flashed in my mind, It was a memory through somepony else's eye's, I thought what is this?, Then a foal came to view, I instantly recognised a baby Luna, At that moment i cried, It was the most beautiful sight i have ever seen, Tears start to fall around my face, Then after a few more minutes the memory changed, And now a baby Celestia moves into view, My emotions boil over as i realise what this memory is, It's Darksides memories of the princessess birth, After the memories wash away my vision settles on the real world, I look around and notice it's dark outside and the rain has stopped, I focus on other things in the room, I see various dressers and a few bookselves, Then as i move my vision across the room i spot a familier shape asleep on a chair, I smile as i see it's Twilight with a bandage around her waist, I stare at the bandage and the attack at the castle flashes before my eye's and i look away, Just as i do, Twilight wakes up, Twilight opens her eye's and looks towards me, "Valder, Your awake," She quickly jumps down and runs across giving me a big hug, Which causes both of us to wince, "Sorry, We all thought you wouldn't wake up!" "How....How long have i been out?" Twilight smiles before answering, "Four days," "Four days!?" My eye's widen, Twilight nods, "We had to keep you out, The procedure was....Complicated," I look at her, "Procedure?" Twilight then turns red, "Oh, Right, Yeah, After my brother brought you back, We found a spell in the castles library that could completely remove what was left of Darkside from your mind," She looks closer at me, "Did it work,?" I reach forward and kiss her, "I take that as a yes then," We both kiss again, Until a cough is heard, "I'm sorry to interrupt," We both look behind, Celestia stands in the doorway, "I see you have awoken, Prince Valder," I nod but the image of her being born is still strong in my mind, "Princess, What i did to you was unforgivable, I will take any punishment you deem fit to give me," "Punishment?" Celestia looks at me, "You misunderstand the reason for my visit," Me and Twilight both look at each other, "I came here to see how the procedure went, But judging by your embrace, It went well?" I look at her and smile, "Yes, But it also unlocked the memories i had hidden," Celestia nods, "I thought that would happen, Did you remember anything important," I cry, "Yes, You and Luna's birth," Celestia blushes, "It was wonderful to experiance that emotion," I look to Twilight, "And i will again," Me and Twilight touch noses, "Then i hope you two will have a wonderful family," Celestia goes to turn away, "Wait!" I call after her, "You are still my daughter Celestia, And i will never forget that!" Celestia looks back a small tear at her eye, "I hope you don't," Then she leaves, Twilight hugs me again, "I wish Luna could be here," Twilight starts to cry, "Where is she?" I ask, Twilight stops the tears long enough to tell me what happened, "The doctors can't do anything to help," My face fills with sorrow, "I have to help her," I say, "But in my current condition, I'm no help to anypony," I bang my head on the beds headboard, "Dammit, I feel so useless," "Your not useless!" Twilight shouts, "You never have been, You've got to stop thinking like that!" I sigh, "I know, But everytime somepony needs my help, I'm always like this," I point a hoof at my body, My wing still heavily bandaged, "I need to help her, It was my fault she got hit," The tears now rolling of my face again, "It was not your fault! Luna made a decision, It was a bad one but it wasn't your fault," She hugs me and kisses me again, "but your here now, safe!" We kiss again, This time it lasts, "I missed you so much, Twilight......," I couldn't finish my sentence, "It's ok," Twilight puts a hoof on my mouth, "My brother told me what you said in the cave," "He did?" "Yes, Do you really love me that much, That you would die so i couldn't get hurt again?" I nod, "And i meant every word," Twilights face beams as she hugs me closer, "I will never endanger you or the baby again, I promise," Twilight looks into my eye's, "I'll hold you to that," We both kiss, And slowly we sink into the bed,