Terror in Equestria 4: The Collapse of Evil

by StormLuna

Travels of the Time Lady

Colgate woke up the following morning ready and raring to go. She knew though that she would need to get a good breakfast in her as would everypony that would be going with her so she flew up to Cloudsdale to get Rainbow Dash. When she got there Rainbow was just waking up.

Colgate said, "Hi Rainbow, are you ready for our trip today?"

Rainbow knew this would maybe save the world from Twilight's wrath and she said, "You bet I am! I'm ready to free the world!"

"Good!" said Colgate "I need you to come down for a good, filling breakfast. We need plenty of energy to get that time bubble to move good and fast!"

Rainbow said, "Alright, let's go boss!"

Colgate and Rainbow arrived in the dining hall right on time and were greeted by her officers along with the soldiers that would be going with them.

Ice Storm said, "Good morning Colgate, good morning Rainbow Dash."

"Morning." said Rainbow Dash

Colgate said, "Alright everypony, the day has arrived but first we must eat a good filling breakfast. I do not wish to discuss anything involving business, like Twilight since she was very successful using that method."

Rainbow said, "Yeah, even though the prophecies about her were true, her methods do work involving meals."

Colgate asked, "How is everypony's breakfast?"

Everypony said that it was very tasty and filling, that they weren't hungry at all anymore.

Colgate said, "Good, let's go to the throne room before I do what I need to do to get us going."

Colgate and her company headed into the throne room and had their final briefing before they left.

Rainbow Dash asked, "So what exactly are we doing today?"

Colgate replied, "Ok troops, we are first headed to Faustica where Luna told me that a huge Alicorn with the name of Muscles resides. She told me that he is bigger than all the other Alicorns there. You already know about my time spells and how I cast them so you know what will happen there. I will actually fix the time a quarter of a mile away from Faustica so I can cast the armor spell on all of us. We will fly in there, I will drain Muscles until I am larger than Twilight. I will then take care of the time again and then we will go to Prancington, Neigh Zealand where we will grab Lyra and bring her back to Ponyville using the same time methods. Alright, let's go!"

Everypony shouted, "LET'S GO!"

Everypony flew outside and gathered around Colgate, she began to glow, her eyes began to shine blue as she recited "A bubble is what we need, so from frozen time we can be freed, in this bubble we can move fast, while everything else is stuck in the past, it is frozen time which through we must pass so we will never be late to class."

A bubble formed around all of them. Colgate then poked her horn just barely through it, she began to glow again as did her eyes and then she recited "Tick tock, tick tock, look at the racing clock, what is short is time and being late is a crime, we must finish on top so it is time I must stop, with time froze, it is my enemies I shall bulldoze."

Time was suddenly frozen. Everything stopped, no pony outside of the bubble was moving, the clouds stopped moving and the wind stopped. Colgate said, "Alright, let's get this thing moving."

Rainbow knew the way to Faustica the best of all of them so she used her wingpower to steer the bubble towards Faustica. Given the strength of her wings, they arrived to within a quarter of a mile of Faustica in a matter of what would have normally been three minutes.

Colgate began to glow and her eyes began to glow as she recited, "Look at the clock, it is stuck in place, with this there can be no pace, everything is still but that does not fit the bill, for now the clock shall again run so everypony can have fun."

Everything was back in motion again which allowed Colgate to undo the time bubble.

She began to glow and her eyes began to glow as she recited, ""In the bubble time continues to run, but now the time outside runs and allows fun, the bubble must burst so we can quench our thirst, from the bubble we are now free and everything we can clearly see."

Now they were all outside and free from any bubble. Colgate said, "Ok, gather around me. I need to cast the armor spell on all of us, including myself. They will not be thrilled to see our arrival, particularly their military. Luna told me that Muscles usually hangs around the cafe in the town square. That is where LaurFa and Twilight had their address the last time they were here."

Colgate began to glow brightly and her eyes began to shine like laser beams as she recited "The one without armor does not stand a chance, so it is what we must enhance, the unarmed one will likely receive death, with armor he shall continue to draw breath, without armor he will be torn to shreds like a rag but with armor victory is in the bag."

The wave of energy spread out and was absorbed into their bodies. As soon as this was done, Colgate shouted, "Let's go guys, I need to get bigger!"

It was a normal day in Faustica as Galaxia and Cosmos were standing out on the balcony facing the east, they saw something that appeared as a flock of birds. Cosmos thought it was Twilight after a few seconds.

He shouted, "It's Twilight. Why is she attacking when we agreed to do what she wanted?"

Very quickly, they saw it was not Twilight. It was a blue and white Alicorn with some soldiers with her.

Cosmos said, "What is Colgate doing here with soldiers? She doesn't look like she is going to attack anything."

The citizens in the streets started shouting, "We're under attack, stop them!"

They started firing bolts of energy at them but they bounced off of them and just did damage to buildings so they simply stopped. They saw the huge Alicorn, Muscles, and surrounded him. He looked scared with what was surrounding him.

He asked, "What do you want?"

Colgate said sarcastically, "Your size! Stand still."

Muscles didn't even know what to think and he was simply frozen in place.

Colgate began to glow very brightly, her eyes began to shine blue and her horn was shining a bright blue as she recited "The large pony is too big for me, for smaller the pony shall be, the size and knowledge will become mine, but the negative qualities is where I draw the line, for what must grow is my power, so that I may remain in the tower."

Colgate began to increase in size and Muscles began to shrink, her muscles began to grow as his shrank. Colgate finally stopped once she was a bit larger than Twilight. She was thrilled with this and Muscles broke down and started to cry.

Muscles said, "Why? What did I ever do to you?"

Colgate snapped, "Does it matter why? Come on guys, let's go! We have things to do!"

Colgate and her forces sped off to the south and left a dejected Muscles, who was no longer the big, buff pony he used to be. He was a powerful weight lifter, but those days are now over.

About a quarter of a mile southeast of Faustica, Colgate formed the time bubble again and then froze time. Her and her company sped off towards the south, right towards Prancington.

Rainbow asked, "Colgate, will you have to put another armor spell on us?"

Colgate replied, "No. We are moving so fast that very little time is passing for us in here at all. Look off in the distance, it is Prancington."

About a quarter of a mile north of the city Colgate unfroze time and undid the time bubble. They headed south into the city and headed to Lyra's palace. She saw Colgate coming and froze in her tracks. Once they all landed around her she thought she had done something to anger Twilight.

Lyra said, "What are doing here? Are you going to punish me because Twilight told you to?"

Colgate replied, "No. Come with us if you want to save the ponies of Neigh Zealand and everywhere else in the world."

Lyra said, "But wait, who will watch over things while I am gone?"

Colgate replied, "Just get one of your generals to do it."

Lyra asked, "But what about Twilight, what if she banishes me to the void for coming with you?"

Colgate replied, "Look, once we achieve our objective Twilight will no longer be a problem. Talk to one of your generals and have him keep an eye on things."

Lyra flew over to General Dark Thunder, her dark Alicorn and said, "Dark Thunder, I need you to watch over things for a while, I need to go on a trip."

Dark Thunder replied, "I thought you were boycotting those meetings."

Lyra said, "I am. This is a different trip I must go on. This one I have no choice but to attend. The fate of the entire planet rests on me attending this meeting."

Dark Thunder had no clue what she was talking about but said, "Ok, see you when you return."

Lyra asked, "Shouldn't we have a huge meal? This will take us a very long time and use a lot of energy for that long of a flight."

Colgate replied, "No, we don't. We will eat when we get back to Ponyville. Gather around us, I need to cast a time bubble."

Lyra said, "A what?"

Colgate said, "Just get with us, we need to hurry!"

Lyra did as Colgate requested as she cast the time bubble spell and then froze time. Colgate said, "Lyra, flap your wings, it will help us get home quicker."

Lyra flapped her wings along with everypony else and the bubble was moving faster than Colgate ever had one moving before. What was six minutes for them is all the more time it took for them to get back to Ponyville. Colgate unfroze time and undid the time bubble. Lyra was amazed at what had just happened.

Lyra asked, "Colgate, how did you do that, what was all that about and what did you bring me here for?"

Colgate replied, "Lyra, there is something very few know about me, besides being a dentist and a commander, I am also a Time Lady. I used a spell for the time bubble, to freeze time and to undo each so that is why it only took us a grand total of 17 minutes to take care of everything we needed to take care of."

Lyra asked, "How did you get so huge? You're bigger than Twilight now."

Colgate replied, "Yeah, I am. We made a pit stop so I could go drain a bodybuilder pony in Faustica. I am now smarter than Twilight and if we got in a hoof to hoof fight, I could crush her, easily. As to why I brought you here. You need to be further educated like I am and all of those who used to be Twilight's friends, well except Rarity, who is whining in the dungeon."

Lyra asked, "But why are you saying these things about Twilight? I thought you were loyal to her?"

Colgate replied, "I was until she started turning into the dark goddess and wanting everything everypony has, the tribute, wanting to seize their assets and also after she conquered the whole world, she started acting just like Celestia, sitting in there on her throne looking pretty, playing with her dragon and admiring the spells she wrote. When she started going on these trips, I decided it was time to take over."

Lyra asked, "How did you get into the archives, only she knows those spells."

Colgate replied, "Well, she left her book that she had written her spells in on the night stand in her room. She let me sleep in her room while she was gone. This was when she went to Faustica to tell all of you to force your citizens to pay tribute. I went in there, studied everything she did and then some things that she didn't. So now I know more magic than her and I have written a lot of my own magic. I look at myself as a pony who wants to bring down the dark goddess and liberate the world."

Lyra asked, "If you do, what will happen with the world?"

Colgate replied, "Each province will become it's own sovereign nation. You will have full and absolute control of Neigh Zealand and the other stewards would rule their new nations as well."

Lyra said, "Really!"

Colgate replied, "Yes, really! Let's get up to the dining hall. I'm hungry!"

Lyra said, "Me too, I miss the huge meals here!"

Colgate, Lyra, her officers and all of Twilight's old friends headed up to the dining hall for a good sized meal as they had done what they needed to do. All that was left was educating Lyra.