AVGN in Ponyville

by Adlez

Chapter 1

In a different dimension, universe, galaxy, solar system, planet, your closet, my closet, your dog’s dog house, inside your microwave. Wherever it is, we see a town. Not just any regular town with cars and humans walking all over the place. Nooooo. That would way be too surreal. In this town, everyone are ponies of 3 different species. Pegasus, unicorns and earth ponies and of course Alicorns which isn’t that many of but somehow manages to be overrated. Anyway! Further inside the town, is a yummy looking place. It has a roof much like a gingerbread and powdered sugar as decorations. Whether it is plastic or real treats, I don’t know, but since the entire building is intact, I will assume it is plastic or any sort of other materials. I don’t know about you, but I would eat that if it were to be real, but it could be titanium for all I know.

Going inside, was the one you would call Pinkie Pie. A sugar happy pony that could easily control your laughter and happy emotions. How her brain is working, is a mystery to all kind of creatures, or things that exist. It is even an unsolved mystery to herself and I am sure it will be remained unsolved.

But now she is not home. We travel back outside with the crowd of ponies and it’s not until now we figure out Pinkie is outside for her daily prancing around town; greet everything that would move from small to tall. While she was walking down Ponyville, she waved with her left front hoof and walked with her 3 others. Even with her eyes closed, she stumbled upon something interesting. Well, okay, she tripped on something and then saw her point of interest.

A gray sort of box with red letters that said “Nintendo Entertainment System”. Before Pinkie could say “Owie”, she widened her eyes in amazement. She picked up the weird grey box and inspected it closely .
“Nintendo entertainment System?” She puzzled while scratching her own mane. She picked up the machine, noticing the structure had left a crater… yes the NES was completely fine.
In the crater, she saw a rectangular shaped object with a bunch of buttons, a wire... buck it! It was an NES Controller, but Pinkie is not supposed to know that yet, so just... shush.

Pinkie looked fascinated at the system and wasted no time to pick it up and ran towards bakery where she lives. She ran up to her room and placed the controller and the system on a desk. Sadly, she didn’t know how to use a system like this. Only thing she did know was that there was an outlet and she did of course plug it in. How exactly did she know what to do with it you ask? Have you ever noticed they do use electricity in Equestria?

When she did put it in, a loud thud was heard outside the sugarcube corner along with a loud F-word echoing throughout the town, probably intimidating most of the citizens within a large area. But as as brave and fearless as Pinkie is, she reacted the quite opposite… or is that silly and goofy? I don’t know.
Pinkie’s ear flopped up as it seemed to catch her attention.

Outside was not a pony, or any object. No. It was what you and I recognize: A human. He was wearing a white buttoned shirt with pair of grey-ish jeans. He also had a pair of glasses. Pens were scattered all over the ground and surprisingly he didn’t seem hurt.... Well, too much anyway. Pinkie stood near the window and observed this weird creature, or human for that matter. Her eyes had widened and rushed outside with glee.

The human stood up and groaned. When he was done observing every last inch in this weird town of flying ponies and unicorns.

He stood still with his mouth wide open and stood still in shock.
“What is this?” The male questioned himself. He got down on is knee and picked up the pens that apparently scattered around all over the place. He went over towards the pens and put it back in his front pocket on his white shirt.

“Why are there colorful ponies everywhere? Why are there purple unicorns and blue Pegasus’ flying around! ” He seemed quite perplexed. I would do so too if I suddenly happen to wake up with ponies flying and do magic and that stuff. Or would I?

Before he could walk away, something tugged on it’s leg. It was the pony from before. The one you call Pinkie Pie. She looked up at him with her cutesy, innocent blue eyes. She held a tray with full of cupcakes with pink frosting. She put it down on the ground and wagged her tail back and forth.

“I have never seen a human up close! All the other humans are so distant, I can’t even touch them, I mean how boring is that.” She exclaimed all of a sudden. Her facial expession went from cute and adorable to silly and…Perky? In matter of a second.

The Nerd looked at Pinkie, even more perplexed than before. “You speak?” he questioned. “Who are you? Why is a pink pony even talking to me? HOW is a Pink pony alking to me?” He spoke in a vulgar tone as he stared down at the pink pony. “is that...” He stopped in middle of the sentence, distracted by the cupcake tray held by pinkies hooves. His wrinkled face started to get more and more satisfied.

“Take one! I have plenty of others in the house.” She put the tray on the ground, pushed a cupcake with her snout and wagged her tail in suspense. She smiled herself silly while looking up.

The nerd knelt down and grabbed a cupcake. Carefully, he grabbed the cupcake. Exactly what he was thinking was uknown

He slowly took a bite of the perfect baked and delicious cupcake. The icing, the delicious crust, it was really moist and not to mention; delicious. Pinkie Pie stood still, her hooves shaking in excitement, her lips let out a smile.
“How is it, how is it?! Is it good? Is too sweet? Maybe not enough sugar? Maybe too much? Oh, that’s certainly not the case.”

The Nerd looked at the excited pink pony. “That cupcake was pretty kickass!” Nerd clenched up his fist against his chest

“Woohoo!” Pinkie jumped up in the air and screamed in joy. “He said it was kickass!” She suddenly stopped in mid-air , falling straight down on the ground. “What’s a “kickass. I know what an Ass is, but wouldn’t it be mean to kick it?”
The nerd face palmed and simply said, “Look, it doesn’t matter. Just... where am I? I was just sitting in my own room, about to review The Three Stooges on the NES, and now I feel like an idiot, trying to converse with a f#$kin’ pink pony!”

Pinkie Pie looked up at his confused expression and blinked just as confused, but once he asked where he was, She thought she might as well give him some help.

“You’re in Equestria, I am Pinkie Pie and this is Ponyville! Neat, huh? What is an NES.” She asked, disapeared, re-appeared upside down all of sudden in front of him, “huh, huh huh!”

After one big explanation what this weird gray box can do and stuff, later

Pinkie Pie gasped in realization. “You mean that silly weird box that surprisingly crashed the center of ponyville, that for some reason nobody bothered to check upon except me?”

The nerd was prepared to leave right after attempting to explain to her explain her what this NES would be.
“Wait, you know? Where is it?” Without further delay, the Nerd reappeared in her room. Surprisingly, it was far from messy.
“Yeah, nice and cozy room you got here, but how the in holy, god damned, sons-of-bitchin’ hell did we randomly appear in your room? I mean. this IS your room right?”
The Nerd spoke loudly, perplexed and obviously wasn’t familiar to such an improbability.
“I don’t know what happened, It just happens. Anyway! here is this weird box! nainten-whatever.” She rushed over too the gray box
“Nintendo,” The Nerd corrected her

Pinkie picked up the nintendo with her teeth and presented it to him with a bright, satisfied smile “Fwev wiz iz” She gently put the macine down and repeated her last words. “Here it is!”

The Nerd inspected the NES, looked inside its cartridge slot and surprisingl, there was a game inside. In fact, it was the game he was supposed to review; The Three stooges.
“Great, looks like I can finish this stinkin’ review, huh?” He said quite unsatisfied and with his face wrinkle in disgust. After snapping out of it, he looked around the room
“Where’s the goddamn TV?” The Nerd questioned and sat down on the carpet after he put the NES down.

Pinkie looked at him bewildered. “Tee...vee? What’s that?”
The Nerd face palmed yet again and groaned “Fantastic! Here I get transported to a different universe with ponies and magic and stuff, and you are telling me there is no such thing as a TV!” Pinkie simply nodded with her confused, cute, silly head with no hesitation.

After puzzling what this “TV” thing could be, she suddenly gasped in complete surprse. “Oh, oh! you man that weird box thingy you humans stare at? No we don’t have that” She spoke with a casual voice.

The nerd just shrugged. Didn’t seem like he cared too much. Thank god!! “Well. guess I am done with this then. Maybe the assholians up there really have some mercy after all?”

“Wait!!” She interrupted the nerd, seems to be in rather serious tone “This story is not over untill YOU get your Tai-bee or whatever. Let’s find you one… PRONTO!”