//------------------------------// // Thirty-seven // Story: Freedom Through Harmony: Book II // by Electricut //------------------------------// Chapter with color Thirty-seven -Two Hours Later- GA: so let me get this straight. you and derpy are in the medium… GA: you’ve both got perfectly good weapons… GA: you’re fighting unarmed enemies wearing paper hats… GA: some of which are in fact MADE OF PAPER… GA: you’ve even got guides that are fairly straightforward and helpful. GA: and you guys still haven’t hit this first gate yet? AT: Basically, that’s the situation. To be fair, we’ve only been in the Medium for about two hours now. GA: YOU GUYS ARE SO BAD AT VIDEO GAMES. GA: in an hour i could be halfway across the planet! GA: i swear, just you wait until i get in there. GA: i’ll show you how it’s done. AT: I feel as though the goal shouldn’t be blasting through the game and playing impressively, if it can even be called a game anymore. AT: Our goal should be staying alive. GA: fair point, but i feel we can do both. GA: anyway, Quick Fix is up next, right? AT: Yes. Leeroy will bring her in, you’ll get him in, and Cheerilee will get you in. AT: By that stage Derpy should be in a stable enough position to help Cheerilee enter, completing the circle. GA: man, i’m almost last then… AT: We’ll need your gaming expertise as long as we can use it. There are still plenty of game-like elements in play, and we’ll need your take on them. AT: Besides, as good as you are, you’ll be able to catch up in no-time. GA: yeah, that makes sense. alright, anything new? AT: Not on Derpy’s end. Her home is coming along nicely in its ascent to the gate, and the monsters are getting progressively stronger, but are still manageable. I can say about the same for my situation. AT: Quick Fix tells me that the situation in Equestria is not looking well, though. GA: yeah, i have the news on. it’s not looking pretty anywhere. we’re pretty lucky that none of the meteors have hit around here just yet. A young colt sits in his room, distracted by the headset he is using to speak with his friends. On a normal day, he would be in much the same place, but would be absorbed in a game on the large television behind him. Today is no normal day though. Today he plans to play a different sort of game with his five friends, and plans to serve as the skilled veteran of gaming that carries the group elegantly through to the finish, dominating the game along the way. What will the name of this young colt be? Alright, your naming privileges have been officially revoked. Or, they would be, if there were anyone left to name anyway. After all, we cannot be Cheerilee. The kinda-sorta dream exiles do not have Cheerilee’s corresponding dream exile in their party. And since we are hearing this story through their points of view, we must simply live without seeing Cheerilee’s point of view. This is all very obvious to anyone who was paying attention. The colt’s name is FANCY PANTS. This is a name which frankly he finds pretty STUPID and ILL-FITTING, but he’ll live with it. It’s one of those names that are given to ponies who have LOTS OF MONEY, but instead of using said money to buy rich-pony things, he uses it to buy VIDEO GAMES and related MERCHANDISE. His other interests include EXPLORATION, which was most recently satisfied by the TEMPLE nearby, discovered by his friend CHEERILEE. She lives closer to it than he does, on the opposite side of the monument, and it’s really more HER temple (by law of FINDERS-KEEPERS), that she simply lets him explore. He also has an interest in music. He can’t play an instrument to save his life, but he knows good music when he hears it. AT: Yes, and I’m hoping that luck holds out. Quick Fix is in danger and may need to enter soon, and now I believe Leeroy is in some danger as well. AT: The longer you and Cheerilee are safe, the better their odds are. GA: yeah. it’s gotten pretty dark and is raining here, but it seems pretty innocent for now. nothing’s exploding or anything. AT: Not exploding is a good status for things to be in right now. His friend DOC has been keeping him updated on their mutual friend DERPY, who was the first to begin the game SGRAZE. Fancy Pants was not sure of the nature of the game when he first heard of it, but Doc seemed to regard it as highly important. Plus, he’s never been one to deny the chance to take on a new game, especially when it seems to offer something he isn’t expecting. He certainly wasn’t expecting a fully-immersive game that exists in reality, or at least its own version of reality, so he has to give the game props for that. However, what Doc has relayed to him so far seems to be fairly standard among gaming abstractions. Derpy is now in a place called the Medium, a place with monsters- imps and ogres- assailing her house. Her goal is to reach the First Gate, high above her house, which must be facilitated by her server player, Doc. Apparently, once she passes through the Seventh Gate, she will be taken to a creature called the Denizen, which can only be a major boss, if not the final one. This information was originally supplied by Derpy’s Kernelsprite guide, whose attributes directly affect the monsters she must face. Fancy Pants is pretty impressed by this game, but not overwhelmed. To a veteran gamer such as him, it all pretty much makes sense. In addition, she seems to be able to combine items around her house and things she finds in-game to create new items, clothing and weapons, which he thinks is a fantastic idea for a game. He can’t wait until he gets to do the same; he’s already got several ideas. For now though, there’s really not much he can do, except maybe entering the frog temple one last time before entry. Derpy, two hours earlier Derpy rubs her forehead with one hoof, recovering from the bright light that had filled her home. The devices are still in her extended room, but the Cruxite tree is now gone. She shakes her head and stumbles over to her computer, still dazed. CA: ugh CA: doc, you still there? CA: can you still see me? AT: Yes. My view hasn’t shifted from your house, even if your house itself has shifted. CA: huh? my house has shifted? AT: It has. It seems that interacting with the item on the punched card- the apple- has transported your house… somewhere. AT: I can’t quite see where yet. It’s quite dark around it. AT: My guess would be that the game moved your house so that it may serve as a base of operations during your adventure. And wherever you are now is where your adventure will take place. CA: sounds exciting! CA: i’m gonna take a look around and see what i can see. AT: Very well. I’ll keep an eye out for you, and see what I can do to help. Be careful. Derpy nods and leaves her computer, and looks out her open window. One eye traces along the ground connected to her house until it drops sharply off. She cannot see anything below, it is simply to dark. Above, she can make out a single body in the sky, a large blue object pulsing gently. Looking closer, she can also see a small golden object near it, distinctly familiar. That must be Prospit, and the blue object must be Skaia. Directly above the house is a fluctuating spirograph, the same as the one Derpy saw during the loading screen on her computer. MOM: Derpy, are you alright?! DERPY: oh! mom! Having completely forgotten about her house’s other resident, Derpy quickly makes her way out of her room and down to the foyer. Her mother seems shaken, but otherwise unharmed, and immediately looks relieved to see Derpy in much the same state. MOM: Oh, thank Celestia. Did you see what happened? DERPY: no. just a flash of light, and then… this. MOM: That’s all the warning I had, too. It’s totally dark outside… MOM: It’s crazy, but I think the house has moved. To where… I don’t know. MOM: … The electricity still seems to work though, wherever we are. DERPY: yeah… now that you mention it, that is weird! the wifi still works, too. MOM: It’s all very strange… I think I should take a better look around. I’m going to the roof to see if that will help. DERPY: i’ll go too. don’t worry, i don’t think we’re in any danger right now. Derpy follows her mother back upstairs, and through the hatch that leads to the attic. In this room, there is another hatch that opens straight to the roof. Many houses in Equestria were equipped with these hatches, as they made for more simple entrances for pegasi exiting flight in more densely populated areas. The two ponies exit onto the roof, and attempt to see beyond the edge of their yard. While doing this, one of Derpy’s eyes trails upward, and sees that there are more spirographs above, each a distance from the last. She also catches the light of Skaia pulsing brighter. DERPY: something’s happening up there! MOM: Where? … What is that? The light pulses brighter and brighter, seeming to cast waves of light down upon the house. Finally, a pulse too bright to look at is released, and the light surrounds Derpy and her mother. It moves on just as quickly, headed for the ground below. But as it travels, it illuminates the landscape below, one of barren rock interrupted by mighty metal structures, some looking new, some in states of decay. Crevasses interrupt the rock between, sometimes ripping through the older structures, sometimes bridged by them. As the light of Skaia fades, lights click on in the buildings, and the sky turns from black to a hazy dark blue. Derpy and her mother continue to survey the LAND OF RIFTS AND STEEL for several minutes, taking in their new location. Their house is perched atop a rock spire, perhaps fifty feet above the ground. MOM: Well… At least we can see now. Though I can’t guess where we are. This doesn’t look like anything else in Equestria, and I don’t recognize that moon in the sky… MOM: I wonder if there’s a way down from here. MOM: First, I think we should find out where we are. Then we can worry about how we got here. Something seems wrong in Derpy’s mind. She knows how they got there; it was because of the game. But if Derpy told her mother that- that she had run a program that uprooted the entire house and transported it to some other dimension- she couldn’t imagine what trouble she would be in. She decides right then that she will keep that detail to herself as long as she can. DERPY: maybe i could fly up and check out that thing up above the house? DERPY: i could get a better view from up high, too. MOM: Hm… I suppose that makes sense. I know you’ve been getting better with flying. MOM: I’ll be right down here to catch you, just in case. Derpy nods, unfurls her wings, and begins rising to examine the first fluctuating spirograph above. However, after rising a few feet, she feels her wings lock up involuntarily, as though a jolt of electricity has flown through her, and she falls back to the ground. She expects her mother’s magic to catch her fall, but instead lands on her roughly. Of no will of her own, four words rush violently through her mind. MOM: Ngh… What was that? DERPY: did you see it too? MOM: Yes. It seems like whoever brought us here is very skilled in unicorn magic. Probably forbidden magic, at that. MOM: For now, it looks like we’ll be playing by their rules. Derpy knows that her mother’s assessment of the situation isn’t quite right, but doesn’t speak up. Hopefully, she will be able to finish the game and return the house to where it belongs before her mother realizes the truth of the situation. Little does Derpy know, her mother’s theory is more accurate than she believes. Doc AT: Derpy, when you are finished speaking with your mother, we have further business to attend to. AT: There’s… also something I should probably tell you. AT: Equestria is taking damage. Meteors are falling. Slowly now, but I fear they are picking up speed. AT: By escaping into the game, you managed to avoid one. Where your house once stood is… It’s a crater. I’m sorry. AT: Many others across the land are escaping as well, worry not. But not all are making it away. And not everyone is playing the game, either. AT: I am certain Celestia will watch over those who do not escape into the game, and protect them. AT: I merely want you to know of what is happening now. AT: Goodness, this rain storm came out of nowhere. AT: I hope I don’t need to leave the house for a while. Doc sighs, hoping Derpy does not take too much alarm to this news. He has brought in a television from elsewhere in the house, and the news is running in the background. Thirteen meteors have touched down so far, and three- including Derpy’s- have left no trace of debris. That means that of the thirteen sessions that have started so far, two others are still running smoothly, while the other ten have already suffered a loss, or may have been ended before they began. Doc decided to keep his mind off of the sessions that failed, and stay focused on making sure his own session did not join them. agelessTraveler began chatting with techTitan at 1:10 P.M. AT: Hello, my friend. TT: hey Doc TT: things not exploded over there? AT: Yes. Just rather dark and stormy. TT: thats good TT: cant say the same here TT: most of its fine, but a house got exploded by a space rock like 20 minutes ago TT: nobody saw that fucker coming TT: and some guy with a telescope was like TT: huh, a meteor just fell TT: I think NOW would be a good time to look around TT: now that a family is already dead and two more are homeless TT: but it turns out theres another meteor on the way TT: probably got an hour, maybe two TT: I get the feeling its got my name on it AT: I share that fear, both for you and for myself. If I could see beyond these clouds, I’m sure a meteor would be in sight. TT: Derpy? AT: She is safe. Her home has been transported into the game. And, coming as no surprise, a meteor was en route. AT: Her neighborhood is surely damaged from the blast, but I can no longer see it from my computer. AT: My view is still fixed on her house, now in a new place in-game. TT: so thats how that works TT: good to know TT: youre up next right AT: Yes. I’ll need you to run the server version, while I run the client version. AT: Then you will do for me what I did for Derpy, and facilitate my entry into the session. AT: I wonder if I will be deployed on the same land as Derpy, or if each of us is given a distinct world? TT: one way to find out, right? TT: you ready to go now or what? AT: Yes, if you are. I seem to have time on my side for now- not that time is ever not on my side- but I would still rather begin as soon as possible. TT: right TT: Ill get it loaded up and stuff TT: buckle up, Im at the controls now TT: watch me like break the game before we actually get anything else done TT: the age of productivity is passed TT: I will usher in the age of fucking around aimlessly TT: and it will be a glorious golden age of pointlessness AT: *Sigh* AT: As long as it doesn’t take too long. We are on a time limit here. TT: yeah no sweat TT: Ill figure it out before anything else explodes TT: well, any of our stuff anyway TT: other ponys stuff will probably still be exploding TT: equestrias probably gonna be one big crater in a few days TT: glad were not gonna be here to see it TT: bit sad to see it go though TT: it was a nice place to live AT: Indeed it was… AT: Though, if I may admit something… I don’t feel as though I’m as sad as I should be. AT: Saying goodbye to one’s own world… I am mournful, but I feel like I should be MORE sad than I am. AT: It’s almost as though… as though I’ve been here before. Like it’s just a part of my life. But of course I haven’t. Equestria has always been my home, my only home. TT: weird TT: but I mean TT: maybe thats not a problem? TT: maybe its better that youre not super sad about it TT: you can keep your head in the game better TT: and whether equestria is still gonna be here or not once were all in the game TT: or when we get back TT: man, what about that? equestrias gonna be a mess when were done TT: unless we dont come back TT: thats a scary thought TT: but what I mean is TT: whatever happens to this place, its sad, but weve gotta stay focused to stay safe AT: Truly wise words. AT: I do not know whether we will return to this place. I suppose we will find out soon enough. AT: But even if we don’t, if we stick together, we can make a home anywhere. I truly believe that. AT: But right now, we need to get where we’re going! TT: right TT: put that other disc in, buddy TT: I got my freshly liberated copy right here, ready to go Doc sits back and smiles slightly. While Quick Fix often gets on his nerves for not taking anything seriously- several times in this conversation, Doc had to rub his temple in frustration before continuing- he could see that she was capable of knowing the time to buckle down and become serious, even if her demeanor still seemed carefree. If Doc was honest with himself, he knew that Quick Fix and Derpy were similar in that way, but the way they presented themselves was what made Doc somewhat irritable with Quick Fix, yet completely enamored with Derpy. Doc slides the second disc into his computer, and the Sgraze client begins downloading. After the download finishes, a loading screen pops up, and Doc sees what Derpy meant by pleasant backgrounds and music. Doc found himself humming along to the music once he got the hang of the tune. The loading screen finishes, and is replaced with a black screen awaiting a connection to Quick Fix. AT: Alright, my loading has finished. TT: alright, mine is almost done TT: yep, there we go TT: shoot, look at all this stuff AT: There do seem to be an abundance of options in this game. I’ve tested a few of them, but I’m not sure of others. AT: I can tell you how the Phernalia Registry works when you’re ready. I’m not certain of the others though. TT: kay TT: Ill play around with some of these for a bit TT: we got time TT: … AT: … AT: What was that noise? AT: It sounded like something breaking? TT: uh TT: it definitely wasnt the toilet AT: Was it the toilet? TT: maybe AT: Where is the toilet? TT: in the backyard AT: Why is the toilet in the backyard? TT: I dunno TT: seemed like a good place for it TT: wanted to test out the controls anyway AT: I would think that the bathroom would be a good place for the toilet. TT: yeah, you would think TT: theres a hole there now though TT: itd just fall through to the basement TT: so its a lawn fixture now TT: but, like, arent lawn gnomes also porcelain anyway TT: you are now the proud owner of a toilet-shaped lawn gnome, Doc TT: youre welcome AT: *Sigh* AT: Did that move cost any grist? TT: yeah TT: just two though TT: no big deal though, weve got 200 TT: well, 198 now AT: Is that so? AT: I only have twenty units of grist to use with Derpy. AT: It would appear to increase with each new player. AT: Now, I wonder if there is a way to move grist from one player to another, and to expand the amount we are able to carry. TT: probably TT: sounds like a pretty standard game feature TT: increasing ammo capacity or wallet size or whatever TT: sounds like something fp would say right TT: we can probably trade stuff too TT: no idea how though AT: I suppose we’ll just need to experiment. AT: Oh, Derpy has returned to the computer. I should make sure she is okay. TT: alright lovebird TT: I say that, but I kinda want to check up on Cheerilee too TT: Ill keep fiddling with the game in the meantime TT: talk to you soon techTitan is now idle. Quick Fix “Let’s see… I was able to move the toilet by dragging it. I wonder what happens when I drag something heavier and more rooted. Like… The wall, that’ll work.” Quick fix presses down on her mouse and drags away from the wall, creating a grid. Releasing the mouse, the wall expands to encompass the grid. “Oh, cool. Not sure what the point is, but his house is pretty small anyway. I’m doin’ him a favor.” Quick Fix opens another chat, and is relieved to see that Cheerilee is online this time. techTitan began chatting with aboriginalAlmanac at 1:38 P.M. TT: hey girl AA: Hi Quick Fix! AA: Are you okay? I heard one of those meteors landed near you. TT: it did, but Im okay TT: how about you? AA: Blue skies here, but I can only guess how long that’s going to last. TT: I dont think thatll be a problem as long as we move fast TT: it looks like the game is giving us a way out TT: when you enter the game properly your house gets uprooted and moved somewhere else TT: somewhere not explody AA: Somewhere else on Equestria? TT: not sure about that TT: Derpys the only one in so far, and her new place doesnt look like any place in equestria TT: lots a canyons and metal buildings apparently TT: but the point is that its safe TT: so the sooner were all there and not here, the better AA: You’re right. AA: And I know you’ll want to get me and the others in as soon as possible, but to do that, you’ll have to get in first. Don’t forget that. TT: I know TT: Ill like TT: clear the way and shit TT: make the safe place slightly more safe TT: not that I know what were up against in there TT: therell probably be monsters and enemies and stuff though AA: I can confirm this. AA: In my dreams, I have seen all of us further along our paths. AA: I have seen us dueling foes both feeble and fearsome. AA: But we always seem to be able to handle them, with weapons far more advanced than what we are currently equipped with. TT: oh yeah, that reminds me TT: do you have a specibus set yet? TT: may need to defend yourself at times in here AA: I have not locked one in yet. AA: But I was leaning towards rulerkind. AA: The weight behind them seems very manageable, and I may be able to modify them to have a short blade along one side. TT: that sounds totally badass TT: that should work TT: if you need help putting the blade on, lemmie know TT: Im sure one of the things in my workshop can do that AA: Hee hee~ I will keep that in mind. AA: I have a pretty good idea of what you’ve set yours to. TT: yup TT: good ol wrenchkind TT: put together machines TT: take apart bad guys TT: gotta love it AA: Oh! I just remembered, you mentioned a few other things while I was offline. AA: You say you had a dream, chased someone, and located the missing copies of Sgraze? TT: oh, yeah TT: I think the dream I had was like the ones youve always had TT: but on the other planet TT: I think Derpy called it derse? AA: Really? That’s so exciting! AA: There are vessels that travel between the two, like boats that sail the stars! AA: We could come see each other! TT: man, I TT: I would love that so much TT: were meeting up in this game one way or another, Cheerilee TT: whether its our dream selves or our real selves TT: were gonna meet up TT: were gonna make it happen TT: I promise AA: Hee hee~ I promise too. AA: But tell me about your dream! What happened in it? What’s Derse like up close? TT: it wasnt half as nice as you make prospit sound like, Ill tell you that TT: I mean, it looked super cool TT: wicked awesome architecture and all TT: but the people wouldnt give me the time of day TT: except for this scary tall guy with a diamond pin who sent me back to my tower TT: seemed like the people there were under harsh rule or something AA: That’s probably accurate. The Black Queen is not known for being as kind or just as the White Queen. AA: The man you met was likely the Draconian Dignitary. He is one of the men that works as her personal agents, whereas most of the others are commanded in larger groups, and more often by the King than the Queen. AA: He’s not a man to be reckoned with, from what I hear. TT: didnt figure AA: So then what happened? TT: well, that was about it for the dream TT: floated around a bit, got sent back, woke up TT: but then I found a guy who I later learned had stolen all our copies of Sgraze in the mail TT: got mine back, but the other three were still with him TT: Derpy got him though, dont worry TT: thats about it I think TT: oh, me and Leeroy also found a thing under Cloudsdale TT: it was like an old… lab, I guess TT: full of machines and computers? TT: seemed to be monitoring the game sessions all over equestria TT: I think thats all TT: Im helping Doc get into the game now TT: then Leeroys gonna get me in, youll get him in, Fancy Pants will get you, and Derpy will get him AA: Sounds like a solid plan to me. AA: I’ll make sure your brother doesn’t get into any trouble. ;) TT: heh, good to hear TT: guys the best bro you could ever ask for, and strong as hell TT: but sometimes, hes kinda HEADstrong AA: Heh heh, I can attest. TT: anyway, Im gonna check on Derpy real quick TT: see what kind of stuff we might be up against later AA: Good plan. Quick Fix sits back from the computer for a moment, unable to contain a familiar shy smile. She can’t help it; every time she speaks with Cheerilee, she finds herself smiling, sometimes even blushing. She greatly looks forward to the day she may meet her in person, which may now be very soon. techTitan began chatting with cross-eyedAngel at 2:02 P.M. TT: hey Derpy TT: how you holding up out there? CA: oh, hey. CA: i’m… okay. CA: you seem cheerful though. TT: yeah, well TT: Im also talking to a certain someone who always puts me in a happy mood TT: a certain pink someone ;) CA: hee hee~ you two are too cute. CA: i’m talking to someone like that too, but this time… talking to him has made me kinda scared. CA: i only just heard about what’s happening back in equestria. TT: ah, yeah TT: well, I mean, dont worry, were all safe, and we will keep being safe as long as we get into the game quickly CA: i know. i have faith in you guys, you’ll make it on time. CA: it’s just scary that something like this can happen… i’m praying for all the others still in equestria. TT: I dunno if Doc told you, but princess Celestia has made a few statements so far TT: she says that theyre doing everything they can to defend against the meteors TT: some of them are being successfully deflected, but not all TT: still looking for a way to stop them all CA: i see… i’m sure they’ll find something TT: Im sure TT: but for now, youve got something else to focus on TT: hows your progress in the game? CA: it’s sorta stopped! CA: me and doc are trying to figure out what to do next. CA: there is one more machine we can place, but not until we get some more grist, and we don’t know how to do that. CA: the kernelsprite seems to need something else now, too. like it wants us to put something else in it. but we’re waiting, because we don’t know what that will do. TT: does someone have Fancy Pants on the line TT: hes the game master, hed probably be able to figure out what to do next CA: i don’t think either of us is talking to him right now, but i’ll tell doc that! CA: so for now, me and my mom are just waiting. TT: alright TT: good to hear shes still safe too TT: Ill get back to getting Doc in the game with you TT: good luck Derpy CA: good luck to you too! techTitan ceased chatting with cross-eyedAngel at 2:14 P.M. “Now, let’s see here… Alchemiter, that sounds fun. Boop.”