Colt P.I.

by Ashwolfe


Colt P.I.

By Ashwolfe and Danthefish

Shadows smothered Mane Street in a consuming blanket of darkness. The cloudy night sky smothered the moonlight though the streetlamps cast brooding light across the wide, cobblestoned road. A slender black figure lurched through the pool of light offered by the towering streetlamp, stepping once again into the all-concealing darkness in front of ‘The Glass Bangle’, a well-known local Jewellers’ shop.

The being took one look both ways, and launched a vicious buck into the centre of the large panel window, embalmed with the name of the shop and its owner; Garnet Fibula. The shattering was not muffled in any way, yet the gloomy silence of the night was often punctuated with such disturbances, generally animals knocking over glass bottles. That this crash was much larger in magnitude went unnoticed, with the locals waking only to fall asleep again.

The shadowy figure stepped into the shop, skilfully avoiding the shards of glass that remained in the frame of the window. Marching swiftly to an inconspicuous oak wood cabinet, notable only for its heavy brass lock, the figure launched the same vicious buck it had done to the window, shattering the wooden sliding door and breaking it in, hence bypassing the lock completely. Reaching into the shattered remains of the cabinet, they pulled out a small object that - even in the solemn moonlight that illuminated the shop from a break in the clouds - glistened brightly. The thief concealed their prize in a small burlap sack on their back. Turning to the window and emerging into the night, they left rest of the shop untouched. Once again looking both ways, and, assured that their antics had gone unnoticed, they lurched into a nearby alleyway and were gone; galloping off and leaving the shop abandoned until its discovery the next morning.