A Tale of the Misplaced Guard

by CyclicStoryWriter

The Applebucking Competition

The Applebucking Competition

To say that he just simply strolled through the crowd would have easily have been a lie. He did not know if it was from his height, his armor, his usual guard demeanor, or just being new in general that cause the various farmers to step back as he passed by. For one thing he knew it was not his muscular build that kept them back, for many of them had muscles that were large enough that you could see a giant, pulsing, web of veins flowing underneath their tan skin. He continued his way through the parting crowd with his course planned towards the house. A soft hand on his wrist pulled him away from his plan. Ulfgar turned around to see a familiar face.

"Good evening, Ulfgar! Seems like you got your helmet fixed." Sweet Roll greeted him.

"Yes I did, feels like new again. Speaking of my helmet, where are your cousins? They don't seem like the ones to let you roam around by yourself." Ulfgar replied as he began scanning the crowd.

"They were here earlier; they left just a while ago saying they forgot to do something back in town." She replied as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"So you're just standing around by yourself?" Ulfgar questioned.

"Well I know some of the other people here but that is just through my cousins... and they don't usually make good friends with people." She explained as she began to grow quieter.

"I have an idea, follow me." Ulfgar stated that made it clear she would have to think fast.

"What exactly do you have in mind?" Sweet Roll asked as Ulfgar was already moving away.

"You're going to meet some of my companions. They seem beyond normal to me, but I think a lot of things are not normal here. Anyways, they most likely will treat you as a friend." Ulfgar explained as they made their way out of the crowd.

“Are you sure that they will?” She inquired, seeming worried about meeting new people.

“They took in an old, lost, war horse like me and showed me a world that I never knew could exist.” He answered with after stopping for a second to think.

"Maybe I could just head back and wait..." Sweet Roll tried to begin.

"Nonsense, you have no need to worry. Anyways I think some of those kids in there are pickpockets. Bloody thieves..." Ulfgar quickly replied, mumbling the last part to himself.

"What was that?" She asked as they neared the front porch.

"Well afternoon there Ulfgar, Rainbow Dash and Twilight stopped by to check if you got home alright! I heard there was a commotion in town about some thug." Applejack greeted Ulfgar as he stepped up on the porch.

"Hey Ulfgar, why didn't you tell me you were actually in the Apple-bucking?! This is one of the cooler things that came to Ponyville! You might have had me rooting for the wrong guy!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Hi there, Ulfgar, I was just dropping by to check to see if you got home past all of those guards!" Twilight quickly replied as she placed on the fake smile that gave away her cover.

"Twilight, why are you out here? I thought you were still in Canterlot." Sweet Roll asked as she broke out of her shy shell.

"Sweet Roll, I could ask you the same thing. I was sent out here to make some friends. From what I have experienced since I started three days ago I have to say it amazes me!" Twilight replied as she seemed equally shocked.

"I'm here with my cousins; they always want to see their little cousin. I just find it hard to be around them when they seem so different at this... competition." Sweet Roll answered Twilight.

From there the two began losing themselves in their own conversation about Canterlot, leaving the other three on their own. After a few moments Ulfgar decided it would be time to place his various armaments somewhere where the drunks can't get to them.

"Do you know where I could place these temporarily? I don't think the barn would be the best place." Ulfgar asked as he broke the silence of the three.

"Oh, that would be a good idea. We could place them in my room. I doubt anyone would be in the house anyways." Applejack answered as she seemed to forget what Ulfgar took into town with him.

They headed in with Applejack taking the lead. Ulfgar glanced at some of the pictures that graced the walls. He watched as time reversed itself in the pictures. One of the last ones was one had a very young Applejack with the same hat she had now. Along with her was a man wearing a blue jacket over a white shirt along with a similar hat. Ulfgar thought about asking, but thought better of it. Unless she mentions it, he wasn't going to bring it up. Asking questions sometimes helps but then could leave you bleeding in some back walkway. Onwards he followed as they headed up stairs. Applejack headed into one of the doors. He followed inside to find a simple room. There was a bed, a nightstand and some various decorative things around the room. Other than that there was just a desk, with a large mirror attached to it, pushed up to the wall.

"Well here we are, you can set you stuff over there. Luckily you got back when you did. We were just about to start without you!" Applejack said, seeming to make some small talk.

"I'm just glad I'm back. Being on my two feet again feels so great." Ulfgar replied as he laid his gear down over by the closet.

"What do you mean? I don't see any wings on you." Applejack asked as they headed back towards the porch.

"Your pink friend shot me up into the air in a cloud of confetti!" He answered, heading down the stairs.

Applejack's only reply was a fit of laughter that followed him on his way out of the house.

"I'm sorry but that just tickles me. A big man like you being afraid of something as trivial as that, you just don't see that every day!" Applejack began to explain as they walked onto the porch.

"What did I miss?" Rainbow Dash quickly asked after seeing Applejack's face.

"I just got my encouragement for the Tournament." Ulfgar replied as he leaned on the porch railing. "Can we get started now?"

"Not just yet cowboy, just one more thing. You're going to have to take that armor off your chest. This is about how tough you are, not your armor." Applejack answered.

"Fine, I'll be back. I'm guessing the same goes for my helmet as well." Was all that he said as he headed into the house again.

"I wonder how built he is?" Rainbow Dash openly asked.

"Why are you thinking of that?" Applejack questioned her back.

"Well did you feel how heavy his stuff was? I could barely hold it! I bet he is like one of those pin up guys." Rainbow Dash explained.

"The ones wearing nearly nothing and are all oiled up?" Applejack inquired with an unimpressed look on her face.

"And you're not curious!? The guy seems like one of those people that fights bears with only their hands!" She countered.

"Even though he is staying here doesn't mean I'm thinking about what is underneath his armor!" Applejack replied, defending herself.

"What are you two bickering about?" Twilight Interjected.

"It looks like girls back in Canterlot that would fight over the same guy." Sweet Roll commented.

"You are being pretty defensive Applejack. Why would that be?" Rainbow Dash inquired in a poke fun attitude.

"I'm just saying that I'm not fantasizing over him, unlike other people." Applejack answered as she eyed Rainbow Dash.

"What can I say; he may have just got here but seems to be warming up pretty quickly. It makes a girl wonder." Rainbow Dash simply replied as she gave a small wink.

"What, too soon? You guys are creeping me out here." She added on as silence engulfed the group.

"Best be cautious about such things." Ulfgar stated from the doorway.

Their heads turned towards the door to see Ulfgar heading through the doorway. He had a slightly amused look on his face as he walked onto the porch. For the first time they found Ulfgar without his usual chainmail. They had all seen his face and the scar that graced the lower part of his face; but they were not prepared for his chest. A multitude of scars ran across his chest. They even looked that some of them had made their way to his sides, and back, as well. One that seemed to stick out from the rest was one that looked recent. It stood right over his chest and was only about an inch long.

"Well are we going to get started or are we just going to stand here?" Ulfgar questioned as he began making his way to the barn.

Applejack gave a small nod as she rounded up the other farmers outside of the barn. The other three followed her since they didn't want to get tangled up with those who would be going up against Ulfgar. With Applejack's beckoning call, the crowd of people standing around quickly flooded into the barn. The only thing that was left behind was the refreshment tables.

Once inside Ulfgar found that the only open area in the barn was a circle formed from a fence and a wall of bodies. A small table was set up in the front with granny smith sitting behind it with a small metal box and a large board behind her. She waved him over to the table with a small smile.

"Glad to see you made it! Applejack was worried you might have not made it in time. Anyways, you're in the next match sonny. Remember this is just with what you have, nothing from outside the ring." She greeted him. "Now don't forget to have fun!"

'You don't hear that every day when you are about to walk into a fight.' Morrigan commented as they moved away from the table.

'For how peaceful they seem, this does seem out of place.' Ulfgar replied as he began heading back towards the ladder to the loft.

He found his way to the back side of the barn towards where the ladder to the loft was. Even though he wasn't going to go through his things, he didn't fully trust those around him. The current, and future, drunks were mainly the ones he did not trust. Throughout the barn he had found that impromptu tables had been set up. Many of the tables had large mugs of something he hoped was similar to mead. It would either help dull the pain or help his mind relax from the messed up logic that existed here. As he reached the ladder he made his place at a lone table that stood quietly in the corner. From here he could see that he wasn't going to stand out as much. They matched him easily in muscle and some also in height, albeit their bodies lacked the 'beauty marks' of scars. A small smile came across his face as that use to be one of Rostei's phrases.

"Hi there Ulfgar, glad to see you made it!" Applebloom's voice called to him from above.

Looking up he could see her smiling face from the loft. "Enjoying the view?"

"This is the best seat in the entire barn!" She replied with a smile.

"While you're up there, make sure nobody goes nosing around my things." Ulfgar added.

"Will do! Oh, it looks like the first round is already done." She commented as she pointed towards the ring.

"The Winner is Bartlett Pear! Next Round, Sauerkraut against Ulfgar." Granny Smith announced after the ringing of a bell.

"Wow, you’re going up against one of the Cabbage patch brothers! Good luck out there Ulfgar!" Applebloom exclaimed before giving him a thumbs up.

"Pretty fast round if you ask me." Ulfgar mumbled to himself as he made his way towards the circle.

He made his way through the crowd to find a rather large man standing in the ring. He had a large mustache that curled at the very tips. His chest was matted with a large coat of hair. A small twinkle of excitement showed in his almond eyes as Ulfgar entered the ring.

"A funny name you have there Ulfgar, I’m going to guess you are not from the Heartland of Equestria. Who are you here with, The Turnips, the Carrots, maybe the Oranges?" Sauerkraut inquired as he waved Ulfgar closer.

"The Apples gave me a roof to sleep under so, in return, I help them where I can." Ulfgar replied as he walked towards the circle center.

"Ah, well may the better man win!" He commented as he raised his fist.

Ulfgar gave only a grunt in reply as followed in suit. Slowly they began to draw in closer. The impatience of the crowd grew with each passing second. They jeered at the two in the ring as they studied each other’s movements. Sauerkraut struck first with a swift left hook. Ulfgar made no attempt to block the blow as he moved in with his own assault. Within three blows, Ulfgar had already pushed the man back against the wall of bodies. He continued to fight until the man crumpled down to the ground. Sauerkraut struggled to get up to his knees as he spat out a wad of blood. With the ring of the bell Ulfgar knew for sure that it was actually over.

"The Winner is Ulfgar; next round is Napa against Anjou!" Granny announced to the crowd.

"You...you are a tough, I'll give you that. Just where did you learn to fight?" Sauerkraut asked between breathes.

"From my time as a homeless orphan and maybe a little bit of fighting wolves that caught me without my weapons." Ulfgar answered as he offered his hand.

"How do the wolves look after you're finished with them, running away with their tail between their legs?" He replied as he pulled himself up.

"Dead mostly, maybe one or two ran away before I could get to them." Ulfgar stated.

"Beating wolves to death... I'll keep that in mind." Sauerkraut commented before he hobbled away.

"Better be careful Ulfgar. Hate to see you pulled out of here unconscious!" Anjou chuckled as he passed by Ulfgar.

He gave no reply as he moved back into the crowd. His mind began pulling in everything that he could from around him. Anjou seemed like he had already won the match. No one would be that cocky unless they had something planned. From what he had seen in this place, he was either facing being drugged or being poisoned. Either way Ulfgar was not going to be excited with it. Back over to his back corner he found an eager Applebloom still up in the loft.

"Wow Ulfgar, that was amazing! You didn't even seem to know he was hitting you!" Applebloom exclaimed, looking at him like the hero of the day.

"It is a little trick that I learned back home." Ulfgar commented as he leaned against the ladder.

"Can you teach me? I could use it for all sorts of things!" She eagerly asked him with her eyes filled with hope.

"And this is why I worry about leaving you around children." Applejack stated as she walked up

"Is it because I followed you home?" Ulfgar jokingly replied. "Anyways, what brings you back here?"

"First off it was to find Applebloom. Secondly was that the others were curious where you disappeared to." Applejack replied with a small grin.

"How do they like this little event you're hosting? Of all the things I have seen here this is a bit... Unusual." He inquired as he looked towards the barn door to see a very curious face of Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow finds it exciting while the other two seem a little bit more nervous about it. I don’t blame them; this is probably their first time." Applejack replied as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"Did Rainbow Dash want you to ask me a question for her?" Ulfgar asked as he kept his eye on the multi-colored girl.

"NO! She is just curious about something, I mean." She instantly countered, seemingly waiting for a different question.

"Well lets bring them over here. If they have questions about me they can ask me. All of these whispers and questions make me think someone wants my head!" He commented as he made a waving gesture to Rainbow Dash.

Quickly she ducked back down into the crowd. The tips of her wings still peaked over the top of the surrounding crowd. He gave out a small chuckle as Applejack disappeared back into the crowd again. As his chuckle subsided he began taking a look around him. There was a mug sitting almost innocently at the table. He stared at the mug for a while trying to think how it got there. Quickly his mind began to swarm around how it could possibly get there. His mind focused less on what was in the mug but more of why the mug was there. It certainly wasn’t his and it couldn’t have been Applejack’s either. While his mind was preoccupied he faintly heard the sound of the bell off in the distance. All that he caught was that Anjou had lost to a 'Peach' and two others were called to the circle. As the idea was figuring out the last few pieces, he felt a pair of arms wrap around his neck. The scenery of the barn melted away two a similar scene. He was now leaning against a wooden beam in a large tavern. The room was filled with drunken travelers and weary adventurers. One man stood out with his luxurious attire. He mostly kept to himself, only eyeing those who neared his seat.

"Well Ulfgar, it looks like we have our work cut out for us this time. A room filled with sell-swords and the target being the lonely looking mage with his liquid pride." Rostei whispered into his ear.

"What's the plan, the drunken brawl I guess?" He softly asked.

"I think we should go with the poisoned mead. No one would notice another pretty bar maid walking around." She replied.

"Fine, just be careful out there. I don't want to see you fooling around with one of these drunks. The last one you played with ended up being one of the guards." He warned her, thinking of his jog through the Falkreath woods.

"Please, can't I play just a little bit?" She teasingly replied.

"I swear that you’re going to put me in an early grave." He stated, feeling uneasy since he knew now what was to come.

"Alright Ulfgar, I promise I won't play with any of the other boys here. Once we get done here, let's take a little detour on the way back. I think some honey-brew mead would do some wonders!" Rostei replied, giving him a small squeeze before moving off towards the bar.

"Is he usually like this when I'm not around?" Rainbow Dash asked Applejack, snapping Ulfgar from his thoughts.

The bar scene quickly vanished like smoke revealing to him his new companions; Along with Applejack, stood the other three. Rainbow Dash and sweet roll had a curious look on their face while Twilight face told him that she knew what was happening. Applejack just seemed to be too annoyed by something else to give any notice of him zoning out.

"Seriously, this is the time you want to talk about this? With him right there!" Applejack quietly shot back.

"Better question, are you always like this when he's around?" Rainbow Dash replied with a grin on her face.

"Are you always so curious when there are bare chested men wrestling around?" Ulfgar questioned back as his mind still worked on the mug.

Rainbow Dash quickly blushed and floated back a little bit. A quick glance from Applejack showed her gratitude. Twilight seemed to be the only one that caught it as Rainbow Dash was attempting to avoid attention and Sweet Roll was standing over by Twilight.

"So, did anyone see my first match?" Ulfgar asked to move onto a different subject.

"Not really..." Sweet Roll began answering.

"It was amazing; you didn't seem fazed at all with any of his hits!" Rainbow Dash interjected.

"Yeah, he was like Pow, and Bam, and Kablam!" Pinkie Pie shouted out from one of the hay piles up in the loft.

"Oh, hey Pinkie!" Applebloom greeted the newest addition

"Am I the only one that surprised by this still?" Ulfgar asked to the others.

"Yeah, you probably are." Rainbow Dash replied with her arms crossed.

"The Winner is Mandarin! Next match, Bartlett and Ulfgar." Granny Smith announced after the ringing of a bell

"Oh this is going to be fun..." Ulfgar whispered to himself as he moved away.

"Mind if I have a sip of your cider, sugar-cube?" Applejack questioned him.

"Don't touch that mug!" He ordered before he was enveloped by the crowd.

As he moved off towards the ring he could hear the others conversing with each other, something about him and the cider. His mind tried to tell him that something was bad was happening behind him but his focus was on something else. Stepping into the ring he found the muscle bulging man already there. A grin was spread widely across his face as he watched Ulfgar emerge from the crowd.

"Well look who it is, the mysterious Ulfgar! I think this is time I repaid you for the last time we met!" Bartlett greeted him before charging towards Ulfgar.

Ulfgar quickly dodged out of the way and landed his own blow on the man's side. Bartlett stumbled off to the side before standing back up and getting back into a stance. Once again he tried to rush Ulfgar but to find two more blows landing into his soft sides. As he steadied himself once again he took a hard look at Ulfgar. Ulfgar let himself stay loose as he waited to see what the big man would do. Bartlett carefully crept forward before throwing a punch at Ulfgar. He almost saw this coming and leaned off to the side just enough so that the arm was right by his face. From there Ulfgar grabbed the arm and threw the man down to the ground. Rising for the third time to his feet he had a face mixed with rage and confusion.

"How is this possible, no man is possible of this?" Bartlett shouted out as a small drop of blood started falling from his nose.

"Of what, beating the champion at his own game?" Ulfgar mocked as he drew in closer.

"Still being able to fight, let alone stand." Bartlett answered as he eyed Ulfgar.

"Just because you willed it..." Ulfgar began before a familiar voice pierced Ulfgar's ear.

"Applejack, are you alright!?" He could hear Twilight asked, panic filling her voice.

Ulfgar could not sum up anything to reply with. His rage boiled to new heights as he felt his thoughts disappear. He lunged towards the man in front of him. There was a flash of shock on his face before Ulfgar began landing blow after blow down upon him. Bartlett broke out of the maelstrom of hardened fist and attempted to throw a punch of his own. Ulfgar let out a dark laugh before grabbing the hand without even moving. He squeezed his hand as he watched the man cringe in pain. With a swift movement, he released the hand and moved forward. From there he grabbed the back of Bartlett's head and slammed it down on his waiting knee. Bartlett cried out as blood began spewing from his nose. Ulfgar did not give the man a second of peace. He was on him again with a flurry of iron fists that all made their mark. Time seemed to come to a halt before the sharp cracking of bones sped time back to its normal speed. Before Ulfgar the bloody form of Bartlett barely stood before him. He tossed Bartlett off to the side before heading out of the ring. Ulfgar thought about saying something witty to warn the man about if this ever happened again, but there were more important things right now. There was a ring of the bell but the attention of the crowd was moving away from the ring with the crippled man inside. Instead they watched as Ulfgar bull his way to where he had left his companions to find them surrounding Applejack. She was moaning while writhing on the ground in pain with Applebloom kneeling by her head. Lying next to her was an empty mug with most of its contents poured onto the ground. He knelt down next to her and swiped his finger inside of the mug. There was still a small amount of liquid still sitting inside the mug. With a small amount on his finger, he gave it a taste. The bitter taste of a poison exploded in his mouth. Spitting out what he felt his rage still wanting him to take revenge.

'Revenge can come later; her life might not last till later.' He thought to himself, surprised at how quiet it was in his head.

The others were trying to tell him their own, frantic, views on what happened but he ignored them as he bolted towards the ladder. Up he went as he moved towards his bag. Once there he began shifting through the multitude of various things cluttering it. Deep inside the small red bottle that he was looking for emerge out from the clutter. He ignored the ladder; jumping down to the ground and feeling the pain ripple up through his body. He took a knee next to Applejack as he uncorked the bottle in his hand.

"Drink this; it will remove the poison from your body." Ulfgar stated as he lowered the bottle to her mouth.

Hesitantly she raised her lips to the bottle before Ulfgar poured the entire contents into her mouth. Tossing the bottle, he held her nose and mouth shut. Applejack, along with the others, panicked as he seemed to be trying to kill her. Seconds passed before she finally drank what filled her mouth. With the antidote down her throat, Ulfgar removed his hands and stayed knelt next to her. Applejack’s pain filled movements died down until her only movement was her chest rising and lowering with her eased breathes. The silence that had fallen over the barn was quickly dashed away with an impatient yell about the next match. From there the attention was brought back to the ring and soon two new contestants were called to the ring. With the deathly silence gone, Rainbow lunged towards Ulfgar with fury in her eyes.

"What was that for!?" Rainbow Dash shouted out, standing over him with her wings out stretched over him.

"The potion works wonders but tastes like it passed through a skeever. I couldn’t risk her spitting it back out.” He replied standing up to face her.

"So you have to suffocate her to get it down her throat!? Rainbow Dash continued in her anger.

“With no other way to go, the last place it can go is down. “ He answered back with his stone cold guards voice.

"Are you sure it is going to work? How do you even know it even works?" Twilight quickly asked, looking very panicked

"I've seen it cure everything except three things, and for those I don't think anyone knows a cure for them." Ulfgar answered as he began stepping closer to Applejack.

"What are the three?" Twilight inquired, being tormented by the possibilities

"Lycanthropy, vampirism, and death... I’m sure that these are still incurable here as well." He stated as he knelt back down next to Applejack.

"There can't be something like that, nothing can cure, nearly everything! The innumerable different qualities has to go into that is impossible. Some of the ingredients would have to nullify each other if they were combined together. If they actually did work, to gather all the necessary resources would easily take a lifetime for just one potion." Twilight lectured with all of her knowledge.

"Applejack will be fine, she will be weak at first but the poison will be gone.” Ulfgar ccontinued before giving Applejack a light slap on her cheek.

Almost instantaneously she slugged Ulfgar right in the jaw before slowly sitting up. "You could have warned me!"

"See, she is just fine. The differences of our two homes are a two way road." He replied to Twilight as he began checking over Applejack

"Still doesn't make it right not to tell me!" Applejack countered as she began to sit up

"After the many years that I have been alive, I still don’t care for the taste. If you coughed it up, we might be talking to a corpse right now." He told Applejack with a serious tone.

“What do you mean, I only had a sip of you’re…” Applejack began to defend herself.

“First off it wasn't my drink. I don’t even know what fills these mugs. Secondly there was enough poison to kill a small horse. I would guess some amateurs tried to rig the game and dumped the entire container in here.” He stated, making his two points very clear to her.

"Is there any side effects like feeling really weak and sick?" She inquired, attempting to get up on her feet.

"No, that would be from the poison. You might be cured but you have to take some time to recover. I would suggest sleeping it off, a good rest can do wonders." Ulfgar answered as he helped her up to her feet.

"I think we should get over to the hospital, just to be sure.” Twilight stated, still visibly shaken.

With one arm hung around his neck, Ulfgar help Applejack towards the door. A glance back towards the ring and he could see two new contestants brawling it. The pears seemed to be missing from the crowd. He could imagine one of two outcomes of what he had done. Either they would see the wrong of their ways and change. Or he could have just created his first rivalry in Equestria. Ulfgar continued his way to the door with these thoughts in his mind. The crowd interest was intent on continuation of the competition. Their attention was seemingly on the fight and the board that Granny Smith stood in front of. Her eyes looked towards them and showed a deep sorrow in her eyes. ‘Keep her safe’ was the message that her eyes begged before calling out the next round. As they headed out into the cool night air, Ulfgar could already sense that something was amiss.

“Something isn’t right here…” Ulfgar began to say to the others.

"Of course it isn’t, I just got poisoned by someone that wanted get you!” Applejack remarked as she shifted to get a better position.

“It is probably just the change in situation, Ulfgar. You’re still wound up from the competition.” Twilight assured him with a soft smile.

“No this is different, can’t you hear it?” He urged the other, feeling his gut twisting into knots.

“Hear what?” Sweet Roll asked, seeming as confused as nearly everyone around him

“That’s it; I've been falling asleep recently to the various sounds of the night. Now you could hear your own heart beat.” Ulfgar explained as his eyes shifted towards the dark shadows at the edge of the orchard and the house.

“He does have a point; it does seem quiet for the farm.” Applejack commented as she began looking around.

Punctuating her observation, an arrow could be heard whistling through the night before grazing Ulfgar’s neck. Warm blood began seeping out of the cut and down his neck. It slowly trickled down his neck and began flowing down the crevice between Ulfgar’s neck and Applejack’s arm.

“Bloody bandits…” He cursed under his breath as silhouettes emerged from the darkness.

“Is that what I think it is?” She asked in hushed tone

“Yes, that is definitely blood…” He began to answer before being cut off by a voice from the darkness.

“Well look what we have here boys. I guess this was the guy the guards were talking about before. I bet we could make a pretty penny if we can turn this guy in. We might even get more money than what Silver Liar was thinking of scraping off that girl working with the caravan!” The voice greeted them as silhouettes appeared out of the darkness.

“Ulfgar, what are they talking about?” Sweet Roll asked him with a doubting tone.

“What we are talking about is how your big friend there stirred up a ruckus in the market today. Even though the thugs he roughed up happened to be some co-workers of mine, I didn’t really care for them. Now if you hand the big lug over, we can both go our merry way.” The voice explained as one of the silhouettes slowly began to draw closer to them.

“What makes you think we’ll just hand him over?” Rainbow Dash questioned him with her usual feisty attitude.

“Hmm, let’s think about this. You have four citizens and one thug on your side. I on the other hand have nine well trained men and women on my side. I have swords, axes, bows and arrows; you maybe have a knife at best!” The voice continued explaining.

“You would be surprised what I can do with just my hands.” Ulfgar threatened the voice as he motioned for someone to take Applejack.

“I would be since you can’t seem to understand that you are coming with us!” He shouted back quickly losing the taunting voice he had before.

"What I can't understand is how you expect the Royal Guards not to catch on." The voice of Emerald Shores inquired with the moon at her back.

'Sorry I was gone; I had some business to attend to. What did I miss?' Morrigan suddenly asked, oblivious to the current situation.

“You know, they do say there is nothing like a good bandit raid!" he replied before sprinting out towards the silhouette right in front of them.