//------------------------------// // Professor Colgate // Story: Terror in Equestria 4: The Collapse of Evil // by StormLuna //------------------------------// Lunch time had come and gone and Colgate led everypony down to the archives where she unlocked the door and led everypony in. She was bound and determined to make sure her allies knew more magic than Twilight. "Ok everypony," said Colgate "all of Twilight's spells are in this box. Over here on this table are the scrolls and books that she used to write them. You have to read the books before you can understand the spells. I have placed bookmarks in them to mark where the material is you need to read to understand the spells." Applejack said, "Ah am wondering, how many days will we be able to study down here before we will have to fix everything back to the way it was so Twilight won't know we were down here?" Colgate replied, "We will have two days of high intensity education before I will have to fix everything back to the way it was. I have the books I used for my spells over in my house right now. On the third day i will bring over the books that I borrowed from here to write my own spells. We will have very high intensity education for two days. On the first day it will be reading the material I used and on the second day, study my spells and then practice casting all the spells you will be learning, both Twilight's and mine. That way, we will have finished everything and still have a day and a half before she gets home." Luna asked, "What will we do once Twilight leaves for that second trip?" Colgate replied, "First we will go and educate Lyra as that is a must. Once Rainbow Dash, a few of my soldiers and myself return, we will practice our spells and fine tune them if we need to. I will then watch them using the eye. On the day that they return, when they reach the coast, I will increase the size of both the dark Alicorns and changelings tenfold." Fluttershy asked, "How many soldiers will she be taking with her on the second trip?" Colgate replied, "Like this one, she will only be taking her two generals. So when she returns, she will have no choice but to surrender." Rainbow Dash asked, "What is Twilight going to do when she returns from her second trip and we suddenly start using our advanced magic?" Colgate replied, "Well she will know that it will be surrender or go down in battle. She will be facing up against six Alicorns who are more advanced in magic than she is. She will especially know her reign of terror will be over when we shatter her and her army's armor." Pinkie was looking through one of the books and said, "Wow, these books do give good information. This says, 'The changeling's power is good, but not great, they can fire ooze but not enough to make their foes lose, for them to be great, they must fire bolts of hate, the energy shall be strong so their enemies won't last for long.'" Colgate said, "Pinkie, where did you find this?" Pinkie replied, "I found it in this book about unusual and rarely used spells." Colgate said, "Pinkie, you have found the one thing that nopony else has been able to! Now we can cast a spell upon our changelings and their attacks will be much more powerful!" Rainbow Dash was stunned by this. She said, "Wow Pinkie, it is awesome you found that. Now to learn how to use that spell." Pinkie replied, "I think I know what energies are needed to do that. It will require a type of energy that isn't like Luna's, that isn't like Celestia's and that isn't really like what Discord used when he was Discord. I am working on the exact details of it in my head right now, but hopefully this will work and our changelings can have tons of fun bringing down Twilight and her goons." Colgate said, "Ok everypony, we need to read through all the books and information that I have marked today. Then tomorrow we will read Twilight's spells and you guys can figure it out." They spent five hours reading through the books and all the spells that Twilight had bookmarked along with the changeling spell, which Colgate studied as well. This really taxed all of them as they were not used to this much studying. Colgate said, "Ok everypony, it is time for supper. Let's go up and eat some supper and then discuss a few things in the throne room and then you can head home for the night." Applejack said, "Ah like this idea. Ah am so hungry right now!" Colgate and her recruits headed upstairs and were greeted by her officers. Lightning Wasp asked, "Hi everypony, how did all the studying go?" Colgate replied, "It has gone very well so far, Pinkie even found a new spell to help you changelings have more power in your attacks." Lightning Wasp said, "Really? That is amazing Pinkie! That is something that we have been hoping for. Perhaps after we defeat the dark goddess, you could host a huge party for all of us!" Pinkie replied, "Weee. That will be fun!" Colgate said, "Before we go planning any parties, we need to focus at the task at hand, which right now is learning all these spells. There are many more things ahead of us before any kind of party can be planned." Ice Storm said, "Here comes our supper! It looks so tasty!" Colgate replied, "I'm glad to hear that. I'm sure it will be just as tasty as it looks." Colgate and everypony else enjoyed one another's company while they ate supper. Like always, they did not discuss anything involving the military during supper, after supper, they headed to the throne room for a quick meeting before everypony headed home. Colgate said, "Alright everypony, things have gone well today. I want you here by seven in the morning so that we can have a good filling breakfast. We will be studying Twily's spells and learning them for a good portion of the day. If we learn them well enough tomorrow we can start studying the books that I wrote my magic from so I will be bringing those over from my house." Fluttershy asked, "Who will be taking care of my critter friends while I am gone all day?" Colgate asked, "Who has been taking care of them while you have been busy here lately?" Fluttershy replied, "Well Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo have been caring for them." Colgate asked, "Have they been doing a good job?" Fluttershy replied, "Yes, my animals absolutely love them. Even Opal has grown to like them." Colgate said, "Wow! Then they are doing a great job. They will continue to care for them then." Lightning Wasp asked, "What other issues do we have to discuss tonight?" Colgate replied, "We have no other issues to discuss. This meeting is adjourned." Over the next three days Colgate was able to teach her recruits all of Twilight's spells along with her non-time related spells. She along with everypony else worked hard on learning Pinkie's spell, which was difficult since it required energies that nopony really knew much about. Two days before Twilight was to arrive home Colgate had all the books, scrolls and papers back in the exact place where she found them. That day they were out at the base practicing some of the spells. Colgate needed the assistance of some changeling drones and some dark Alicorn soldiers for the testing of the armor shattering spell. "Lightning Wasp," said Colgate "I need you to gather some changeling drones and Alicorn soldiers. I along with my recruits need to test an armor shattering spell. Don't worry, it won't hurt them." Lightning Wasp replied, "Ok, we can do that." Lightning Wasp led several dark Alicorns and several changelings out into the test range. He said, "Don't worry guys, this will not harm you." They replied, "Ok Colonel, we won't move out of the way." Colgate said, "Alright guys, first I must cast a powerful armor spell upon you." Colgate's began to glow a deep shade of blue, her eyes began to glow blue and her horn began to glow as she recited, "The one without armor does not stand a chance, so it is what we must enhance, the unarmed one will likely receive death, with armor he shall continue to draw breath, without armor he will be torn to shreds like a rag but with armor victory is in the bag." Colgate fired the energy at them and the energy was quickly absorbed into their bodies, giving them nearly indestructible armor. Colgate said, "Alright guys, now the time has come to see if my armor shattering spell works." One of the drones asked, "Will this kill us?" Colgate replied, "Like I said before I started this, no, it won't." Colgate began to glow like she did before and she recited, "Our foes' armor is great, that is something I hate, with their armor they are strong, but them having armor is just plain wrong, now their armor is gone and it is time for them to say bye as they are struck by energy and die." Colgate fired her energy at them and there was the sound of glass shattering, what appeared to be blue glass shattered around them. Colgate knew that the spell worked. Colgate said, "You see guys, it didn't do anything to you. Alright, everypony else will now do the same thing I did. You need to put a strong armor spell on them and then shatter it." Luna asked, "I know your shattering spell worked on your armor spell, but will our spells work on other ponies' armor shields?" Colgate replied, "Thanks for bringing that up Luna. We will need to work our shattering spells on each other's armor spells." They spent the day working on their spells and fine tuning the amount of energy they use. Everything was working out perfectly, which pleased Colgate greatly. There was just one more that they needed to test out, and that was Pinkie's spell. "Pinkie," said Colgate "We are going to test your spell out on our changelings now." Pinkie replied, "Okie Dokie!" Colgate said, "Lightning Wasp, Dark Cloud, I need you two to stand over here by the tower. Pinkie has a spell she needs to cast on you. It is supposed to make your energy far more powerful." The two officers stood over by the tower while Pinkie got ready to cast her first spell. Pinkie began to glow pink, her eyes began to glow pink and her horn began to glow pink as she recited, "The changeling's power is good, but not great, they can fire ooze but not enough to make their foes lose, for them to be great, they must fire bolts of hate, the energy shall be strong so their enemies won't last for long." Pinkie's energy hit them and then was absorbed by their bodies. They then started firing ooze energy off in the other direction. Besides just firing ooze, it fired powerful energy as it left burn marks in the grass where it hit. Colgate saw this and said, "Pinkie, that worked even better than I thought! Now the rest of us need to see how well we can make that spell work. Colgate along with everypony else cast the spell on various changelings and it worked just as good as Pinkie's did. This thrilled both Colgate and Pinkie. Pinkie said, "Weee, they're going to have so much fun taking down Twily and her forces!" Colgate replied, "Yes they will. Thing is though, Twilight probably won't be bringing any military with her when she gets home from that second trip except for Thunder Rage and Dark Night. But still, we will prepare as though she were bringing a million soldiers with her." Supper time arrived on Saturday and Colgate along with her officers and recruits set down for one last supper together before Twilight got home. Colgate made sure that they had a huge meal, much larger than anything Twilight had served. Colgate told them, "You have all done well. I am not sure exactly when Twilight will go on her trip to Maredrid, but when she does, you know what our plan of action is." Luna replied, "Yes, we know what it is. Well, here comes our food! Enough business talk for now!"