The Equestrian Adventurer

by Kasterter

The Dawn of Friendship

“Kasterter's Adventure log, day one. Today was my first day of adventuring just for the sake of adventure, and I had never thought that it would be so amazing, and terrible at the same time. The most amazing sight was definitely the magnificent clouds in the vast sky, which seemed to go on forever, however... for the bad part... I have not eaten at all today, as I have no idea what is edible and what is not. Hard to believe that I learned just about everything about nature, except what was on the menu.” I had said to myself as I had written my first adventure log.

I had adventured before this point, but I had never recorded it before. Adventuring was my first interest, you may say that it runs in the family. My father had been an adventurer, and my father's father, and so on, and I was not going to be the one to break the chain. And as an adventurer, I absolutely loved the Daring Do books, and I had read every single one of them, I even carried the first book around with me for good luck. Even though my adventures were nothing compared to her stories, I found excitement wherever I went.

“Kasterter's Adventure log, day five. Nothing much of interest had happened today, except I learned that there was a town near where I was, named Ponyville around a day's walk away, so I have started to make my way to Ponyville.”

“Kasterter's Adventure log, day six. I was walking to Ponyville for the whole day, and I believe I can see it in the distance, my hard work has paid off, with my Green coat shining and short blue and red mane in the wind. I think that I will stay there for a couple days, then leave. I will get there tomorrow, and I am very excited!”

Just as I had said in that last log, I had walked towards this so called “Ponyville”, because I had heard that it was an amazing place with amazing ponies, even housing a student of Princess Celestia herself! After I had walked for about four hours, I had found myself in the middle of Ponyville. Everypony was doing something of importance, then, it happened, what seemed like a pink blur, popped up in front of me, seeming to break the laws of physics with as fast as it was going.

“Hi! I know everypony in Ponyville, so when I noticed you, I KNEW that you were new in town! What's your name? My name is Pinkie Pie!” yelled the pink pony while bouncing up and down.

“Wow, you seem energetic! My name is Kasterter, but you can call me Kast.” I replied.

“That's a nice name, Kast! Wow! That name is catchy! Want me to show you around Ponyville?” asked the energetic pony.

“Sure, and I am very hungry also, so is there a restaurant around here?” I asked.

“Of course! I work at the bakery here! I can get you a free cupcake!” said the excited pony.

Several minutes later, we found ourselves at Sugarcube Corner.

“Oh yeah! I never asked you what your cutie mark means! Well, it looks like... a map and compass! Are you an adventurer?” asked Pinkie.

“Yes, I am an adventurer, you have a good eye!” I said proudly.

“Really? Wow! I was just guessing!” she said with a surprised look .

“I have one more question for you, do you go on adventures like Daring Do?” she asked.

“Actually, not really. My adventures are not nearly as exciting as those books, but those books are one of the minor things that helped me find my love for adventuring!” I said, thinking about my past adventures, and about my father, which caused me to cry.

“Whoa! Are you okay? Was it something I said?” asked the pink pony, trying to figure out what was wrong.

“No, I just remembered things that I wish I had not.” I said, drying my tears.

“Oh, okay. Well, have a cupcake! Cupcakes make everything better!” said Pinkie while skipping towards the kitchen to get me a cupcake.

“Wow, she's really nice.” I said under my breath while smiling again.

“Here you go! One cupcake!” said the pink pony skipping with my cupcake.

“Thanks Pinkie, now, does Ponyville have a library? I need to get some research done.” I asked.

“We do, and as a matter of fact, my friend Twilight lives there! I will bring you there!” said the excited pony.

As we walked out of Sugarcube Corner, I had been marveling the sights to see in Ponyville, some of which were the amazing and complex buildings, the fact that everypony helped everypony and the happy atmosphere was so warm and inviting. It all reminded me of my hometown, and in turn, reminded me of my deceased father, however, Pinkie's happiness was so contagious, that I could not even think of being sad. Before we knew it, we were outside of the library, and I was amazed on how huge it was!

“Hello? Twilight! Are you there?” Pinkie said as she knocked on the door.

“Yes, I am, come in!” a voice from the other side of the door answered.

The door glowed purple and opened itself, obviously by a simple unicorn spell, but I wouldn't know what spells were easy or not, I am an earth pony! As Pinkie and I had walked in, we saw a purple unicorn tending to many books at one time, putting them all in one specific order. The amount of books was astonishing, there had to be hundreds!

“Hey Pinkie! And who is this?” said the unicorn.

“Oh! This is Kast! He is new in town and he is an adventurer!” said Pinkie.

“Oh really? Where are you from?” asked Twilight.

“I am from a small town, much smaller than Ponyville, it never had a real name.” I said, trying not to think about my family.

“That seems interesting! Anyway, what brings you to the library?” asked Twilight.

“Oh, I need to do some research on wild plants. just so that I know what is edible and what is not.” I answered.

“Hmm... let me see...” she said thoughtfully as she looked for a book.

“Aha! I found just the one! 'Wild Foods Encyclopedia.'” she said, levitating the book towards me.

“Thanks! I really need this!” I said with glee.

“How long do you plan to stay in Ponyville, Kast?” asked Twilight.

“Oh, maybe a week or so, just so that I can learn a little bit before I leave.” I said.

“Leave? To where?” Pinkie asked.

“Nowhere in particular, I just want to adventure for adventure's sake.” I said.

“That is interesting. We have a friend here named Rainbow Dash who you may want to talk to, she has always wanted to meet a real full-time Adventurer.” said Twilight.

“Sure, I love to meet ponies that share my interests!” I exclaimed.