//------------------------------// // The Invite // Story: Terror in Equestria 4: The Collapse of Evil // by StormLuna //------------------------------// It had been a week since Twilight had transformed the skies purple and her and Spike have been having a lot of fun, like they did in the old days. Spike did wonder though why Twilight had not been studying as much anymore and decided to ask her. "Twilight, why don't you study as much anymore? Are you losing your love of learning?" asked Spike Twilight replied, "Well I know pretty much everything there is to know. When that is the case there isn't much more to learn." Spike asked, "Twilight, when we are out doing stuff, who keeps an eye out on things here in the tower?" Twilight replied, "Shining Armor does and if he is tied up, Commander Colgate handles things." Spike trusted Shining Armor completely but was unsure about Colgate. "Twilight," asked Spike "do you ever wonder if Colgate might try to overthrow you two?" Twilight laughed, "Oh Spike! You're so funny! Colgate doesn't have even close to the magical know how to even think about it! She can't even tap into the eye or get into the archives. I'm the only pony that can do either one of those!" Spike replied, "Ok Twilight. I just have a strange feeling about her. I'm probably just being paranoid." Twilight said, "You're starting to sound like my brother now! He gets worried like that too." Spike looked like he was about to go into a coughing fit when "BELCH" he coughs up a letter from Queen Galaxia. Twilight opens the letter and says, "Wow Spike, you just coughed up your first letter from Queen Galaxia." Spike asked, "Who is Queen Galaxia?" Twilight replied, "She is Princess Luna and Celestia's mom. Alright, let's see what the letter reads." The letter read, "Twilight, this is Queen Galaxia. I just wanted to let you know that Cosmos, Luna and myself are holding a meeting for all the stewards and I think that since you are the world leader, that you should be present. We would also like it if Spike, Shining Armor, Starswirl and your two generals could make it as well. It will be more than just leadership discussions, there will be food, music and fun for four days. Please reply ASAP and let us know if you will make it, the events start on Saturday. Queen Galaxia" "Twilight, what do you want me to say?" asked Spike Twilight replied, "Tell her that we all will be there." Spike wrote the reply to Galaxia and sent it. He was really excited about being able to travel abroad. "Wow Twilight, I can't believe that I will be able to travel abroad!" said Spike Twilight replied, "Well I could never go on a trip like this without my number one assistant! Right now though, we need to call a meeting with everypony who is going and Colgate." Spike said, "Alright Twilight, who do you want me to inform?" Twilight replied, "You inform everypony here while I fly over to Colgate's office. I think it would be better if I told her myself." Spike said, "Alright, when will this meeting be?" Twilight replied, "It will be at 6:30, right after supper. Make sure everypony is in the dining hall before 5:30 for supper." Spike said, "Consider it done!" Twilight headed up to her balcony and then flew over to Colgate's office. Applejack was taking Apple Bloom home after her appointment. "Howdy Twilight," said Applejack "What brings you to these parts?" Twilight replied, "I need to talk with my commander. We are having a meeting tonight involving an overseas trip and I have to have her up in the tower running things." Applejack asked, "What about us? Do we get to come?" Twilight answered, "No, not for this one. The issues with this just involve me, my brother and the others within the inner circle of my government." Applejack sighed and said, "Well alright Twilight. It's whatever you have going on." Twilight headed into Colgate's office. Colgate saw her coming and was not exactly thrilled about what she was probably going to say. "Hi Colgate, could we talk for a minute?" asked Twilight Colgate rolled her eyes and said, "Yeah, sure. I have a patient coming in for a root canal in 15 minutes, will that be enough time?" Twilight replied, "Yeah, it will just take a couple of minutes. I need you to be up at the tower by 5:15 for supper. After supper we are having an important meeting that everypony must attend." Colgate said, "Yeah, I can do that. This root canal will be the last appointment of the day. I will be closing at 4:30, so sure I can be there." Twilight replied, "Well good. I will see you then. I will let you get back to work." Colgate said, "Bye Twilight, see you then." Twilight headed out and flew back to her tower. She could tell that Colgate was not exactly thrilled but she still wanted her to be the pony in charge while they were gone since she is the only one with any kind of leadership experience. Colgate finished her root canal and headed over to Twilight's tower early. She was thinking to herself, "I bet she is going to go to some party abroad. If she does, perhaps Equestria needs a new leader." Colgate arrived at five and headed up to the dining hall where she was greeted by Spike. "Oh, hi Spike. How are things going?" asked Colgate Spike replied, "Oh they're going great! I get to travel abroad with Twilight!" Colgate replied, "Well that is good. I take it you have never been out of Equestria before?" Spike said, "Nope. I get to meet Queen Galaxia and King Cosmos!" Colgate was a bit irritated but did not let it show. "Well that is good Spike. It is always great to meet other leaders." Twilight walked into the room and said, "Colgate, you know who Spike is don't you?" Colgate replied, "He's your assistant, right?" Twilight replied, "Yep, and he is the best assistant that anypony could ever ask for!" Starswirl, Shining Armor, Dark Night and Thunder Rage all came into the room. Twilight shouted, "Ok everypony, it is time for supper before our meeting." The chefs brought in a huge meal consisting of steak, potatoes, oats and carrots. Spike however, did not get a plate of food. Spike asked, "Where is mine?" Twilight replied, "Just a minute Spike, yours will be here in a minute." Colonel Ice Storm levitated a huge bowl of gems and set them in front of the hungry dragon. Spike was amazed at this. "Wow! Thank you Twilight" said Spike "Rubies, Emeralds, Sapphires, Diamonds and Amethysts! Those are my favorites!" Twilight replied, "I figured that you should have something special for tonight." Dark Night asked, "Where are your other friends Twilight? Weren't they invited?" Twilight replied, "This meeting doesn't involve them. This one is only for the higher ups in my government along with Spike." After supper they all headed into the throne room where Twilight addressed them. "Alright everypony, Queen Galaxia has requested that me, Shining Armor, Spike, Starswirl, Dark Night and Thunder Rage head to Faustica for a get together with the other stewards. She said that since I am the world ruler, that I needed to be there." Shining Armor asked, "So when is this going to start?" Twilight replied, "The events will start on Saturday. Today is Sunday. I think we should fly out to the coast tomorrow morning and set sail for Faustica after a quick lunch. That way we should get there by early Friday. I want to make sure we have plenty of time to get there." Colgate asked, "If that is the case, then why did I have to come to this meeting?" Twilight replied, "Colgate, you are in charge when Shining Armor and myself are gone. I need you to be here and basically keep an eye on things. That isn't going to be a problem is it?" Colgate was thinking to herself, "hmmm...if I could just find a way into those archives I could learn anything and everything! This will be perfect!" Colgate replied, "Oh no, not at all. You can count on me!" Twilight replied, "That's the Colgate I have come to trust and think so highly of!" Starswirl asked, "Twilight, what time will we be leaving tomorrow morning?" Twilight replied, "We will be leaving immediately after breakfast, around 8:30. Could you be here around 7 and join us for breakfast Colgate?" Colgate said, "Yeah, sure. I can do that." Twilight said, "Tell you what, there is one VIP bedroom that is going unused. Why don't you just sleep in there tonight. While I am gone, you can sleep in my bed. After all, the one in command should get the most comfy bed!" "Thanks Twilight," replied Colgate "I really appreciate it." Twilight said, "Well everypony that pretty much covers it for tonight. I will discuss more once we set sail. For now I am off to bed, I'm tired. Good night everypony." Twilight was up in her room with Spike looking through the book on locks that she had used to write her spells for the locks to protect archives. Spike noticed that she had written the spells in the book. Spike asked, "Twilight, why did you write those spells in the book itself? Isn't that kind of dangerous?" Twilight replied, "I'm going to have to have a talk with my brother. I honestly think he is making you more paranoid by the day!" Spike said, "Maybe you're right. Perhaps I am getting too paranoid. I just worry about information falling into the wrong hooves." Twilight said, "Oh, it will be fine. I'm getting tired. I really need to get some sleep. Besides, we have to get up early tomorrow." "Alright Twilight," said Spike "I'm off to bed as well." Spike headed to his room while Twilight read over the spells that she had written. She knew they worked and was simply admiring them as she has been with a lot of her spells she had written lately. Twilight put a bookmark at the page where her spells were written, closed the book and laid it on the nightstand. She went to sleep and had a very peaceful night's rest.