Mind Swap

by Flames173

Ending (Soarin)

After about half an hour of flying, Soarin finally reached his destination, still oblivious to the fact that Rainbow Dash was following him. He stopped in front of a large black door, then he looked around, probably to see if anyone was following him. Rainbow Dash bolted into a bush when he started to turn her direction. He looked at the bush curiously. Then the wind whipped up and shook the others. He figured the wind was rustling the bush, though it was odd only one shook at first. Soarin looked at the door and found a keypad somewhere on it. He punched in a quick series of numbers and the door opened, then he walked in. He shut the door behind him, but it was too late, Rainbow Dash already got in, but he still was unaware of her presence.
Soarin walked down a short hall and came into a room.
"Did you get it?" a voice seemed to emanate from nowhere.
"Good. Did she believe the call when you said you didn't?"
"Excellent, now, give me the necklace."
Soarin pulled out a necklace, it looked as if he got it from thin air. Then he put the trinket on the table in the middle of the room and slid it across. A goldenrod hoof stopped it.
"Perfect, now we need the other five elements." The pony stepped out of the shadows and the light glinted off her sunglasses. "It will be hardest to get Fluttershy's, so go for it next to get the difficulty out of the way."
"Yes Spitfire."
Rainbow Dash gasped quietly, but it echoed from her position around the room.
"What was that?" Soarin asked, looking around for anything out of place.
"We have been discovered." Spitfire said. "GUARDS! We have been penetrated, I repeat, we have been penetrated!" she shouted.
One of the guards let out an childish giggle.
Spitfire glared at him. "You three, find the one who infiltrated the base. You, stay."
The guard who laughed met Spitfire face to face. "This is serious. If you are that immature, then I'll have to fire you, but you know too much, so I will have to end you. One more slip-up. I promise you. Just one more." Spitfire said. "GOT IT?" she shouted.
"Sir yes sir." The guard responded.
"I'm watching you. Now find whoever snuck in, and terminate them." Spitfire said, then she got as close to him as possible without touching him. "Now." She said and pointed a hoof at the hall.
The guard quickly ran around her and went down the hall, carefully checking for ponies.
"The elements of harmony will be mine." Spitfire said.