//------------------------------// // The war and hands // Story: I get a break // by xCloudx //------------------------------// I was too stunned to move. The Doctor was a friggin pony! “I wanna be a pony to doc!” I shouted. He laughed “Glad to see you cloud.” He said grinning “Good to see you to doc but why are you here ive been looking for you man! It got really lonely without my friend yelling at daleks and fixing things and saying he’s sorry!” I chuckled. “Well it seems there was a rift like the one where we first met the cyber men and well…. I didn’t want to go.” My smile fades “Neither did I but I had a job to do.” He nods “Well cloud it was good seeing you, you should come with me and ditzy sometime I could always need my friend with an unlimited supply of pineapples!” I smile again “You know that it was funny even though we were facing death! “His grin widens “I know! Now ditzy shall we go?” ditzy nods “Bye cloud!” I wave my hand. Me and the doctor go way back. Like back to when I first started being the guardian. I miss those days. “Cloud come in here we can make some cupcakes now!” pinkie shouted over my thoughts. “Alright pinks im coming.” I enter the kitchen to stare down a barrel of a gun. “We never settled are dispute cloud.” Pinkie said in a very serious voice. She shot the gun and a pink cupcake hit me in the face sending me flying over the counter. I gather myself to my feet wiping of the cupcake “THIS MEANS WAR PINKIE!” I shouted laughing. She tossed me a gun full of frosting. “Bring it guardian boy!” I quickly jumped out of the house and began running. Oh god what have I done ive started a war with the most deadly pony ever! A cupcake zoomed past my face “GET BACK HERE!” pinkie shouted with so much force it could most likely count as a thume. I turned around “I AM THE GUARDIAN I DEMAND THIS BAT-“I was cut off to a cupcake to the gut. Okay no talking. I scrambled to my feet and begin letting it loose on the energetic ball. “GODDAMMIT STOP MOVING!” pinkie was moving even faster now. My gun clicked I was out of frosting I tossed it to the ground and pulled out my combat cupcake. Pinkie stopped a few feet away holding a cupcake. “You’re going down!” I shouted. Pinkie rushed me I dodged to my side. I got to my feet and saw her charging again. This time I was not successful. She got me right in the leg with the cupcake. “Gah!” I fell onto the grass and got to my knees. Pinkie stood in front me. “FINISH ME YOU PINKIE MONSTROSITY!” she smiled wildly knowing that she just defeated the most powerful being in the whole well let’s just say whole of everything. “Any last words cloudy?” I nodded “I need about tree fitty!” I laughed. Pinkie was amused also but she did still shove the cupcake in my mouth and forced me to sallow it.” HAH I WIN!” I fall over on my side. “Aw common cloudy its no-“I cut her off by shoving a cake in her face. “The cake is a lie though!” pinkie yells putting her hooves to her head. We both fall over on the ground and begin laughing. After about a minute of non-stop laughing I wiped a tear out of my eye. “Pinkie I really missed you. “I have a giant grin on my face “I missed you to but I have to go setup the party for you! It will be at the library at six I will see you then bye cloud!” I wave “by pinks.” Now what do I do. Well I could no. Maybe no. Know what I will just go see rarity maybe I can learn more about whatever she does. I stop “Where the hell does rarity live…. Why am I talking aloud?” I shrug. Well I guess I could just go walk around aimlessly and stare at things depressively! Nope I will just go find rarity’s. I begin walking into town slapping my headphones on and blaring three days grace. After an hour of wondering I finally got my hands on a map. I stare at the map intensively. “Well according to this map im lost as fuck.” I sigh and continue looking at the map. I give up. I fold the map and shove it into my pocket. I look back up to see a sea foam green unicorn standing in front of me grinning. “Uhhh can I help you?” she nods “Yes just give me your hands and we won’t have a problem.” I look at her “Sorry nope!” I begin to walk away to hear a war cry. “GIVE ME THEM NOW!” I turn around to her standing in a battle stance. “OH FUCK!” I begin to run as fast as my magically enchanted shoes would let me. “LEAVE ME ALONE!” I shout behind me to see her still chasing me but falling far behind. I run directly towards an oddly colored home and swing open the door and slam it shut and slide down the door back still against it. I hold my breath as I hear hoof steps from upstairs. A familiar voice calls down “Is somepony there?” it was rarity “Oh god rarity help me there’s a unicorn who wants my hands!” I yell out. Rarity comes down the steps and looks at me “well you can stay here until she is gone.” I nod my head relieved I didn’t want to lose my hands the first day here. I get to my feet and look at rarity “So what do you do?” I ask “Well I am a fashion designer ponies from all over Equestria make request from me.” I nod “well that’s cool I guess.” I begin to walk around the shop seeing mannequins and threads and whatnot. I shudder when I look at the mannequins. “Something wrong dear?” I nod my head “ive never liked mannequins I have had a bad history with them popping out of nowhere and scaring me.” “That sounds terrible!” I nod my head “So do you still want to learn about the fashion of my world?” She nods her head gleefully. “Okay here I let you see my clothes then maybe if you want I can take you to earth and show you around.” I shudder “the mall” I hated malls. She gasp “Really!?” I smile “Yea” she looks like she couldn’t control her excitement. “Well thank you cloud now here let me see your jacket.” I nod and take off my jacket revealing some of my tattoos and my bracelets. “Cloud what are those on your arms?” I sigh “these are tattoos. These stand for who I am and what I am.” She nods “so like a cutie mark?” I shake my head. “These were well forced onto me when I became the guardian.” I wince remembering the pain of getting them. “And those bracelets?” I look down at the bracelets “these are elements one for earth, water, fire and water. As long as Im wearing them I can manipulate these elements.” I form a fireball in my hand “see?” “Wow that is quite amazing!” I laugh “Yea these saved me plenty of times! And you’re probably wandering what thing on my side is and why I have a giant sword on my back.” she nods “I never asked at the library.” I smile “Alright.” I pull out the hand cannon out of its holster “This is a gun. It’s used to shoot metal projectiles at very fast speeds this one was custom made forged by Hephaestus himself.” She looked at me “Hephaestus?” I frowned. I forgot these ponies know nothing besides their own history. “He’s a god from another world.” I say “So he’s like you?” I shake my head “No because I actually do things unlike the gods.” I laugh. This is why Zeus wants my head on a stick. “And for my sword” I pull the sword out and show her the golden handle and black and red metal on the blade. “This is the guardians’ blade. Now you may think im immortal but this is the one weapon that can kill me.” Her eyes widen “You have the only weapon that can kill you? Why?” I sigh “Well hell it was just given to me when I started so I just kept it you know because it gets boring tearing apart monsters with your bare hands.” I breathed in. “so I take it being the guardian is a scary job?” I nod “terrifying.” There was an awkward silence. I glance at my watch “Hell it’s almost time for the party.” I look up at rarity she is still inspecting my jacket. “Rarity are you coming to the party?” she looks over at me “Of course I am! Now let’s get going.” She levitates my jacket over to me and I grab it. “Alright sgo!” rarity looked at me “Sgo?” I smiled “Yup now! SGO!”