Cupcake Chronicles: Learning To Laugh Again

by milesprower06

Learning To Laugh Again Part 6

Learning To Laugh Again
A Cupcake Chronicles Side Story Series
by milesprower06

Part 6

Rainbow Dash was roused by the rope around her front hooves being loosened. Once it was loose enough, AJ gently tugged on it, and it snaked away from her legs. Rainbow stretched her wings and body, the warmth of satisfaction still lingering from last night. Once AJ had the rope completely removed, she leaned in for a soft kiss.

“Mmm....morning, AJ.” she said upon their lips parting.

Her hooves untied, Applejack bundled the rope up and put it back in the box, and slid it back into the closet before shutting the door.

“Well, here's to day two of vacation. Hopefully the Princess doesn't summon you anywhere this time and you can actually relax.” Applejack said, as her marefriend got out of bed, giving her mane a quick brush in front of the mirror.

After breakfast, Rainbow made her way out to the swimming hole, to check up on a certain someone. She had gotten a letter from Granny Smith telling her where they had made their new abode. Sure enough, Rainbow spotted the gator hole off to the right of the dock.

“Well, you seem to have made yourself comfortable, eh Gummy?” Rainbow greeted, coming out onto the dock so she could see the home the alligator had made for himself.

A scaly green snout poked out from the hidden den, no doubt containing damp soil that had shade almost all day. The two-year-old gator crawled out into the swimming hole, and Rainbow followed shortly after, diving into the pond.

Though she had taken up swimming after her traumatic experience in the basement of Sugar Cube Corner, she enjoyed it even more with wings, as they served as another set of appendages to propel her through the water. She didn't do any acrobatic moves this morning; she had come out here to relax and think...mainly about the task Princess Celestia had given her.

Replacing Pinkie. Rainbow didn't want to think about it like that, but that was the first thing her mind thought of when Celestia told her to find another pony to hold the Element of Laughter. Pinkie was gone, Rainbow had accepted that. But she was taking a bit longer on accepting that she was now supposed to find another pony with traits that seemingly made Pinkie unique. How was she supposed to go about it? Find another prankster? The next pony that partied the hardest? And if it happened according to how Celestia said it would, just how would the Elements let her know when she found the right one? On one hoof, knowing that they would help in her search made it easier. On the other hoof, she wanted to be absolutely sure it would be the right choice...somepony who could live up to Pinkie's high-on-life legacy.

It would happen when it would happen. Right now, she was intent on enjoying her morning swim.

“Approaching next stop, Ponyville. Arriving at Ponyville in five minutes! Five minutes, Ponyville! Five minutes!”

The conductor's bellowing announcement as he strolled down the aisle roused Surprise from her slumber. She opened her eyes to the sun rising over the rolling hills that made up Equestria's central valleys. The train rolled past farmland, forests, and finally signaled its approach to the Ponyville platform. The steam billowed out from the brakes, and the doors slid open to bid departure to the passengers.

Surprise's only luggage was a light set of saddlebags. If she had scheduled everything correctly, everything else had arrived ahead of her. She filed out of the train car, watched as other passengers either went on their way immediately, or were greeted by family and friends on the platform. She knew where she was going; she had been here on a very quick trip a few days earlier, just to scout out the building she had leased. It was perfect; a small store on the edge of the market square. She had spent the last couple years saving up from various jobs, and she wanted to be sure of what she was purchasing 2,000 miles away. It had been a very fast 36 hours, taking the express train to Ponyville then back to Seaddle. She had only spent about two hours in town, and hadn't had the time to find any familiar faces, namely Rainbow Dash and Applejack, whom she last saw in Las Pegasus six days ago. She was looking forward to seeing them again. But there were things to tend to first, like her new store that she came trotting up to.

She always dreamed of running her own business. Throughout all her life at the orphanage, she loved helping out at all the birthday parties. The older she got, the more responsibilities she was given. She helped choose decorations, assisted in the decorating, helped cook and bake; pretty much if it had to do with the party, she helped in one way or another. Now that she was finally out on her own, she was confident in her ability to plan and host parties, but a party planner wasn't a very profitable position by itself, not enough to support oneself. But if she could sell party supplies too, that would prove to be a stable income, seeing as how Ponyville didn't have any dedicated party supply stores. She had enough saved up to hopefully give her enough time to make a name for herself here in town, and get sustainable business.

Compared to the rest of the surrounding marketplace, her new store was somewhat plain. But she was confident that with a few days, she would be able to spruce it up quite a bit. That's what some of the contents in the crates outside the store waiting for her were for, that had indeed arrived in town ahead of her.

The eight crates had been neatly dropped off by the storefront window, stacked in a cube, two high and two deep. Within was everything she believed she would need to get started, mainly products and promotion signage.

“It's been awhile since we've had a new business in town.”

Surprise turned to see a light brown stallion walking up to her and her new store.

“Hi there!” she greeted.

“How do you do, young lady. I'm Filthy Rich. Owner of Barnyard Bargains.”

He wore a collar and necktie. His black mane was slicked back neatly, curling up slightly on the back of his neck. His cutie mark was three tied bit bags.

“I do just fine, thank you. Sizing up the new competition?” Surprise replied, shaking the business manager's offered hoof.

“Why, competition just means better things for the customer. But I'm just here to welcome Ponyville's newest entrepreneur. This small place has been vacant for quite some time. I hope you have nothing but the best of luck in getting it up and running. You spend awhile scouting out for where you wanted?”

“I checked out a few places. I'd just wanted to get away from Seaddle. Been there most of my life. I chose here because of how relatively new the town is, not even three generations old yet. Maybe it's fate that Rainbow Dash and Applejack live here. I'm huge fans of the Wonderbolts.”

“Yep, it'll be nice to have them back in town for awhile. There have been quite a few ponies helping down at Sweet Apple Acres in Applejack's absence, myself included. She helped me set my filly straight, figured it was the least I owed her. So what do you like doing in your spare time?”

“I like volunteering my time helping out young ponies in need. Back in Seaddle I volunteered at the hospital's kids wing. Doing a little cheering up does wonders to make their stay more enjoyable. I hear the Ponyville Hospital is looking for a volunteer.”

“Quite generous of you, girl. Especially if you're gonna be running your own business. But it's also great that you have something else to do. I've learned that there are consequences for focusing solely on your business. You can't ignore all the other ponies in your life.” Filthy said, grabbing the crowbar resting on the top of the crates, and prying the first one open.

“Why don't I help you get some of this stuff inside?”

Filthy looked inside, and saw what was to be the focus of Surprise's store.

“Party supplies?”

“Yep! I've helped out with countless party's back at the orphanage back in Seaddle, so I knew that's what I wanted to do when I opened my own business.” Surprise answered.

Filthy gave an uncertain smile.

“Well, I hope you have the best of luck getting it off the ground. But you can't exactly do that until we get this all moved indoors.”

Together, they moved the crate into the store, into the back storage room. Filthy peaked inside. Within, was the signage for the front display.

“Heh, clever title, kid.”

Rainbow flew through Ponyville's high late morning breeze. It was nice, not having to report for drills or practices. Being a Wonderbolt wasn't all glamor and stunts. She had been enjoying this time off, to be sure. It was a shame that her vacation was approaching the halfway point, as they had been back in town for a week and a half. But she still thought about what her dad had said. Over the past year, she had missed hanging out with Fluttershy, missed all the ponies in Ponyville she was friends with; regardless of all the fans she had out on tour, they couldn't replace the comforts of home. Especially Applejack. She still couldn't convince herself that she would be alright out there without her for so long. Not after everything that had happened, and not to mention the new, interesting directions their sex lives were taking.

As she passed over the market square, she noticed a new business occupying one of the buildings in the northeast corner. She descended to the ground, and read the sign above the door, written in a lively font.


She had to be honest, she had completely forgotten about the adoring fan from the Las Pegasus meet and greet who had told them she was moving to Ponyville to start her own business. She really didn't have anything planned today, so what could be wrong with dropping in to say hi? She opened the door with a hoof and stepped inside, a bell sounding her arrival.

“Hello! Welcome to Surprise's Surp-Rainbow Dash! I was wondering when I'd see you around!”

Surprise greeted her from behind the front counter. The rest of the store consisted of six aisles of everything you could want at a party. Cake platters, utensils, cups, party hats, bags of confetti, birthday candles, cards, and an variety of games just to name a few of the store's offerings.

“Hey there Surprise. I see you've already got everything up and running around here. How's business been?”

“Slow, to be completely honest. But I'm willing to suffer through a bit of slow business until things pick up. Maybe nopony has a birthday yet” she answered with a giggle.

She was right. Taking a quick glance around, Rainbow noticed she was the only customer in the store.

“So how is it being home?”

“Fantastic. I'm really enjoying it. To be perfectly honest, I...I don't even know if I want to go back out in two weeks.”

“Really? Not being a Wonderbolt for more than one season?”

“Don't get me wrong, being a Wonderbolt has been very exciting, but I'm just not sure that I can spend that long away from Applejack and my friends. I keep on trying to think what it would be like out there without them and...well, I don't want to think about it.”

“That's very noble of you, Rainbow. You're an amazing friend.”

The entrance bell rang again, and another pegasus walked into the store.

“Hey there Cirrus, how are you doing today?” Rainbow asked. The last time she had seen Scootaloo's mom was quite awhile ago, just after getting out of the hospital, when Scootaloo and the other Crusaders accidentally saw what had happened to her.

“Well, I've been better.”

“Sorry to hear that. How's Scootaloo?”

“Well, that's why I came in here. I was down the street when I saw you come in here. I need your help with Scootaloo. She's been better too...a lot better.”

It didn't matter how many bookstores Twilight came across on tour the past year; nothing beat her own. From her point of view, she had spent the last ten days doing some light reading. According to Spike, she had read half the library.

She was barely into the N's when there was a knock at her door. She set down 'Nightmare Night: A History' and went to answer it. There stood her favorite farmer.

“Hey Applejack. You know, you don't need to knock, this is a public library.”

“I know, I just figured you were probably catching up on your reading.”

“That I am. How's the book I got for you? The one know...”

Applejack blushed lightly.

“It's helped quite well. But...I'm here to get help with something that it hasn't answered.”

“Well, I'm not exactly a sex therapist, AJ.”

“I know, but you've given me some great relationship advice in the past, so I wanted to come to you with this first.”

Twilight smiled, flattered at Applejack's preference for advice.

“I'll do my best to help you out, AJ. What is it?”

“Well, the book says quite a bit about what subs like, you know, what makes them tick. I'm pretty sure I know what makes Rainbow's being controlled, restrained, punished, talked down to...namely by me. But what I don't know is why. I've known Rainbow for nearly five years, we've been together for just over one, and only in the past six months have I seen her even ask about being submissive. And only in the past ten days have I seen how...turned on it makes her. I just want to know why, and I've got a pretty good feeling that she doesn't want to reveal it.”

“What makes you think that?”

“We had a session on our first night back in town. After we were done, I mentioned that she would have to tell me sooner or later. She fell asleep.”

“That's not odd.”

“For her it is. She's never fallen asleep so quickly afterward...part of me thinks she was just pretending. Then our next session was three days later, and I tried to be just a little more forward. But again, she changed the subject and got tired.”

“Well, it sounds like she's beating around the bush. But part of it may be your timing too. You've asked both times at the end of your session, when her submissive mindset is starting to fade, and her normal mindset begins to come back. If she's in her submissive side completely, it might be a bit easier for her...and more enjoyable.”

“So just make it part of the session?”

“Yeah. Think about it, AJ. You're the dom. Take control. Make her tell you what you want to know. Punish with the pain, tease with the pleasure, and she won't be able to resist spilling the beans to her mistress.”

“This is Rainbow we're talking about, Twi. If she wants to, if she really wants to keep it a secret, she will.”

“Well, maybe there's a way I can help with that.”

Applejack smiled, again blushing at the cheeks.

“Twi, I just...just thank you, really. You've been such a help with the two of us. You've pushed me to break down some barriers that have really helped us love each other. I really wish I could come up with some way to show my appreciation.”

“It's nothing, AJ. Besides, I think with advice like this, the 'thank yous' you been giving me are quite enough appreciation.”

“Heh, maybe you're right. So...thanks.”

“No problem. Come back in a few days, and my 'help' should be ready to go.”