//------------------------------// // Future Lesson Part 1 // Story: The Adventures of Doctor Whooves and Friends (Season 1) // by Cameronguy2 //------------------------------// As The Doctor walked around, checking to make sure that the TARDIS was functioning properly, as properly as his TARDIS could function anyway, he wondered what the day’s events might hold. His question was somewhat answered when Twilight burst through the door, panting like a dog that had just gone for a long and tiring run. “What’s wrong?” The Doctor asked. “Something really bad is happening,” Twilight said trying to calm herself down. “What is it?” The Doctor said, quickly getting out his sonic screwdriver and leaning out the door to scan the area, “Are the Daleks attacking?” “No,” Twilight said. “Are there Weeping Pegasi somewhere?” The Doctor asked getting the results of the scan. “Worse,” Twilight said, looking very nervous. “This scan says nothing’s out of the ordinary,” The Doctor said, “what’s the matter?” “The Princess,” Twilight said, trying to regain her composer. “Yes?” The Doctor said. “She,” Twilight said, now looking absolutely terrified. “Go on,” The Doctor said. “She… She gave me an assignment and I have no idea what she’s talking about!” Twilight screamed. She hung her head in shame and looked about ready to cry. “Seriously?” The Doctor said, “That’s the reason you were so terrified? Are you kidding me?” “I’m serious!” Twilight said, “It was weird, she told me to come see you.” “Really?” The Doctor said, now slightly more intrigued, “What exactly happened?” “Well,” Twilight began, “I was told to see her at once, and that she had an assignment for me. When I went to talk to her, she told me that she’d have a test for me tomorrow about something called The Day of the Launch, but I have no idea what that is! I’ve never even heard of it!” Twilight sat down with her head in her hooves, muttering something about failure. “Hmmm…” The Doctor said, “That is interesting… I never knew about that.” “You don’t know what it is either!?” Twilight yelled looking up. “Oh no no,” said The Doctor, “I know all about that, it’s just… you’re a princess…” “That’s right,” Twilight said. “and yet you still need to take tests?” The Doctor said. “Yes, yes I do,” Twilight said, “Now could you please tell me about this day of whatever?” “Ohhhhh,” said The Doctor, “I can do much better than that. It's time for a history lesson, or in this case, a future lesson.” He ran around the main control panel, pushing buttons, pulling levers, and twisting knobs until he pulled one final lever with a dramatic motion. “You may want to hold on to something,” he said with the sound of adventure clear in his voice.” Twilight grabbed a column and held on tightly as instructed, and heard the familiar whooshing sound of the TARDIS, as the two ponies embarked on another adventure through time and space. The TARDIS landed, and Twilight fell back, happy that the ride was over. She got up, and watched as The Doctor walked to the exit. “Well aren’t you coming?” he said. Twilight walked out of the TARDIS and looked around. “Hang on,” Twilight said, “this is Canterlot.” “Well aren’t you a smart one,” The Doctor said, “Yes, this is Canterlot, but in the year 2655. This is the day that Equestria goes to the moon. You can see their ship if you look over there.” The Doctor pointed in the direction of a very large space ship. It was disc shaped and about the size of a small city. It was black with glowing blue lines in certain places and it also had long, horizontal and rectangular windows encircling it. Twilight’s jaw dropped. “This is amazing!” she said, “Come on, we’ve got to go see it!” “Ahh, there’s your sense of adventure,” The Doctor said as he followed Twilight down the street. They hailed a cab and soon they were on their way to the starship Luna. When they arrived at the launch pad, they joined in with the very large crowd looking up at the ship and patiently waiting for its launch. At the front of the crowd, there was a large and ornately decorated podium. Thunderous applause and near ear shattering cheers could be heard for miles around as Princess Luna walked up to the podium and began a speech. “Citizens of Equestria,” she began. The applause got even louder and Luna had to wait a few moments for it to quiet down again before she could continue. “Citizens of Equestria, today, as you all know, is the long awaited Day of the Launch! This is the day that Equestria will expand beyond even the borders of this world! This is the day that will forever be remembered as the day that we put a new city…”, she paused for dramatic effect while the crowd was on the edge of their seats, practically drooling with anticipation. “ON THE MOON!” Luna finished. The crowd went completely nuts, and Twilight and The Doctor had to cover their ears to keep from going def. Luna spoke again, “I now join the one million ponies on this proud ship, to lead them to glory, and govern this new colony. I relinquish control of the stage to a pony who has achieved feats even greater than this long before Equestria was even established. This is a pony who has not only traveled in space and saved countless worlds, but a pony who has traveled throughout time itself!” The crowd went crazy once more, and The Doctor sat there with a very confused look on his face. “What?” was the only thing he said. “Doctor,” Twilight asked, “is she talking about you?” The Doctor was completely silent and still very confused as Luna stepped down, and a familiar looking mare with curly, blond hair took the stage. “Hello Equestria,” she said, “oh, and hello sweetie.” “What?” The Doctor said again, now completely petrified by sheer confusion. Twilight waved a hoof in front of his face. “Doctor?” she said, “What’s wrong?” The blond mare spoke again, “Today, as I’m sure you all know by now, these fine ponies will take this fine ship, and establish a colony on the moon.” The crowd cheered again, and Twilight was now almost as confused as The Doctor. “And what will they do once they are done with that?” the blond mare asked, “Well I’ve got one word for you Equestria.” Twilight looked over at The Doctor, finding that he was now fully “awake”, and had a mildly serious expression. “Spoilers,” he and the blond mare said in unison.