Children of the Night

by Wolfen Spirit

The Castle

The castle got darker as we walked in the halls so I lit up my horn in a gentle blue haze so we could see. Most ponies (Earth and Pegusi) found that light unnerving, but I found it comforting. It was the first spell my father taught me. You see, my brother and mother were Pegusi, but my father, my sister, and me were unicorns. My father always embraced the night saying, "The world was so full of possibility in shadows. Maybe that was a monster by the closet, maybe just a pair of saddlebags on a chair. Maybe that was a just a dog in the distance, but maybe a timber wolf. Shadows made things possible."
But to me the only thing shadows made possible was hope. Hope, oh what that word means I will never know.

Minutte brought me to a dusty uninhabited room, "Do you wanna sleep here for now?" I nodded and looked outside, Was this what clouds looked like? Was the sun really yellow? Questions crossed my mind every second. I yawned, realizing how tired I am.


Even in my declaration of tiredness I was wide awake. I was also a little hungry since in my escape I didn't remember food. I turned on the light in my room, well borrowed room. but, a few minutes later I remembered my mothers silly saying, 'when your not tired and it's time to sleep just lay back and try, because even if you can't sleep, the rest of us are exhausted'
So I finally took my adoptive mom's advice and closed my eyes.


I awoke when it was near darkness. I looked at the clock, 10:00 pm , sigh. Still same time. As always. A full moon shown through the windows. The night was always more comfortable for me. It was like being wrapped in a familiar stary blanket. I grew up at night. Not a hint of sun.

I remembered where Minutte told me her room was, RRLRL (Stands for Right Right Left Right Left) so with that in mind I focused on teleporting there. My blue magic glowed and wrapped around me. I opened my eyes and I was at a fancy door. I looked inside and saw a navy blue, tall unicorn in there. She unfurled her wings. WINGS?! Oh crap. It's Luna. I saw her flowing mane and recognized it from my transformation. I suddenly couldn't think of anything better to do then drop to the cold floor and bow. She probably heard my ungraceful thud and turned around, she stood over me shocked as she saw me bowing. "Who art thou? Why art thou in my quarters?" I looked up at her, my green eyes flashing.

"I am called Nightly Red, dear princess. And you are my mother." Luna looked even more shocked but regained some of her pride and asked me,

"How may I be your mother, you delusional foal?"

Not as much pride as I thought...

I looked at her, and stood up. "Because I," I looked at my cutie mark, a crescent moon with a magic symbol behind it, "Am one of many of your Children of the Night."
The princes gasped and ran her eyes over me. I lowered my hood. Luna turned around and walked into her room, slamming the door in my face.

I stayed at her door until dawn. Then I walked back to my room. Minutte said she'd see me at dawn anyway.

Trying to pass the time, I pulled out a story. Thick and heavy, I admired its cover, It had a small moon cycle design, which I hadn't noticed before. The title was, Legends of the Night the title shone, almost like it had it's own life source. I ran my hoof over the title again, It dimming and shinning as I did. I never did notice this book here before, and worried I was being a 'delusional foal.'

My door squeaked as it was being opened, I turned around, "Minutte finally! I hope you brought the----" Not Minutte I stared with disbelief as I saw the Midnight blue princess at my door. I regained my posture and bowed quickly, "Princess Luna!"

She sighed and smiled, "Daughter." She walked up to me, "So my children aren't gone after all."

I looked at her, "I hope your are not disappointed Night Mother,"

She looked through the window, "No. I am overjoyed. But a little shocked." I felt bad for her, thinking all her Night children were dead. "But tell me one thing Night Dweller, Why are you here?" I sighed and looked up at her,

"To find out the truth."

She nodded, "Ok,but the truth of what?"

I looked down now, "Of our story," I whispered, "Of the children's story."

She smiled at me, "how long do I have to tell you?"

I smiled back and spoke to her mind 'as long as it takes'


Princess Luna came to me the following night, Saddlebag in hoof. She levitated my totally forgotten dress out of it, "It's beautiful, wear it tonight?" I looked at her incredulously,

"What for?"

"Breakfast, um er I mean dinner with Tia. My sister." I nodded Ah yes, Mrs. Sunny Bright Shine. Probably going to resent this I put on my Night Celebration dress. Luna watched me with interest. "Your good at magic, are you not?" I nodded again, "Well we can just say you are my student, named..." I looked up alarmed but then calmed down, seeing reason in her words,

"My name will be Gari,"


As I walked in to the dinning hall, yes hall. Eating gets it's own hall, I saw a purple alicorn on the side of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I stopped short of entering and hung to the shadows, shuffling my hooves and looking down. Celestia was the first to look up. She saw me at the door and stared at me. Luna looked at where her sister was staring and saw me. "Gari! Come, sit, eat!" She smiled at me and I smiled warily back. I stepped forward and the purple alicorn got up,

"Hello I'm Twilight Sparkle," I acknowledged her with a nod and sat near Luna. This is going to be a looonnnggg night.