New Best Flyer in Wonder Bolts Academy

by That1Brony3


Scootaloo went to see how Rainbow had reacted to her beating her first day records. When she opened the door, she was met with a greeting from someone other than Rainbow Dash.

"What do you need" the other Wonderbolt asked.

"I was looking for Rainbow Dash" Scootaloo replied.

"She's out right now. Is it anything I can help with?"

"No, I wanted to talk to Rainbow Dash"

"Ok, Goodnight then."


She went directly to bed, disappointed that she couldn't talk to Rainbow Dash.

The next morning, she went to the dining hall to get breakfast. What she was most interested in was the list that showed who everypony would be working with for the remainder of the class.

When she saw that she and Sky Blitz were together, she was excited. And even more excited when she saw that she was lead pony.

She went over to Sky Blitz to talk before they had to go to class. She found Sky Blitz and sat down next to him.

"Did you see that they made you and me a team?" she asked.

"I know. Isn't it awesome?!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah it is."

"What do you think she'll have us doing today?"

"I don't know. Maybe some kind of obstacle course."

"Come on" he said, finally "Class is about to start."

Outside, the class waited for their instructor to come out. Instead of Rainbow Dash coming out, one of the other Wonder Bolts came out. He was a tall, thin pony, with a light green coat and a spiky, yellow and blue mane. He had light body markings that looked like the wind and his cutie mark was 2 lightning bolts.

He beamed at them. "How is everypony today?" he asked. No one responded.

Just then, Sky Blitz stepped forward and said, "I'm fine, sir." Everypony held their breath. They knew they were never supposed to talk out of turn.

"Finally," he said, exhaling "somepony answers my question. Did you know you are the only person who has responded to my question? And I've been here for a loooooonnnggg time."

Everypony let out a sigh of relief. They thought something bad might happen. Scootaloo thought for a sec he might even get kicked out of the academy. Sky blitz who was in awe, finally spoke, "No, sir, I didn't know."

"Well, now you know." He said "My name is Speed Demon. I'll be your instructor for the week. Maybe even a couple weeks."

"Where's Rainbow Dash?" asked Scootaloo

"She said she had a job to do and it would take at least a week, if not more."

"Oh, Okay."

"Any more questions before we start?" he hesitated, waiting for an answer. "Good, then let's get started."

Speed Demon worked them all really hard for the next few days. On top of that Scootaloo spent most of the time meant for drills thinking where Ranibow Dash might be. She knew she crashed on the obstacle course at least 5 times. Not to mention she veered way off course. A lot.

Sky Blitz had obviously taken notice, because when they were done, he asked "Is something wrong Scootaloo?"

"No. Why would there be?"

"Well, you haven't been acting yourself lately."

"What ya talking about?"

"Just toady you crashed into about 15 obstacles on the course. Is something on your mind?"

"Just have been wanting to talk to Rainbow Dash about something."

"You can tell me." His eye looked longingly into mine.

"No. I just want to keep it between Dash and I" she said. "Not that I'm trying to keep a secret..."

"Then why won't you just tell me?" he pressed.

"Can I please tell you another time?"

"Fine" he snapped, and stomped off towards the dorms.

"Great" she said to her self "Now what've I done?"

How will he treat me tomorrow? And how will it effect our performance as a team?