A Midsummer Nightmare

by Globalnet

1 - Gambits and Exploits Await

Chapter 1 - Gambits and Exploits Await.

The quiet mystical air of a midsummer’s night. The moon begins its descent carefully directed by the mare of the moon. Amongst the delicious calm and still of the dark, broken carefully and calmly by the chirping of the insects. The clopping of hooves gloomed slower and slower as the inhabitants prepare for their night. For dreams undreamt in the ever marching realms of time. The princess began to scour the landscape, quietly spectating her subordinates. Drifting towards the untainted night sky.

However, not even she can sense what lurked in the darkness. What foul beast entered the realm of existence, preying on the weak and insolent. Slowly cruising through the forest of the Everfree, it’s paralyzing aura preventing it’s inhabitants from taking a gander at it’s splendid form. Floating just a couple of inches above the ground, suspending itself with it’s natural magical prowess.

It had come from beyond the realm of this world’s existence. Hunting for something worthy. Something worthy to pass the time. It had been engaged in a war that lasted eons, until growing tired and weary of it’s opponents. Of course, the battle was far from easy. It faced beings of tremendous power, even a being with control over the very fabric of time and space itself. But the entire arrangement became monotonous as it went on. Battling for victory or for glory was never one of it’s intentions. Rather, it battled because it was drawn to it. It was something to distract itself from the boring churn of time.

It’s mind droned on the possibilities. Perhaps this world would yield something of interest? It’s memory lapsed back to the time it first came across an Ancient. It was not easily enticed or blinded by it’s deceitful attributes, but as it observed how the mortals danced around, doing it’s bidding, it was amused. Eventually, it was overcome with morbid curiosity and decided to battle, choosing the Radiant Ancient, as it reminded it of the Undertree. Oh, how it remembered the euphoria of striking down lives that were foolish enough to come across it’s path, how it remembered the adrenaline of nearly escaping the grasp of death from circumstances it failed to judge correctly, and it felt the sting of death as it awaited the Ancient to revive her.

The rustling betwixt the trees stunned her thoughts. She adjusted her gaze ever so slightly. Much to her excitement, she was surrounded by a pack of Timberwolves. The pack closing in, like a noose to it’s victim. The consistent stream of growls and howls, a pitiful attempt at intimidating her. A simile overcame her, as the Timberwolves made their move to attack her. They lunged at her at top speed, closing the distance in a matter of seconds. They poised for the attack, only to be met by a stream of dust and a missing victim. Their momentum forced them to collide with themselves. The entire pack was loitered from confusion, attempting to find their meal, who disappeared from their grasp.

Did you mean to elude me?”

The pack leader, aggravated by the creature, ordered for another attack. They began at full gallop towards the creature. The creature simply smiled and released a large yet slow floating orb. The wolves, instantly avoided the orb as they closed the distance with their prey. As they were in range for their attack, the creature simply disappeared. This time, caught on with it’s tricks, they did not collide nor did they waste time organizing back into formation.  The slow floating orb dispersed and revealed the creature in it. The pack leader ordered for another attack.

“This has gone on far enough.”

Then, all of a sudden, the Timberwolves collapsed into the ground, shrieking and raging. A small orb was floating out of the ground, a magical beam of light attached itself to every single one of the predators. Each and everyone howling at the terrors and the nightmares that continue to invade their minds. Unable to move and unable to understand or decipher what was happening to them. The creature smiled mischievously and floated away.

Short-lived creatures.”