Once In A Blue Moon

by Bayonate

Chapter 11: Past and Future

Twilight Sparkle’s POV
This book is so……..so……..good. What am I saying!? This book is really boring. It is informative, but it is just so bland. If Dawn Dust put an adjective here, he-
Knock! Knock!
Somepony is at the door. I get up, trot over, and open it, and I see one of the pegasus royal guards. He was hovering over the ground with an envelope in his mouth. I gently take the envelope out of his mouth with my magic.
“Thank you.” I said.
The guard nods and flies off towards Canterlot. I close the door and canter to the library table. Is this a letter from Princess Celestia? I tear open the letter, eager to read its contents.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,
We have need of your skills in an important issue. I have sent a carriage to pick you up. It is of utmost importance that you arrive in Canterlot as soon as possible.
King Solar

Why would King Solar send for me so suddenly? Oh well. I better pack quickly. As soon as I packed my saddlebag, I look out the window and see the carriage land in front of the library. I jump into the carriage, and we fly off towards Canterlot. We land on a platform, and I get out. Several guards come towards me.
“His Highness has sent us to escort you to the dungeons.” said the lead guard.
The dungeons!? Have I done something wrong!? The guards surround me, and I am escorted into the palace. We go down a long flight of stairs. It was dark, musty, and scary. Finally, we reach the bottom of the spiral staircase. The ground was covered in bones, chains, and dried blood. The staircase exited into some sort-of corridor. Both ways seemed to go on forever. All sides had jail cells. The guards led me to the left passage. I look into some of the jail cells. Some ponies were bone-thin and stared hungrily at the rats that scurried about. Other ponies stared at nothingness; it was like they felt dead already. Most cells were empty, but several had skeletons still locked in chains. I heard screams coming from the way we were headed. The guards stopped and opened a door that wasn’t a jail cell. I hope if this is a jail cell that it is a nicer one than the stone cold ones. The room was very dim. There was only one light source, and it shined on one chair in the center of the room. In that chair was a pony that was bleeding profusely. Another pony was beating the pony chained to the chair. It was my brother, Shining Armor!
I run forward and stop my brother’s hoof from punching the injured pony. “Shining, what are you doing!?”
“Twily? What are you doing here?” he asked as he put his hoof down.
“I was sent here by King Solar to assist him in some matter.” I glance at the wounded pony. It was Dawn Dust! “Dawn Dust! Why are you here?”
He looks up in a daze. A stream of blood was coming down his skull. He stared at me and smirked.
“You know him!?” my brother stared at me with shock.
“Uh, yeah. I met him in Monoceros.” I said sheepishly. “Are you okay, Dawn Dust?”
“Twilight, don’t talk to him.” my brother warned.
“Why!?” I exclaimed somewhat angry.
“We caught him sneaking around the archives.”
“So!? Everypony has a right to knowledge.”
“He was looking through classified information. He also knocked-out several guards.”
“Twilight Sparkle, this way.” said one of the guards behind me.
I totally forgot they were behind me all this time. A hidden door slid open. I walk toward the hidden doorway and glance at Dawn Dust. My brother stood in front of him with a face of disgust. I trot through the doorway and see King Solar seated in the room. It looks like a hidden viewing room.
King Solar looks up from his tea and says,”Ah. Twilight Sparkle, my daughter’s faithful student, I have sent for you because I need your help.”
“What do you need help with, your Highness?”
“That pony down there has-“
“You mean Dawn Dust, your Highness.”
He raised an eyebrow. “You know that pony? Even better!”
“How so, your Highness?”
“Well, he refuses to answer any of our questions. We caught him several hours ago looking through classified information in the archives. We have tried every known technique, but he will not answer our questions. Captain Shining Armor has beaten him senseless, and he still won’t budge. So if we can’t break him physically, we need to break him psychologically. I know that you are very powerful in magic, so I need you to break his mind. We need to know who sent him to probe through our archives.”
What!? The king is asking me to break my friend’s mind just to get information out of him. I really like Dawn Dust, but if I refuse I may be branded a traitor to Equestria. What do I do?
“O-Ok. Yes, your Highness.” I bow and walk out of the room. I slowly trot toward Dawn Dust while looking at the stone floor. My brother retreated into the shadows and glared at Dawn.
I look up and Dawn Dust’s smiling at me. A pool of blood surrounded him. There were bruises all over his body. Blood continued to drip down on his face.
“Dawn Dust, I have been ordered to break your mind but please can you tell me who sent here to Canterlot. It will be easier on me and you.” I quavered.
The smile disappeared from his face. He studied me like he was sizing me up. He sighs. “I can’t do that, Twilight.”
I start to cry. “Then-then, I have no choice.” My horn began to glow purple. I shoot beam of magic toward Dawn’s horn. Dawn’s mind was like a fortress. Dawn’s face contorted into one of deep concentration. It was like chess match of the minds. I made it past his mental walls, and as soon as my magic touched his mind, things escalated.
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo……………………!!!!!!!!!!!” screamed Dawn Dust. His face was now contorted in deep pain and hurt. He started to cry. “STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPppppppppppppppp………………..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
I saw all of his memories. The memories of when he was born, when he was a colt, when he graduated, everything. I saw all of his life; every second of it. He thrashed and kicked; made every effort to get out of the chair. His pupils shrank until they were the size of a needle point. His face continued to scream out in agony, but no voice came out. Dawn slumped back down into his chair and twitched. He was in shock. I backed away crying.
King Solar came out of the hidden room with a smile. “Thank you, Twilight.” He trots toward Dawn in a giddy and triumphant mood.
I run out of the torture room crying. I run up the entire flight of stairs and straight to Cadence’s room.
Cadence was brushing her mane and turns to look at me. “Twilight, what happen?”
I began to bawl like I was a foal. She trotted over and comfortingly hugged me.

King Solar’s POV
“That isn’t possible! He would never do something like this!” I paced back and forth.
Dawn Dust was still in shock. He was groaning and moaning. My unicorn guards were positioned around him.
“Move! Let me read his mind!” I yell furiously.
“Are you sure, your Highness?”
“Does it look like I am sure!?” I glare at the guard that was questioning my judgment. He begins to shake and quaver.
“Uh yes, your High-I mean no-I mean yes. Uh-”
“Just get out of my way.” I canter toward Dawn Dust and stop. My horn glows red, and I enter Dawn’s mind.

(Memories of Dawn Dust)

Dawn Dust’s POV
I walk through the giant double doors into a dark room. Only moonlight shined into the room. A dark figure sat on a throne with no guards. Wait, that is strange. Where is everypony? I ignore my uneasiness and trot toward the shadowy figure. I stop at the bottom of the steps to the throne and bow.
“You called, your Highness?” I asked while bowing.
“Yes, I have, Dawn Dust.” said a tall figure. He was sitting in the shadows, but his power made him stand out. “I have a special mission for you.”
“What is it, your Highness?”
“I need you to infiltrate Canterlot’s archives. I need you to look through all of Equestria’s research, military, supplies, and resources.”
“But why, your Highness?” Why does he want me to sneak into the Canterlot archives? Could he be possibly planning something or what?
“That does not concern you. Do you accept this mission? In return, I will give you riches and knowledge beyond your imagination.”
Strange, he will not tell me why I must carry out this mission.
“But-what? Do you wish to put Equestria before your own glorious nation? This mission is in the interests of the Kingdom of Monoceros.”
“Of course not, your Highness. The Kingdom of Monoceros is more important to me than Equestria but-“
“Look do you accept this mission or not?” asked the dark figure. His voice betrayed his impatience.
I don’t want to do something that might hurt Twilight. He could be planning something terrible, but if I refuse I might be branded a traitor. My family might get hurt if that happens.
“I-I accept this mission, your Highness.”
“Good.” The dark figure gets up from and trots down the steps toward me. He stops about a meter away from me. The moonlight shined on his face. “You have every resource in this kingdom available to you. It is essential that you complete this mission.”
“Understood, King Black Night.”
I stood up and cantered out of the room. The double doors slammed shut. A maniacal laugh echoed through the doors and bounced off the walls.
(End of Memories of Dawn Dust)

King Solar’s POV
I exit Dawn Dust’s mind. I had sweat coming down my forehead. I wipe it away. Black Night, my friend, why would you do this? I was thinking. Why would he send somepony into the Canterlot archives to look through our economic and military strength? Is he planning an invasion? No, he would never do a thing. Would he? I continue thinking as I walk out of the room.
“You two guard the door. Make sure this-this filth does not escape.” I yell. Two unicorns quickly obeyed my command. I walk out of the dungeon and go to my study.
“It’s time for another reunion.” I say as I shut my door.

2 days later….
No One’s POV
King Black Night’s carriage pulls into Canterlot. He is surrounded by his own guards. The Equestrian guards surround the party from Monoceros and guide them to a room. The room was simple. It had a long table with 2 chairs on either end. King Solar was seated at one end with several guards at his side. King Black Night sat at the other end and his guards took positions beside him. The two monarchs stared at each other.
“So,” began King Black Night,” why have you called me here today? You said that we are going to discuss something of utmost importance concerning both of our nations.”
“I have called you here today because of this!” King Solar yells as he points toward a side entrance. The door bursts open and Dawn Dust is pushed into the room. He is gagged and shackled.
“Hmphhhh!” says Dawn Dust.
“King Solar, why do you have one of my of my subjects gagged and tied?” asks King Black Night calmly.
“More importantly, why did you send him here?”
“I did not send him here!”
King Solar jumps and points an accusing hoof at King Black Night. “You’re lying! I know you sent him here. I read Dawn Dust’s memories, and you specifically sent him to infiltrate the Canterlot archives.”
“You’re not even denying it! I want to know why!”
“Oh? That’s classified.” King Black Night brought up his hooves for emphasis.
“Then tell me your true reason.”
King Black Night’s calm demeanor disappeared, replaced with one of great fury and rage. “You dare ask me for my true reason! Do you really want to know!? You of all ponies should know why I am doing this!”
“I truly don’t know why.”
“Then this will refresh your pathetic memory! It happened thousands of years ago when we were foals.”

(King Black Night’s Memories)

King Black Night’s POV
“Tag, you’re it!” yelled Solar.
I turn around and start chasing him. I tag him as soon as he was about to dash off.
“Hey! No tag backs!” he exclaims.
“Fine.” I grumble. That means I can only tag Sun Flare then. Where is she? Her head pokes out from the bushes but quickly hides again. She thinks she is safe? Think again. I go around and sneak up behind her. I am about to tag her. My hoof goes forward and-
“Master Black Night! Master Black Night! Something terrible has happened!” yells Steward White, my butler.
Unfortunately, it made Sun Flare turn around. Her eyes grow wide and she squeals in surprise. She runs away.
Disappointed, I turn to Steward White and ask,” What happened?”
“I can’t tell you. Your mother wants you to return home now!” says Steward White as he ushers me toward a waiting carriage.
“Solar and Sun, I have to go!”
They run to me and say their good-byes. Steward White and I get into the carriage. We are quickly sent to the Sidera household. We enter the mansion right after we exit the carriage. Briskly, we enter the master living room. I see my mother crying. I rush to her side.
“Mother, where is father?”
“Your fa-father, ha-has been banished!” she stuttered. She let out another cry of grief.
“Father? Banished?” I sit down beside her. I try to comprehend what I just heard. “Wh-who banished him?”
“King Aubade.” my mother said through her tears.
King Aubade was the current ruler of Equestria and the father of Solar. My father and King Aubade are good friends. Why would the King banish my father?
My mother let out another howl of distress. “The King thinks that your father was part of the recent rebellion.”
“Father would never do such a thing!”
My mother just continued to cry and weep. I can’t believe it. My father is gone. He was a successful politician and businesspony. He was good friends with the King like I am with Solar. Wait. This is probably Solar’s plan. He knows I like Sun Flare, and I know he likes Sun Flare. He is probably trying to get rid of my family and me, so he can have Sun Flare for all himself. Yes, that’s it. Well, Solar your plan will not work. I will see that justice is served. I will clear my father’s name.
I stopped seeing Solar and Sun Flare. I spent all my time trying to find evidence of my father’s innocence.
20 years later….
I stood over my mother’s grave. She died from grief. She lost the will to live. The Sidera family was shamed and harassed. All the servants quit wanting nothing to do with a ‘treacherous’ family. The home to generations of the Sidera family was in ruins. Most of the family’s wealth was gone. I was nowhere close to clearing my father’s name. It is over. This is the end of the Sidera family. Everything I value is gone, except Father. I may be able to clear his name if he tells me what happened.
I look at my mother’s gravestone. “Mother, I will bring glory back to the Sidera name. I will clear Father’s name. I will return.”
I gallop back to what is left of the Sidera household. I pack valuables and sell whatever isn’t necessary for my journey. I set out to search for Father.
10 years later….
I have searched all over Equestria and haven’t found a trace of my father. The only other place my father can go is south of the Badlands. I have searched past the Badlands for a few years. I asked dragons if they have seen my father. Most of them said that they haven’t. A few would say they saw a unicorn wandering the land aimlessly for several years. One dragon told me that the wandering unicorn was a few miles south.
I find the unicorn, but he was surrounded by timberwolves. The unicorn didn’t defend himself; he just held his hooves up accepting death. I rush to save the mysterious unicorn. The timberwolves got to the pony first. They started to eagerly tear him apart. A hind leg flew past my head. I efficiently slay all the timberwolves. The dying pony was severely injured. There were scratches all over his body. He was missing his right hind leg. Blood was gushing out of a wound in the throat. More blood was streaming out of the leg wound. I prop the fading pony in comfortable position and prepared to heal him. The hood over the stranger’s head fell off, and the pony was my father! I got past my shock and began to concentrate. I felt a hoof grab my hoof. I open my eyes and see my father shaking his head. His eyes were getting teary. Blood continued to ebb out of him. He didn’t want me heal him! I refused to listen to him. I tried to heal him, but none of his wounds would heal. I began to cry. I pressed my head against his chest and continued to cry. He was going to die! Die a traitor! All this for nothing! He stared into the sky. He caressed my head lovingly. His hoof soon stopped.
I look up through my tear-filled eyes and see that he was dead. His eyes were dim, without life. His mouth was faintly smiling though. Had he accepted death? How could he do that!? He was branded a traitor to Equestria, and he accepts to die a traitor! I wail and howl. I have nothing left. A pamphlet blows past me. On it announces the wedding of Prince Solar and Lady Sun Flare. That bastard! He gets to live a perfect happy life knowing that he ruined mine. I will have my revenge! I shall clear my father’s name! I will see Equestria burned to the ground! I build a grave for my deceased father. It was simple. Only a pile of rocks marked its existence.
“Father,” I said slowly,” I will return to you. I will build a grand tomb for you when I return. I will bring my deceased mother and finally lay her to rest by your side. I will avenge your death. I swear over your dead body and Mother’s that I will bring Equestria down!”
I camp out by my Father’s grave. As soon as the sun set, I heard growls. A massive pack of timberwolves surrounded me. I pulled out the Siderian sword. It was a masterpiece. The handle was dark blue. The blade was as black as the night sky. It was adorned with rare jewels. It was passed down from generation to generation. It is now mine, and I will coat this in Solar’s treacherous blood. I will only get to do that if I make it out of this land alive. A giant timberwolf let out a howl. All the wolves rushed me. I will not die to a pack of idiotic beasts. My quest for revenge will not end now! The wolves piled on top me in an effort to disorient me. I felt all my limbs get pinned down. My sword was thrown out of my magical grasp. The timberwolves disperse and the giant wolf steps forward. It slowly steps toward me in a menacing manner. It gets on top of my chest and stares deep into my ash blonde eyes. It growls and prepares to deliver a killing blow.
I cannot die here! I have a vow to fulfill! I grit my teeth and yell at the top of my lungs,” I will not die here!” A white light blinds my vision, and I black out.
I wake up. I stare up at a blue sky. I get up and see that I am on a wagon.
“Hey! He’s awake!” yells a mare.
I look to see the owner of that voice. It was a beautiful mare. She had a purple coat. Her mane and tail were composed of stripes of purple and violet.
“Um. Where am I?”
She smiled. “Oh you are traveling with my family’s caravan. We found you unconscious. We also found the remains of timberwolves around you. What happened? Oh by the way, my name is Andromeda Star.”
I told her my story-my entire story, but I didn’t tell her my plans for revenge. She became my only friend. I found out all about her. Her father let me stay in his home in Manehatten. I traveled across Equestria spreading my story and gained followers. I slowly gained powerful allies in the Equestrian government. Andromeda and I fell in love and married. After a few years of travelling, I gained enough followers for a colony. We journeyed to where I laid my father to rest. I carried my mother’s remains and laid them to their final rest beside my father. My followers and I built a colony, but we were constantly harassed by monsters and outlaws. The Telum family proved their loyalty to me during this time. I granted them titles of nobility. My new nation soon grew and could rival Equestria.
(End of King Black Night’s Memories)

“That is my reason! I will keep my vow and destroy you, your family, and Equestria!” King Black Night bellowed.
King Solar stood shocked by this revelation. “Black Night, I did not banish your father.”
“Don’t give me that! Your lies won’t save you now!” King Black Night snarled.
“Night, I’m sorry that your father was banished, but I can’t do anything about it now.”
“Sorry will not bring my father back!”
King Solar losses his cool. “What do you want from me then!?”
“I want your blood! I want your entire family name wiped out! I want to see Equestria burn for its injustice towards my family!”
“I won’t let you hurt Flare, Celestia, Luna, or my loyal subjects!”
“Then I’ll force it!”
King Solar gasps. “You wouldn’t dare!”
“I have been planning this for a long time, Solar. You are just too dense to notice. Isn’t it strange that the Kingdom of Monoceros just suddenly showed up? You had no knowledge of a neighboring nation before. Yet you believed it was there because the Complete History of the Kingdom of Monoceros said that the nation existed for thousands of years. Monoceros was really founded only about 130 years ago! I had my subjects understand the meaning of progress. We turned a barren wasteland inhabited by beasts into a rich country full of valuable resources! We have vast cities and countless of small villages springing up! My subjects are loyal and eager. I do dare, Solar! I do dare to invade this pathetic place you call a nation!”
“Then we will meet you with cold steel!”
“So will we!”
King Solar sighs and sits back down defeated. “There is no way to stop you?” he asked dejectedly in a barely audible voice.
King Black Night nods. “The Kingdom of Monoceros hereby declares war on this-this so-called nation of Equestria. King Solar you have three days to surrender. If you don’t in the time I have given you, I will have no choice but to annihilate you, your family, and Equestria.”
Dawn Dust stares at both kings in fear, shock, and surprise. He has just helped start a war that will end with countless of lives lost. Parents without children, children without parents, it will be a catastrophe! Dawn Dust feels his shackles loosen and the gag taken out of his mouth.
“Come, Dawn Dust. We return to Monoceros. We have a war to win.” says King Black Night as he walks out the door with a full escort. Dawn Dust hurriedly follows but stops at the doorway. He turns to see a depressed King Solar.
“I’m sorry.” Dawn Dust whispers as he turns to leave.
Dawn Dust follows his king as they leave the palace. His tail drooped and looked at the ground ashamed. Princess Cadence and Twilight Sparkle bump into the procession. Twilight spots Dawn Dust but sees all the hostile looks emitting from the group.
“What happened?” she asks.
Dawn Dust looks up and stares at her for a split-second. He blinks away tears and continues walking.

1 day later….
In the Badlands, Home of the Dragons….
No One’s POV
“I request to see King Poten of the Dragonic Sovereignty.” says King Black Night.
A dragon guard was about to knock when an old, raspy voice said,” No need. Come in.”
The dragon guards open the gargantuan double doors. An old gold dragon sat in a throne. The throne was made out of pure gold and was adorned with countless jewels. Every known gem and rare metal could be found in the chair. The room was at the top of Procerus Peak, the tallest peak in the Altus Range. Most of the palace is carved out of Procerus Mountain.
King Poten was a large old gold dragon. He is the oldest dragon known and has lived a lot longer than several thousands of years. He is blind but could sense your presence through your soul. He also has limited abilities to see into the future.
King Black Night trots to the bottom of King Poten’s throne and bows.
“Your Highness, I have a proposition.” King Black Night said while still bowing.
“Rise, Black Night. You know that you can address me as Poten.” said King Poten as he chuckled.
“No buts. Now let me here this proposition.”
“Yes your-I mean yes Poten. I propose that you ally yourself with me. I have declared war on Equestria, and I seek your assistance.”
“Hmmmmm” King Poten closes his blind eyes. “I see a bright future in this war. I am willing to join your side, but what do you have to offer in return for my aid?”
Wickedly smiling, King Black Night replies, “I offer you all the mountains in Equestria, including Canterlot.”
“Really?” King Poten leans forward interested in this offer. “What do you want in return?”
“Your full cooperation in this war effort.”
“Agreed. A treaty is in order.”
King Black Night leaves the throne room pleased that he has made a powerful ally. King Poten also prophesied that the war will end is his favor. King Black Night smirked as he left the palace.

In Caelum, Capital of the Griffin Dominion….
No One’s POV
“King Solar, what brings you here to Caelum?” screeched a huge griffin. The griffin’s feathers were dark red and his head was covered in pure white feathers. He had a beard. His claws were huge and could grip a pony’s head entirely.
King Solar bows. “King Alae, I request that you help Equestria. There are dark times ahead.”
“Oh?” King Alae says,” What does that have to do with the Griffin Dominion? Why do you want to drag us into your war?”
“I am not going to force you to join the war, but I can offer you something in return for your services.”
“Like what?” King Alae sits back in his chair and begins to stroke his beard.
“I can offer you Monoceros’ land. I know that you need land for your growing country."
King Alae grits his beak. “As much as I hate to admit it, but yes I do need land for my prospering realm. I accept your offer.”
“Thank you, King Alae, for your assistance in this dark time.”
King Alae grunts and shoos King Solar away. King Solar bows and leaves.

1 day later….
In Nebulae, Capital of the Kingdom of Monoceros….
King Black Night’s POV
I stand in a dark room. The room was furbished with gold, emeralds, rubies, diamonds, and other rare items from the earth. In the center of the room were two coffins. Both were made out of gold and treasures. The left coffin had a picture of a mare on it, and the right one had a picture of a stallion.
“Mother, Father, it begins now.” I say.
I turn and walk out of the room. Armor Javelin, my first-in-command, trots up to me and salutes.
“Javelin, mobilize our forces! Move all our forces to the Equestrian border! Send a messenger to King Poten to ready his troops! Send somepony to inform my son, Mercury Celeritas that he needs to return to the palace now!”
“Yes, your Highness!” Javelin says. He starts to bark out orders.
I look out a window. I see all of Monoceros’ grand army standing in attention. They were all in formation. The sunlight gleamed off of their armor. Their armor was as black as the night. They all had determined and eager faces. The war will be over in a few days with these troops. I walk out onto a balcony, overlooking my army.
“All hail, King Black Night!” they all chant.
I put up a hoof and they slowly stop chanting.
“Tomorrow, we will march on Equestria!” my voice echoes across the plaza in a firm determined voice. “As you all know, Equestria is led by tyrants and lairs. They knock noble stallions out of their path brutally to fulfill selfish desires. My own father was banished falsely and my whole family plunged into a world of shame and dishonor. I watched as my father was torn to pieces with no pride or ego. THEY LOWERED HIM TO NOTHING. Equestria thought they were free to do as they pleased. They thought nothing was standing in their way and we let them believe that up until now. We came back stronger than ever! We grew and thrived and now we are stronger than King Solar himself! Justice will have its blood! Mercy will starve for WE did not receive mercy! It is time for us to stand up and rid this land of those filth! We will create a better future for our foals and grandfoals! No longer will injustice thrive under the protection of tyranny. We march to victory. No! We MUST march to victory... for our ancestors crying out for blood and our future crying out for opportunity. The oppressed will throw their masters to deepest pits of HELL! We, the once weak, are now strong it is our duty to overthrow the abusers. EQUESTRIA WILL FALL!”
The plaza erupts into cheers. Ponies pounded their hooves in agreement. I bask in this moment of glory and then trot back into the palace. My officers saluted me. The nobles applauded. I continue walking into my study. The door closes and I am looking over a model of Equestria with my top generals. It all begins now.