//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Meat Gods Will Be Watching // Story: Man vs. Pony: Equestria // by ThatClosetBrony //------------------------------//         I woke up with a start. I just had a terrible nightmare of some old hobo throwing me into the sky. I then landed in a forest, and after exploring it for a while got chased by a bunch of wolves. Or were the wolves? They looked more like running trees.         I shook my head in an attempt to clear my head. Crazy nightmares. Why would I let myself get mugged by a hobo? I chuckled, then stopped as soon as I realized where I was. I groaned as I reminded myself that THAT WASN’T A NIGHTMARE THIS IS REAL LIFE YOU FRAKKING IDIOT. If I was going to survive out here, I had to keep my head clear of little delusions like that. After all, we’re not in Kansas anymore.         Trust me, that sounded funnier in my head.         I stumbled over to the glowing embers of last night’s fire and threw some wood on it. I waited until they caught fire, then I took off my raincoat and tied it back on my waist. I sat down near the fire and began thinking up an agenda for the day. It went something like this: 1. Don’t die. 2. Find some flint or something and try to make a basic knife. 3. Use said knife to make bow. 4. Use said bow to go hunt some food. My stomach growled as this thought, seeing as I hadn’t had anything to eat for a day. My mouth also felt rather dry, so I went and drank some more water from the lake. That lake was a fine, life-saving, wonderful lake. Feeling refreshed, I went back to my agenda. 5. EAT MEAT 6. SAVOR MEAT 7. CREATE SHRINE TO MEAT GOD 8. Find civilization. 9. Don’t die. 10. DON’T DIE I do love it when everything flows together.         My knees creaked as I slowly got back up. I threw a couple more sticks onto the fire, then grabbed my trusty staff (that wasn’t very trusty at this point in time. I mean, it’s just some random stick I found) and slipped the stone I used last night into my pocket. I had a feeling it would come in handy later on. I strode outside…         …only to realize that the only body of water I’ve seen so far was the lake. Defeated, I trudged back to that lake. That wonderful, wonderful, slightly obsessive lake.         Did I just turn the lake into an internet meme? Am I going insane? Hopefully not.         I went back inside and leaned my staff against a wall before walking over to the lake. I looked around for any rock that looked smooth and kind of shiny. After skipping some of the failures I found on the surface of the lake (my record was five skips, in case you were wondering. Wait, you? Yep. Talking to an imaginary audience, dictating my life. Definitely going men-taaal!), I found a palm-sized piece of what I hoped was flint that already had a large chunk taken out of it. I ran my index finger along the edge of the rock. It was pretty sharp, but not enough. At least I found what I was looking for.         I found a nice flat rock I could work on and sat myself down. I pulled out the rock from my pocket and gave it a few experimental taps against the rock. It sounded solid enough, so I shrugged and rolled with it. I undid my raincoat and put it on backwards, keeping my hands in the sleeves. I took the flint and cupped in my left hand so that it was facing away from me with the chipped side down, but tilted slightly towards me. I held my trusty rock in my right hand. I raised it above my head, turned away while closing my eyes, and swung down with all my might, trying to make sure that I was hitting the flint with a glancing blow and that I was hitting it with the part of the rock near the heel of my hand. Slowly opening my left eye, I saw that I had miraculously managed to make the flint fracture correctly, creating a pretty damn sharp edge. I repeated the process on the other side of the flint so I would have somewhere to produce sparks.         I smiled. Time to make a bow.         Leaving my rock on my work surface, I took my knife and ventured out. Along the way, I glanced at my staff and noticed that it looked waaay too smooth. I picked it up, but when I did it went back to its old knobbly, rough self. A fleeting thought in my brain told me that something was going on, but I pushed it aside and attributed it to me going crazy. When I was outside, I started looking around for a thick but flexible piece of wood that was a couple of feet long. After an hour of hitting my head on branches, throwing some sticks around, and snapping what I thought was the perfect branch, I found something that could become a bow with enough shaving, smoothing, and work.         I went back home and found a dying fire. I threw a branch or two on it, and took a stick with me to test out my new knife. When I went to go pick up my rock, it happened again. My rock was smooth and rounded, but still had small pits all over its surface. What I saw was a gray blob. When I picked it up, it reverted back to what it originally was. Was I truly going insane, or was it something to do with me? Did I get superpowers or something while I was unconscious?         I shrugged it off and went back to the test at hand. I tried whittling away at the stick with my knife. It managed to shave off pieces of the stick, but required more effort than a conventional metal knife. Eh. Good enough, I guess. I rotated my knife to the smaller, more jagged edge. I held it over the stick, and scraped my rock against the edge quickly. Sparks flew out, and after a bit of practice I managed to light the stick on fire. I quickly stamped it out, then went back to the lake to drink some more water. I was tiring more easily because of my hunger, and so had to rest for a while in the cave. After splashing some water on my face, I turned my attention back to what would be my bow. I took the branch and pushed on the edges. It bent in a near perfect curve, with the most curved part near the middle. I stopped, and started shaving away some bark and wood at that point. I also started cutting away at any protrusions and rough spots on the bow.  I then began trying to taper the ends, shaving more and more off until they were about three-quarters of an inch in diameter, with the middle being about an inch and a half wide. I cut two notches into the “front” of the bow, about an inch way from either end. I held the bow in my hand, trying to get a feel for it. I cut a notch into the middle from the right side, with my favored handhold below it, to help me aim with my arrows. Just two things were missing now: arrows, which I could make, and rope. The chunk of wood I had used earlier to help me start my first fire looked like it came from a wagon or caravan, so I decided to head back to that general area to look for any rope or useful things. By the time I got there, it was late in the afternoon, and I didn’t want to risk getting torn apart from the wolves I heard last night. I had slashed some trees on the way, so I knew how to get back home. I hurriedly rooted around, but all I could find was some wood and a torn piece of paper with a faded blue blob and some characters that looked a little bit like the letters “TR”, “X”, and “E”. I grabbed some of the wood and quickly looked around one more time. I looked in some bushes and saw a length of rope. Perfect! I grabbed it, and noticed what looked a bit like a dirt road. I burst through the bush and excitedly followed it. Along the way I found a patch of vibrant blue flowers. I grabbed a few, thinking that I could make a dye out of them. I wandered along the road for a couple of minutes before finding what looked like a brightly lit house in a small clearing. Between the horse tracks, paper, what seemed like a language, and the house, I was confident that there was civilization nearby.  I could hear humming and saw a shape in the window. As I got closer, though, I noticed that the house was a hut, and it looked...almost tribal. As soon as the thought entered my mind, the humming stopped and I could see the shape moving. I quickly ran back, following the trail I left behind. I prayed that whoever lived there would pass me off as an animal or something and not come out and follow my trail. I didn't want to get involved in a tribal war or something. It was night by the time I got back. I fed the fire a bit and attempted to string my bow. While tying a knot I learned a while back, I decided that the best course of action would be to stalk the inhabitant of the hut and try to determine more about its lifestyle, language, hostility, technology, etc. I mean, I don’t like stalking much, but that and eavesdropping were skills that were pretty much ingrained into me since I was a kid, so it was hard to suppress the urge. I slipped the loop of the noose I made into one notch, and began repeating the knot on the other end of the rope. However, it was a pretty long rope, thin but strong. I cut off the extra and stored it in one of my raincoat’s pockets, then began tying the knot again. I finished it, then just managed to fit it over the end of the bow and into the other notch. I began pulling back on the string. It took all my strength, but I managed to pull it back to my chin. I allowed the string to return to its original position, taking care not to let go and fire the bow with no arrow. I knew that this was going to be a good bow. I thanked myself for my “survival phase”. However, I was going to have to start working out if I wanted to use that bow well. But after I got something to eat. Meat… Meat… Meeeaaaat… Snap out of it! Stay focused! I shook my head. I obviously had to go to bed, or else, I don’t know what was going to happen to my mental state. I drank as much water as I could, took a piss outside, then came back in and fell asleep. Not before putting some wood on the fire though. I'm not that out of it yet.