//------------------------------// // Valentine's Day Special // Story: Once In A Blue Moon // by Bayonate //------------------------------// Cool Breeze’s POV I saw a black silhouette in the distance as I looked out the window during one of my midnight moments of reflection. Someone was leaving Monoceros in the middle of the night, and why? I leaped out the window into the cold rainy night. Water droplets splayed across my back and cold liquid trickled ran down my legs. The wind howled into my ears and the frozen blows made me shudder. Who the heck would be crazy enough to go out in this weather? I was close enough to the pony to see it was...... Blue Moon? Blue Moon's POV It has been two weeks and I just can't stop thinking about Celestia. She whispers into my ear at meetings and her laughter fills the shadows of doubt in my mind. Is this love? Is love a sweet haunting? I have to see her again. These thoughts filled my mind as I flapped my wings desperately. It's a long flight to Equestria. It took two hours at least. It would be midnight by the time I got there. Would she even be awake? Should I just turn back now? I was drenched and freezing. Would she even want to see me? I was so deep in thought; I failed to even notice my tracer. Princess Celestia's POV It was one of those nights that I couldn't go to sleep no matter how hard I tried. All I could think about was the stallion that stole my heart with his shadowed past and deep green eyes. I stared out the window and listened to the rain pelt the earth and chase after gravity. My head nodded and my ears began to flutter shut. Cool Breeze's POV I followed Blue Moon to King Solar's Palace, but I lost him right inside the gates. I was left behind with nowhere to go. I landed under an overhang and contemplated my next move. I stopped when I heard beautiful singing. I followed the heavenly music to the palace's courtyard. Inside, I spotted Ice Cloud by the water fountain. Her ice blue eyes were closed and her forehead creased in intense passion. She sang from her heart. It took my breath away. Blue Moon's POV I landed on Celestia's balcony and walked up to her window. My heart pounded with nervous anticipation. This was it. I hid the white rose I was holding behind my back. I ached to see her again. Time never passed slowed as my hoof raised to knock on her window. Ice Cloud's POV The courtyard was always empty in the middle of the night, the perfect stage for a shy mare. I went around and checked anyways, just in case. It's better to be safe than sorry. I don't know why, but I have always had a strange relationship with stage fright. I can dance or act just fine, but when it comes to singing I freeze up. My throat contracts, and I sound like a dying whale.... don't laugh at that!! Bayonate: PHHHHHH! (Trying to hold in the laugh.) But when I'm alone, I feel like my voice can fly and reach the clouds, taking my feelings with it. I love to sing from the heart with raw emotion. Words don't express what I feel, so I just use notes. Notes dance and flicker like a flame. Notes drip and drizzle like water. They flash and strike like lightning. Notes are life. I sat by the water fountain and opened my mouth. I let the music flow like a river. They twisted, turned, climaxed, and softened. They depicted my pain, confusion, and love. I was in my element. It ended with snap of twig. I whirled around towards the source of the interruption. Someone had been watching me?? “Who's there?” My voice hitched in panic and anxiety. Oh no. Cool Breeze's POV My stupid clumsy hooves!! Ugh! I had to scare her didn't I!? She'll probably hate me now for sneaking up on her. I wished I could go back in time. I stepped out of my hiding place. “It's just me Ice Cloud; sorry I bothered you”, I apologized. “What the heck are you doing here?” She asked while pouting. She's right. I should be in Monoceros. What if she thinks I've been stalking her? I just ruin everything don't I? “Ohh me?? Hehe I was just… uh... well I followed Blue Moon here... soo... ya… I wasn't stalking you or anything I swear”, I stammered. Way to go Mr. Eloquent. “Blue Moon? What's he doing here... and did you hear me?” she questioned. “I have no idea. That's why I followed him.” “Oh” “You have such an amazing voice”. I gushed. She blushed, and it was freaking adorable. She was just so cute and not to mention beautiful in the moonlight. “Ummm would you mind singing for me”, I asked hesitantly. This is getting very awkward. She blushed even deeper and hid her face behind her bangs. “I have horrible stage fright”, she admitted. “I don't know if I can.” “I'll help you”, I offered. I pulled out my harp that I like to carry around. “I sing too.” “Oh okay”, she whispered shyly. I started with a couple of strums and harmonized with my voice. I let the notes take themselves wherever they wanted to go, whether it be love or comfort, or both. I sang to her with my heart and everything I've ever wanted to tell her. She looked me in the eyes and picked apart my soul as I laid it out in front of her, my everything. Ice Cloud opened her mouth and joined me in song, our souls combining into one purpose, one love, one song. Angels themselves couldn't have done better. We made Romeo and Juliet seem like just crushes. The moon shone a little brighter. I've never felt more complete. Blue Moon’s POV My hoof left the glass vibrating and I held my breath until my eyes spotted movement behind the translucent barrier. It was her. Oh gosh, it's been so long. I obviously woke her up and scared her because something crashed in there. I stifled a laugh and waited patiently for her to pull herself together and open the window. I probably looked pitiful, all drenched and shivering. I didn't even notice I was shivering until I saw my hoof shaking as I lowered it back down. A single candle was lit and the window creaked open on unoiled hinges. Warmth slowly rolled over me and the wind now bounced off of me with no effect. The scent of vanilla and lavender curled around the glass and escaped into the freezing night air. The lovely face I've been waiting for peered out of the dimly lit room. “Hello?” she whispered as the crickets chirped in the background. “It's me, Blue Moon.” Her magenta eyes widened in surprise and recognition as the candle's flame flickered and danced, reflecting off of her pupils. I stepped closer to her, out of the shadows and in full view. She raced into the cold rain and hugged me suddenly. I felt warm tears on my back among the freezing drops. I remembered what I was hiding behind my back and gently pushed her away. “I have something for you.” I slowly pulled out the pure white rose. The stars and moonlight glittered on the raindrops that speckled the petals. It looked like it was twinkling just for her. She gently took it from me and inhaled the sweet scent. “Thank you so much”, she gasped. “A beautiful flower for a beautiful mare”, I murmured in her ear and pulled away, leaving her the color of painted lips. She walked past me and led me to the royal garden. The whole thing sparkled with water droplets. It stopped raining and the clouds rolled away, leaving the sky splattered with stars. They swirled and twinkled on the black cloth of night. The full moon shone for the second time this month. Huh. How ironic. It's a blue moon. I pointed it out to Celestia, and she giggled. I never wanted the night to end. Dawn would soon break the night, and I needed to get to the palace before I'm missed. I turned to Celestia sadly. “What is it?” asked Celestia, detecting the uneasiness in my gaze. “I have to go”, I sighed. “Oh, well thank you for coming”, she beamed at me. She obviously didn't understand what I meant. “No, I mean I have to leave you... and I-I don't know for how long.” “Wh-what do you mean you don't know how long. Is something wrong?” Her eyes pleaded for explanation. I'm going to miss those eyes. “Trouble is brewing”, I muttered and tore away from her gaze, not wanting to see the torture there. “No it's all fine. Our kingdoms are fine… right?” I avoided her question and looked her right in the eyes. “I'm so sorry.” “Blue?” Her lower lip quivered. I could see my own tormented eyes in hers. I hug her for the last time in I don't know how long. I turn and prepare to take off. I stop myself and turn around. I close my eyes and quickly lean towards Celestia. Princess Celestia's POV He just pulls back from the hug and kisses the tears on my cheek. He steps back slowly and turns away from me. He prepares to leave. I held the rose tightly and the thorns dug into me. He tucks his wings back in. He whirls around and kisses me in the lips deeply. Can this really be happening? Blue Moon is kissing me on the lips? He quickly withdraws. He unfurls his wings. Blue moon's raven black wings carry him off into the night as I watched. Soon, all that was left of the stallion was an ebony feather lying in the grass in front of me. I know I should be happy, but I couldn’t hold in my tears. I fell down and began to cry. One of my tears dropped off my face and onto it. Making it glisten with my sadness. No One's POV Four young ponies in love woke in the night. They sighed for it was only just a dream. “I wish I could have said goodbye to her in real life”, muttered one charcoal prince. “The kiss wasn’t real!?” screamed one princess with a colorful mane.