Clue Chaser Chronicles: Legend of the Kamaitachi

by Wind Sneaker

They're going to put me in the movies

“Like my assistant was saying, we want you to star in our upcoming documentary on the royal guard,” said Dusty. After the initial shock had worn off, Dusty Trails and Quartz Stone were invited in to sit down and talk more about the movie.

“Sorry, but I’m confused. I’ve been spending a lot of time at the castle lately in preparations for the exams, and this is the first time I’ve heard anything about a documentary,” said Clue.

“Yes, well, we’ve only been discussing this documentary for the last couple of months, and we didn’t want the press to know about it until it was official. The only ponies who knew about it were Captain Valor, Prince Armor, and the princesses,” Dusty explained.

“That why we were at Valor’s office today,” continued Quartz, “We were finalizing the paperwork to allow us to film at the castle, interview the guards, and all sorts of other red tape and political mumbo jumbo that bores everypony to death. Oh hey, is that lemon cake?” The green pony didn’t wait for a response he tore off a chunk of cake and began eating it. Cherry screeched as she dived bombed the cake thief. “Ack! Away foul beast. Get your own cake,” Quartz shouted as he frantically waved his hoof at the fruit bat.

Dusty rolled his eyes and sighed as he looked back at Clue. “As my assistant was saying, we were at Captain Valor’s office to finalize the paperwork. We asked him about you and learned about your track record with the royal guard exams for the past eight years.”

At those words, Clue felt like something had stabbed him. He turned away and sighed. “So I take it you want me to be in your movie because of constant failures?”

“Now just wait a minute,” Snapshot shouted, causing the director to jump a little, “Chasey here is one of the hardest working ponies I know and he pours his blood, sweat, and tears into becoming a royal guard, so I won’t have you come in here and make fun of my special somepony.”

All eyes were now on a fuming Snapshot as a dead silence hung in the air. “Chasey? What kind of cheesy nickname is OW MY EAR!” Quartz flinched as the bat bit him and flew back to Snapshot, giving the green stallion a raspberry.

Dusty shook his head quickly and cleared his throat. “Now hold on a moment you two, I’m not here to highlight his failures. It’s as you said, Ms. Snapshot, Clue here is a hard working individual and should be praised for the work he has put into becoming a royal guard. I want to put him in my movie because since he’s been through the process eight times, he knows more about the royal guard initiation than most civilians do. His story of hard work, determination, and his vigilant spirit will show all of equestrian just how much he cares for Equestria and just what he goes through to show that dedication.”

Clue and Snapshot both looked at the director, then at each other. Snapshot turned red with embarrassment, and Clue seemed lost on how to react. “So, um, what would I have to do? If I agreed, that is.”

“Oh, not much. We’d just film some of what you do in your day to day life, record what you do to train for the guard exams, have a couple of interviews with you, and just let us observe you being, well, you. Just act naturally and answer a few questions, and you get paid for your services as well as getting the chance to share your story with thousands of ponies across Equestria up on the silver screen. So what do you say, do we have a deal?” Dusty extended a hoof and gave a confident smile.

Clue stared at the hoof, hesitant to reach out and sake it. He looked over at his marefriend, who looked just as lost at the situation as he was, and then over back over at the director. “Thank you for the kind words and the opportunity, but I’m not sure how to respond to this.”

“By saying yes?” Quartz asked. “I mean, it isn’t every day you’re given the chance to be part of a major motion film production officially approved by Equestrian royalty.”

“While a bit blunt, what Quartz says is true. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for everypony involved and I would hate for you to pass this chance up. Here, we’ll even sweeten the deal,” Dusty said as he turned towards Snapshot. “Ms. Snapshot, ace photographic journalist for the Equestrian International. I must say, I am really a big fan of your work. I especially liked that article you did a few months back on the cultural history of the Deer Kingdom. It’s for this reason that if Mr. Chaser here agrees, I’ll give you and the Equestrian International the privilege of reporting the existence of the documentary, as well as the rights to report on the developments of what is happening as the documentary, within reason of course. Nopony likes spoilers now, do they?”

Snapshot nearly fell out of her seat at this news. “F-full exclusive rights? You’re not messing with me here, right?” Dusty smiled and shook his head. Snapshot quickly turned towards Clue, her eyes almost sparkling as she vigorously nodded her head.

Clue smiled and sighed as he thought the proposal over. What Quartz said was true, this would probably be a once in a lifetime opportunity, and Dusty just handed over full rights to media coverage to his marefriend if he agreed. He was having a hard time seeing any downsides to not agreeing with the film duo. “So if I agree, all I have to do is answer some questions and let you watch me train for the royal guard?”

“Pretty much,” Quartz said. “You say yes, you let us study you, and we pay you handsomely after the movie premieres.”

“Alright then.” Clue extended a hoof to the director. “I’m in.”

“Excellent.” Dusty reached out and shook Clue’s hoof. “If you could be at Canterlot Castle tomorrow, we’ll start with the initial interview. If your marefriend would like to come, we can introduce her to the rest of the film crew.”

“We’ll be there,” Snapshot said cheerfully as she pulled Clue into a hug. She then looked over at the film makers and gave a little salute. “Don’t either of you worry. I’ll make sure my articles get your film the best publicity it can get. I do have to get one thing out of the way first. Cherry!” The fruit bat stood to attention. “Get those photographs of the Kamaitachi crime scene to my room. We’re going to have to pull an all-nighter if we want to get this article out on time and be ready for tomorrow.”

While Snapshot was acting giddy at the new opportunity, Clue noticed the film makers giving each other a look that looked like a cross between confusion and surprise. “The Kamaiwhatnow?” they said in unison.

“Oh, just my latest story all the way from Saddle Arabia. I’m sure it’ll be the headline of tomorrow’s Equestrian International.” She giggled to herself, trying to contain her excitement. “I can tell you that it’s about the museum heist that happened there, and Clue here managed to figure out how the entire crime went down just from a few of my photos.”

“Is this true?” Quartz asked as he sifted his focus onto the aqua pony.

Clue gulped as he looked into the green ponies eyes. Something about the way he looked at him made Clue feel uncomfortable. “Um, yeah, I guess I kind of did. It wasn’t much, really. I just helped extract a few extra details for Snaps to right about.”

The film makers looked back for a moment before looking back at Clue. “Well,” Dusty said, “if what you say is true, then I’m sure we’ll be the first ones to check out your article tomorrow. Well, I think we’ve wasted enough over your time tonight. We hope to see you bright and early tomorrow at the castle for the first day of filming. Until then, have a pleasant evening.” Dusty bowed and proceeded to apartment’s front door. Quartz waved goodbye and shot the fruit bat a dirty look as he headed out to join his boss. Cherry gave another raspberry towards the assistant as the door closed behind them, and Clue could have sworn he heard the assistant making one as well.

Clue didn’t know why, but something seemed off about the way they acted as they left. “Hey Snaps, did Dusty and Quartz seem to be acting weird at all when you mentioned your article?”

“Not really. You didn’t know much about the Kamaitachi either until I brought it up, and I bet they didn’t expect you to be able to explain an entire crime scene from just my photographs, so don’t worry about it. What we really need to worry about is preparing for tomorrow. Cherry, double time!” The unicorn and fruit bat charged off towards their room and slammed the door shut behind them.

Clue looked at the now empty living room and what remained of his lemon cake. Today had certainly been interesting. He got rejected from the royal guard for the eighth time in a row, his marefriend comes home early and he ends up solving how an entire crime scene went down, and he ends the day be being recruited into a documentary. Clue could hardly believe his luck. However, something just didn’t sit right with him.

It was late, however, and he did have a long day. Perhaps he was just overthinking things, and maybe a good night’s rest would help clear his mind. Clue ate what remained of the lemon cake, cleaned and put away his dishes, and prepared himself for bed. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day, and he had to be prepared for anything.