The Quest For Iscanter

by eternalsquire

The Crew

The Emperor's banquest room was soon emptied of tables and chairs and converted into a meeting hall with a raised dais at one end upon which rested a lectern.

The Emperor of the Crysanthemum Empire was speaking from it. "Noble mares and stallions, we have discovered an incoming projectile of unknown nature approaching Big Island. It does not take a genius to deduce it is meant to destroy us and the immediate vicinity. We therefore need to move up the takeoff time, so that our vessel can defend us from this missile. Princess Celestia, what you do have for us?"

"Captain Avatar, can we be ready in time?", the beautiful white alicorn asked.

"We can do it, ma'am.", the aged sailor pony replied. "Let's introduce the crew."

An alicorn stallion just barely grown out of colthood with a golden hide, blonde mane and tail, and violet eyes trotted away from the gathered audience toward the dais, climbed it, then walked over to the lectern. He was very handsome in a delicate sort of way. The Emperor gave him a brief hug prior to moving aside for the youngster.

"I am the Operations Officer, Forest Snow.", the speaker said.

"My grandson.", the Emperor whispered into Celestia's ear proudly.

"I will now announce the bridge officers.", Forest Snow said:

"Captain Avatar Apple, commanding!
Twilight Sparkle, Magic Officer and Executive Officer!
Luna, Engine Room and Gunnery! Next in rank after Sparkle!
Rainbow Dash, Tactical!
Rarity, Navigation!
Fluttershy, Communications!"

"That's all who are going?", a stallion in the audience asked incredulously. The other ponies in the room began arguing.

Avatar raised his voice. "TEN.... SHUN!", he shouted.

The room was now silent. Everypony was standing at attention and respectfully facing the dais. "Thank you.", Avatar said. "Those announced above are of officer rank. We will be bringing a total of about forty crew and about five civilian medics, one of whom is a fully licensed physician and will carry a courtesy rank equal to Twilight. We also will be taking five civilian technicial representatives each from the Cowasaki and Moosubishi corporations. We also will have two flight squadrons. Everyone other than the officers and pilots will be rankless for now, aside from Iron Will who will be the Master Chief Crewbull.. If any of you crewponies has a complaint, you bother him about it first! Now, I want everypony aboard within the next hour!"

"YES, SIR!", everypony shouted in reply.

"EVERYONE DISMISSED!", announced Forest Snow.

The room began to empty. Pinkie Pie and AppleJack were walking out the door together and through a corridor.

"We're not running the ship?", Pinkie Pie asked.

"Naw.", said Applejack. "You'll be doing a job even more important than the Twilight Sparkle's!"

"What would that be?", Pinkie asked.

"Well", Applejack answered, "As the very best pastry chef in all Equestria, you are going to responsible for feeding us all. That makes you Mess Chief Pinkie Pie. In your mess hall, whatever you say, goes. Even the captain must obey you there."

"Ooooo.", Pinkie Pie squealed with delight. "Are you gonna help?"

"Kinda.", AppleJack said. "I'm the one who has to in a hurry turn pony manure from the toilets into apples, wheat, oats, and other such things for you to cook with. There's no magic for that, but I read the manuals from Cowasaki and if I follow the directions and operate the converters properly there should be no problem. If I have any spare time at all I'll be making apple products with you."

"Sounds like a fun job.", Pinkie Pie observed.

"Yeah, real fun.", AppleJack replied sarcastically. "We're both gonna be workin' our hindquarters off."

"I didn't see Luna", Pinkie remarked. "Where do you suppose she is?"

"I have no idea.", AppleJack answered.

. . .

The engine shaft ran from the front tip of the ship all the way to its rear. Midway through the shaft was a chamber which could only be reached via a special access corridor. At the very center of the chamber, in the floor, was a receptacle cut out of Crystal Empire crystal. The receptacle had a cover made of the same material.

Luna was there. She twisted the cover off. Then, out of a halter with pockets she was wearing, she took out the message crystal from Iscanter. She slid the message crystal into the receptacle. It was a perfect fit. She then twisted the cover back on, tightly.

"That should do it.", Luna spoke aloud to herself. "Time to get ready."

. . .

Rainbow Dash trotted through the access corridor to the ship, then took the elevator to the bridge. He encountered there Forest Snow. Gosh, he really looks good enough to eat!, Rainbow thought, her insides a-quiver with feelings she had never known before in her life. Pony poo! What am I thinking? she asked herself in astonishment.

"Which way is the captain's cabin?", Rainbow asked aloud.

"Upstairs, then take a right.", Forest Snow replied. Forest felt miffed when Rainbow didn't even bother to thank him as he climbed up.

Rainbow Dash made his way over, then knocked on the door. "Rainbow Dash here.", he said.

"Come in.", his captain responded.

Rainbow opened the hatch, entered the cabin, then closed the hatch behind him. "Captain, do you have time to answer a question for me?"

"I have a little.", he said.

"I have no combat experience, like the soldiers in Celestia's guard." Rainbow said. "Why did you choose me as your battle chief?"

"You were the leader of the team who placed gold in the annual aerial stickball games for four years straight, am I correct?", he asked.

Rainbow Dash made a weak grin of embarrassment, and nodded.

"Well, there you go.", Avatar answered, "You're the very best I could find at sizing up a tactical situation in three dimensions and responding to it with your players in the very best way.. That's exactly what we need. I have every confidence you can handle the job and learn how it scales to a real fight. However, the rest is up to you."

"Yes, sir. Thank you sir.". Rainbow Dash made a hasty exit downward to the bridge.

Meanwhile, Rarity had just boarded the bridge. She wanted to introduce herself properly to the Operations Officer. "Hi, I'm Rarity..."

"He's upstairs and to the right!", Forest Snow shouted at her.

Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy arrived on the bridge. "Is everyone here?", Twilight asked.

"Luna said she'd be staying in the engine room.", Forest said.

"Everyone, take your places.", Twilight said. "Fluttershy, the first thing I want you to do after initializing your panel, is to call Pinkie and AppleJack up here."

"You got it, Twilight.", Fluttershy replied.

"Can we turn over the wave motion engine, now?", Twilight asked.

"No.", Rarity replied, "It needs a lot more power than even the Elements Of Harmony can deliver."

"I was afraid of that.", Twilight said. "The missile is due to arrive in under twenty minutes!"

"EVERYONE, DON'T PANIC!", the old sailor shouted as we walked down the steps of his cabin and took his seat in the command chair. "Fluttershy.", he said.

"Yes, sir!", she responded.

"Put me through to Celestia.", he said. A ceiling screen lit up. "Hello, your Highness.", he began.

"What's going on, captain?", Princess Celestia replied.

"I'm going to need power transmitted from as many alicorns around the world as possible, to supplement what the Elements of Harmony are going to provide, so we can initiate the engine systems. Please spread the word and get started, ma'am!", the captain requested.

Two more earth ponies had now entered the bridge. "Mane Six", the captain said, "I need you over in the engine room at a gallop. When you get there, work together to apply the Element's powers to the engine. Luna will tell you where to aim. Now git!"

The Mane Six got.