Friends to Journey's End

by tassadarth

Completely Unexpected

Completely Unexpected

The six had finally got to see the night sky again for they were finally out of the Everfree Forest. This road they had been teleported to seemed like it led somewhere, but it was very long it stretched on for miles and miles they didn’t know which way to go. The Hooded Figure appeared again to congratulate them for their success in using the orb, and wishing them luck for the quests that lie ahead. As always once the Hooded Figure was done there were no questions only a small burst of black dust, and the whisper which grew darker every time they heard it.

“The six are on the path leading them straight into our kingdom my king, what sort of welcome shall we give them” said The Hooded Figure.

A strange but familiar face arose from its hooves as it said

“A painful welcome for i am the one who was destroyed by their treachery.” King Sombra rose from his black crystal throne which he crafted himself, “call for the wall to be fortified for i don’t want any kind of magic to be used in my kingdom.”

“Lets take a vote, what direction should we go left or right” said Twilight.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash voted left then Pinkie Pie and Rarity Voted right. The only one left to vote was Fluttershy for she did not want to vote for she thought her friendship would be torn apart between the five of them. Arguments grew from whispers from each group of two until ponies started shouting at each other as if it all mattered. They all stopped for it was day and a big flash of light appeared with a voice so distorted that it was hard to know who it was talking

“You must go to the right for you will find somewhere to rest and maybe some company to.”

The ponies continued on with their journey arguing down the road saying “see we were right always stick with your right.”

“Well the left isn’t all that bad anyways how were we supposed to know what was off to the right when we didn’t even know what was off to the left.”

They finally came to a spot which appeared to be a campsite that hadn’t been used for years there was no company for them here. They thought it was weird that they were traveling during the night and sleeping during the day.

Midday a flash of light had woken everypony from their sleep as they grouped to talk ask did anyone know what it was. No one knew for it was a mystery to all except for one for this was only a light she had seen on her first day with her five new friends. A friendly pony had approached.

“We should probably eat everypony we have a long road ahead of us.”

More and more light started to shine through the forest in which they came from for it was Princess Celestia she had been the company they would receive. Nopony had noticed her until she spoke everypony were too focused on eating for this was one meal where no pony would be talking.

“Why should a meal between six best friends go on so quietly?” All six stood up quickly all looking very surprised for the Princess stood before them. Twilight had explained what the Journey had done to all of them then asked what she was doing here before she disappeared in a burst of yellow dust with the whisper of “I just came to....”