Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Father and son

Chapter 66

I reached back and adjusted the straps on the foal carrier... thing.

After I had it strapped down to me and secured, I looked around for Spark.

Where did that little guy go?

[I dunno.]

I rolled my eyes and walked around the house.

I finally found him in the bedroom.

I trotted over to him and smiled, "You want to go see your Uncle David?"

Spark gurgled in response.

I chuckled and picked him up. I then put him in the foal carrier and strapped him in.

Once that was done, I smiled happily and walked over to the door.

I opened it and stepped outside. I took a deep breath of fresh morning air and began to lift off.

"It had a foal?!" I heard a mare off to the side say.

"Its just as messed up as he is!" Another said.

I slowly pulled my wings back into my body and looked at them, pulling my goggles off in the process and giving them my most hateful glare.

They both winced and the one on the right whispered to her friend, "It heard us!"

I snorted and I could have sworn I saw steam come out of my nostrils. I trudged over to them and glared angrily at them, and said in a very calm, yet scary, voice, "I'm a he! A fucking he! I'm sick and tired of your and all the others here referring to me as a it! I can deal with it..." I then growled, and raised my voice, "but when you call my son a it! I will not tolerate it! You're very lucky he's on my back, or I would beat the living hell out of both of you! I don't give a fuck if you're mare's! Nopony messes with my family!"

They both stumbled back at my words and the tone of my voice. Both of them had scared looks on their faces.

I spit on one of them and turned, kicking dirt into their faces.

I then jumped into the air and flew upward.

As I flew, I began to try and get myself calmed down. I didn't want to scare Spark... Spark!

I turned back, frighten that he would be sad or crying. But, he was fine, smiling and enjoying the view.

I let a smile slip onto my face. That kid can brighten my day at the worst of times.

The rest of the trip was spend with me letting my mind wonder. Thinking of all the things we are going to do today.

Soon, I landed on the cloud that supported Rainbow Dash's house.

I popped my neck and walked up to the door and knocked.

There was a small crash inside and someone said in a hushed tone, "Shit!"

Seconds later, the door opened to reveal David, a bowl of spaghetti on his head, "Oh, whats up Lance?"

I chuckled and pointed to his head, "What happened here?"

He reached up and sighed, "You surprised me. I kinda dropped it..."

"On your head?" I said with a smirk.

He glared, "Shut up." He then looked behind me and saw Spark, "Oh my God! Its Spark!"

"Spark!" I heard somepony upstairs yell.

There was a large amount of crashes and suddenly, Rainbow Dash flew down the stairs, landing by David.

I smiled, "Yep, I though you two would want to see him."

Rainbow Dash flew over to him and looked him over, "Aww yeah! He's going to be a fast Pegasus when he grows up."

David walked up beside her and nodded, "I agree. This little bastard looks like he's going to be badass."

I chuckled, if Twilight knew we all cussed around Spark, she would kill me.

[You my good sir are a pussy.]
{You my good sir need to shut the fuck up.}

Rainbow Dash nuzzled Spark's forehead, causing him to laugh his little head off. In turn, it caused me to laugh.

Forty six minutes later

"I'm sorry guys, but I want to do some other things with him before I take him to meet the others." I said as I walked out of the cloud house and into the morning air.

David whined behind me, "But Laannccee! I want to show him how to paint!"

I chuckled, "He's only a foal dude." With that, I jumped into the air and set off for Ponyville.

When I looked back to check on Spark, my heart exploded. He was playing with my tail, laughing and giggling. How did he even get a hold of it? That's a mystery, but at least its cute.

I stop flying and reached back to him, I unstrapped him and held him in front of me with my front hooves.

This kid was freaking adorable!

I nuzzled his nose, causing him to laugh. God, I love this kid.

I spun around till I was flying on my back and placed him on my chest.

Thank you Rainbow Dash for teaching me this trick.

I began to fly towards Ponyville, upside down.

Spark was swaying and laughing. I held him with my front hooves, making sure he didn't fall.

A few minutes later, I landed in Ponyville, and placed Spark on the ground.

He stood on all fours and smiled up at me. I'm surprised he could already walk. But, he is a pony, so I guess its only natural.

I leaned down and smiled, "Come on bud, you wanna go see auntie Pinkie Pie?"

He blinked up at me with a smile.

I chuckled, "I'll take that as a hell yes."

I lifted him up and placed him on my back, not caring for the foal carrier anymore. I spread my wings to make sure he didn't fall off my back.

I then began trotting towards Sugar Cube Corner, hoping Greg wasn't there.

Once I arrived, I walked in and looked around. There was no ponies here, save for a pink puffy tail sticking up behind the counter.

I let out a small laugh and walked over, "Hey Pinkie."

She let out a yelp and jumped up, but calmed down once she saw me, "Oh, hiya Lance!" She looked at my back and smiled, "Sparky!"

She jumped over the counter, and somehow over me, and landed behind me, holding Spark in her forehooves, nuzzling him.

How did she... I didn't even feel... wha?

<Its Pinkie Pie dude, she doesn't have to make sense.>

I chuckled at the sight.

Pinkie Pie held Spark out in front of her and smiled, "Who's a silly colt? You are, you are." She said as she made funny faces at him.

Spark was laughing and clearly enjoying himself.

After a few minutes of watching, she put him down and looked at me, "You wanna try and make him laugh?"

I smiled and nodded, "You know it."

I walked in front of him and made a funny face. He laughed and fell back on his haunches.

I looked up at a mirror and gasped slightly, I don't know how he finds that funny. With my eyes, I look... evil? Scary? No, evilly scary. I guess only he and Twilight can love a guy like me.

That though caused me to smile.

Pinkie Pie ran over to the the double doors and stood on her hind legs, supporting her forelegs on the top of the doors, "Where's Pinkie Pie... Here I am!" She said as she leaned out the door.

Spark went into a laughing fit at this.

Pinkie Pie smiled and did it over and over again, "Where's Pinkie Pie... Here I am! Where's Pinkie Pie... Here I am! Where's Pinkie Pie... Here I am! Where's Pinkie Pie... Here I am!"

I was laughing also at this point and I jumped forward, "Let me try."

Pinkie Pie giggled and jumped aside, "All yours."

I jumped behind the doors and did the same thing she had done, putting my front hooves on the top of the doors.

"Where's daddy... Here I am! Where's daddy... Here I am! Where's daddy... Here I..."

When I went forward, the doors broke off the hinges, causing me to fall forward. I hit the ground, face first, and soon, the both of the doors followed. Both landing on me.

Both Pinkie Pie and Spark went crazy with laughter.

Oh yeah, just laugh it up.

I looked up and smiled at the sight of my son smiling and laughing. Just gotta love that kid.

Two hours of playing with Pinkie Pie later

I walked out of the shop, waving to Pinkie Pie, "Thanks Pinkie!"

She waved back, a large smile on her face, "Come back soon! That was fun!"

I trotted down the street, a large happy smile on my face. I haven't had this kind of fun in a long time.

I passed a couple sitting on a bench, their backs to me.

I stopped when I saw the red mane. I then smiled, "Hey Cody, Ditzy."

They both turned and smiled. Cody spoke up first, "Lance! Its good to see you."

I shifted my body around and revealed Spark.

Ditzy smiled brightly, "Its Spark!" She flew off the bench and flew towards me. She picked Spark up and gave him a hug.

Cody stood and walked over to me, smiling, "Nice kid Lance."

I smiled back, "Thanks."

He then looked saddened, "I'm still sorry for trying to ki..."

I waved him off with my hoof, "I already told you Cody, I forgive you. One hundred percent."

He grinned, "Thank you Lance."

Ditzy landed beside Cody, holding Spark, "Cody, we have to have a foal!"

Cody's eyes went wide for a second, but then went back to normal, "We'll talk about it, I promise."

She smiled and nuzzled his cheek, "I love you."

Cody kissed her cheek, "I love ya too."

I snickered, but covered my mouth with me hoof.

They looked at me and blushed as the same time, they had obviously forgotten I was still there.

Ditzy put Spark back n my back and smiled, "Where are you going?"

I shrugged, "Just walking around, showing off my son."

Cody nodded, "Sounds fun. Have you shown him to Peter and Rarity yet?"

I shook my head, "Nope, I guess I'll go there next."

They both nodded and returned to their bench, "Have fun."

I smiled and began walking towards the boutique.

Spark was having the time of his life, getting all this attention.

<Man, this kid is so lovable!>
[He sure is pretty awesome!]
{There you two are! You've been silent since I arrived at Rainbow Dash's house.}
[Meh, we was going through your memory again.]

I sighed and looked ahead, ready to see Peter's and Rarity's reactions to us showing up unexpected.