I am nothing.

by pinkameany

How it all started

My happiness,
Written by, a very sad brony.

My 18th birthday was just a few weeks ago. That may be the last time i'll ever be happy...

Today started off like any other day, wake up, lay in bed thinking about whats to come, deal with family. Everyday the same thing.
See, I am a really shy guy so I have no friends. I am currently living by myself. My dad died last week do to his back failing, after that he just gave up his life. I try not to think about it and think he kinda deserved it.

Growing up wasn't easy at all family fight's, sadness, I didn't mind that we were poor... as long as we got through the day nothing else mattered.Now that I am alone I have nothing better to do. I have the internet, but that gets boring quick. No cable and a banned xbox 360. Oh I also have My little pony. That show helps me through everyday of my life. I love it, the happy colors, the happy ponies, everything is so happy, and yet... there's always one pony that catches my eye in the background. She is derpy my favorite character ever she is always smiling no matter what. Always so happy, and yet... so grey.

I had gotten a derpy beanie for my 18th birthday... The last thing my brother got me before him,mom,and the newborn got stuck on train tracks.... Do to the newborn there was a baby crib in my room, and every-time I'd wake up I would look at the crib. Why maybe it brought me some happiness. Maybe it helped me remember the good times. I don't really know.

I woke up this morning to a phone call. My boss I guess something terrible had happened so I rushed down there. (I work at a construction site) when I got there the crane operator had dosed off and the girders were getting tossed around. I ran up to see if I could help in any way. That's when I heard a loud CLANK!