//------------------------------// // Chapter 10: Reminiscing // Story: Once In A Blue Moon // by Bayonate //------------------------------// Blue Moon’s POV The festival was over. This year’s festival seemed different, special, and it stood out. Was it because I met Celestia? Maybe? Yeah, it WAS because of her. Her elegance and light made this festival memorable. It is a shame that she is leaving Monoceros to return to Equestria today. My family and I escorted King Solar, Queen Sun Flare, Princess Luna, and Princess Celestia to the palace gates. Celestia would sneak sorrowful glances at me. I tried to avoid the glances, but found it hard. Our parents continued to chat happily. We trotted through the palace gateway and headed toward the Equestrian Royal Carriage. Celestia turned around and looked into my eyes. She walked toward me and embraced me into a surprise bear hug. I stayed in place for a second unsure of what to do. I awkwardly brought my hoof up and hugged her back. Luna looked at the two of us with observant eyes and a smirk on her face. Celestia let me go with a few tears in her beautiful eyes. I wiped them away. “Thanks for letting me stay in your palace and experiencing the festival with you.” She said. “Oh. Uh, no problem.” I stumbled. “Goodbye.” She said as she cried some more. “Bye.” I said in a soft comforting voice as she slowly backed away. She got into the royal carriage with her family and waved goodbye. The Equestrian guards took off into the sky. My family and I watched them fly off, until they were nothing more than a speck in the horizon. I hope to see Celestia again, soon. One Hour Later….. Princess Celestia’s POV I could barely maintain my composure while saying goodbye. I already miss his mesmerizing green eyes. “Sister, are you okay?” Luna asked me. “Huh? Uh, yeah.” I managed to say. “Don’t worry about me, Lulu.” “Okay.” She said skeptically. “Celly, I have to leave to return to my studies. Are you SURE you're fine?” “Um, yeah. I'm sure I'll be fine.” “Okay, if you say so. Bye.” Luna said. “Bye, Lulu. Good luck with your studies.” “Thanks. Bye.” Lulu tossed me a smile and left the room to prepare to return to her studies abroad. I look out the enormous crystal clear windows into the heart of Canterlot. Ice Cloud walks in smiling and humming a tune. I smile and say “My, my, my. Somepony is happy today.” "Well that's because I met this AMAZING stallion. Squeee! His name is Cool Breeze, and we met at the festival in Monoceros. Ohh, Celestia! He was just soo dreamy! He was light blue, and he emanated winter. He was like my second half! He found me in the crowd and made me feel like I was the only mare in the world. We talked and talked and I don't think I would ever get tired of his voice. It flowed through my ears like a delightful winter breeze. Wow, I think I'm in love!” she gushed. Fluttershy’s POV Angel! I pulled him into a hug. He squirmed under my grip. I let him go and tended to the other animals. I worked for the majority of the day. I was exhausted, but I would never turn down a poor animal in need. I trot into a flowering clearing enjoying the moment of tranquility. I sit down in a soft patch of grass. I hear the evening birds start their singing routine. All the birds quickly began to sing in sync. The forest became a massive choir. Each bird was singing its own part in the beautiful song. I joined them and sang a tune similar to Quiet Lark’s. I remember his song clearly in my head. It sounded like it was straight from Pony Heaven. It song was heavenly, ambrosial, blissful, and angelic. It was so lovely! The birds joined in and the forest became an awe-inspiring choir. The birds and I sang for a few minutes, until I heard a whimper. I turn around and saw the bear that I gave a massage to awhile ago. I guess he built up tension on his shoulders again. I trotted over to him and got to work. Pinkie Pie’s POV That was the best party EVER!!!!!!!!!!! There were so many games like the horseshoe throw, tug-of-war, darts, duck pond, and skeeball. Dynamite Balloon and I played as many games as we could. We would usually walk away triumphant with a stuffed animal, eventually we had a huge mound of prizes. It was really fun to be around Dynamite Balloon. He is also very nice. He would usually give away his prizes to passing foals. The festival ended in a blink of an eye. I felt sad having to leave Dynamite Balloon and return to Equestria. I hope there is a big party coming up soon, so I can see him. Hey is that a new pony!? PARTY! Apple Jack’s POV I trot up to the farm and see Granny Smith on the porch. She was sleeping as usual. “Granny, I’m back!” I yell. “Hmmmmmmmmmm. Oh, you’re back Apple Jack. How was the trip?” she said as she sat up and gave a big yawn. “Great, Granny. I met a nice stallion called Cinnamon Crust who taught me some awesome recipes. I bet these pastries will sell like hot cakes here.” “Oh hohohoho. Really? A nice stallion taught you some recipes. Well, I want to tr……………zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.” Oh, Granny just fell asleep again. I might as well try out the new recipes. I open the door and walk into the house. Rainbow Dash’s POV Ah. Fresh air. Nothing like a morning fly around Cloudsdale to make you pumped. My friends and I just got back from Monoceros. The carnival was awesome, but it wasn’t as awesome as me. The stallion that flew into me totally loves me. His name is Jet Barrier. He acted like I was celebrity, which I was. He wanted me to sign everything. He even had me sign his wing! He said he wasn’t going to wash my signature off ever. Jet Barrier listened to all of my adventures like it was the best collection of stories ever. He thought they were better than the Daring Doo series! After listening to all my feats in speed, he challenged me to race him. I thought he was joking, but he was dead serious. I warned him that I would totally wipe the sky with my speed. We raced from the hills around Monoceros to the palace. If I broke anything in the palace while racing, I am pretty sure the royal family will forgive me because I of my awesomeness. We raced, and Jet Barrier was trailing behind me by a tail-length. We went faster and faster until we became streaks in the night. I could see ponies at the carnival pointing at us. Pegasi would fly up and cheer. Unfortunately, we were going so fast that we did fly into the castle. Well actually, I flew into the castle. I crashed through one of the windows. Jet Barrier flew in after me and asked if I was okay. I was about to say I was fine but when I looked up I saw a huge black alicorn in front of me. I jumped back and landed in Jet Barrier’s arms. He fell back, and we went through the window together. Of course, we saved ourselves, but we then had to face that alicorn. I think the conversation went like this: Bayonate: To clarify this is a memory of when Rainbow Dash was at Monoceros. It is a short story I guess. Jet Barrier was sheepishly scratching the back of his head. “Um. Hi, Blue. Fine night isn’t it?” The black alicorn glanced at him and then stared at me with his forest eyes. “Likewise.” He mumbled. “Heheheheh. I’ll pay for that Blue.” Jet said while clopping his hooves together. I wasn’t going to let my new #1 fan pay for my mistake of crashing through some glass. “No! I will pay for the window.” The alicorn looked at Jet Barrier. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to this mare?” Jet looked at me and then at the alicorn. “Oops. Blue this is Rainbow Dash, the best flyer in Equestria.” “What you mean ‘in Equestria’ I believe you mean ‘in the world’ right?” “Uh, right.” The black alicorn looked at me and said “You must be the Element of Loyalty.” “How did you know?” “Celestia talks about you and your friends a lot, plus I saw how you stuck up for Jet.” “Well…I…uh…” It was time for me to be embarrassed. “What happen!?” yelled Celestia as she had her head sticking out of her room. Her eyes were barely open and her hair was sticking in weird directions. “One of your friends with a rainbow mane decided to DROP by.” Blue yelled. Celestia’s eyes grew wide and yelled “RAINDOW DASH!? “Um, yeah?” I replied. “I’ll talk to you later about this. I am way too tired.” Celestia slammed her door shut and you soon heard light snores coming from the chamber. Blue turned around and smiled. “Well, it was nice meeting you. I am Prince Blue Moon of Monoceros by the way. Good night!” Blue Moon walked down the hall. Jet Barrier snapped out of some trance and yelled down the hall. “You forgot to clean up the glass!” “Some ponies are trying to sleep!” came a muffled yell. “Sorry!” Jet yelled back. The voice grumbled in response. “We better get out of here before we wake some more ponies up.” “’We’?” I reply “I believe you mean ‘you’.” “Aw, Rainbow give me a break. Let’s just get out of here.” “Fine. Fine. Fine.” We fly out the window. As soon as we did the window fragments glowed turquoise. The window pieces assembled back into a whole piece and snapped back into the frame. It was back in tip-top shape before we broke it. “Oh! I should have known Blue could have fixed it. At least I can keep my bits.” Jet Barrier said while sheepishly laughing in embarrassment. He quickly became serious and asked “You want to finish the race?” “Heck yeah!” I yell as I speed ahead. There is no way I was going to lose! (End of short story/memory.) I won of course. At least he took the loss as a good sport, unlike Apple Jack. Speaking of Apple Jack, I am passing over her farm right now! Hey! What is that delicious smell!? I dive toward the house to investigate. Rarity’s POV Back to making new designs, seeing Monoceros’ fashion lines, has showered my mind with new plans. Probably I should put some silver lace outlining around the collar? Or should it be black lace? Gah! Obsidian back in Monoceros gave me a lot of tips on designing. He even gave me some rare and expensive materials. He said ‘It would be selfish of me to keep such beautiful materials from a beautiful mare.’ Such a gentlecolt he was! He was much better than that sorry-excuse of a prince in Canterlot. Oh! How I loathe that colt. Obsidian is like the total opposite. He is kind, caring, helpful, and respects the mares. He is such a gen- “Opal get away from those gems!” Twilight Sparkle’s POV Oh my Celestia! I need to write a lesson about friendship now! Wait, Princess Celestia told me the new rule about the lessons. Awesome! Now, I can study the history of Monoceros. “Spike!" I call. Spike sat up groggily in his bed and rubbed his eyes. “Yes?” he asked sleepily. “Do we have any books on Monoceros?” “Mono- what?” I let out an exasperated sigh. “Monoceros. The Kingdom of Monoceros.” Spike stares at me like I was trying to trick him. “The place you get White Crescent Moon crystals.” He stares at me and his eyes grew wide with recognition. He shot out of his bed and pulled a few books out of a bookcase. “Here you go Twilight.” “Thanks Spike.” I say with a humored smile. “Here is your reward.” I float out a White Crescent Moon crystal. Spike grabs it and gives it a long lick. “Thanks, Twilight! You’re the best! Where did you get this!?” “Oh, a friend.” “Okay cool and you can ask them for more...if you want... for me, your favorite assistant.” Spike said as he walked off to somewhere to enjoy his treat. Astronomy of Monoceros. No. Monoceros’ Economy. No. Ahah! The Complete History of the Kingdom of Monoceros. Let’s see. Found by the Sidera (means ‘stars’ in Latin) family. Ruled Monoceros since its founding. Aries the Strong. Draco the Brave. Sagitta the Wise. The current royal family is King Black Night, Queen Andromeda Star, Prince Blue Moon, and Prince Mercury Celeritas (‘celeritas’ means ‘fast’ in Latin)!? Princess Celestia said she only met Prince Blue Moon! I guess Prince Mercury Celeritas is travelling and studying like Princess Luna. I could get a lot more information from Dawn Dust if he was here! What kind of idiot wrote this book!? I close the book and see ‘The Complete History of the Kingdom of Monoceros by Dawn Dust’. Oops... This book is great! I can’t wait to read this entire gigantic book on rich history. I eagerly start reading through the pages full of information. Princess Celestia’s POV “Well I finished my story about how I met Cool Breeze. Now it is your turn to tell me about your night with Prince Blue Moon." I was going to whine, but it turned into a wide smile. I started to laugh for no reason. Ice Cloud joined in, and we eventually calmed down. "We talked, joked around and had fun. I learned a lot about his interests and all the things he's been through. Usually when I get to know princes for father's sake, they are all boring, selfish, and stuck up. Blue Moon is different...." “I just hope Blue Moon and I will become more than just friends.” I said while fantasizing. No One’s POV King Black Night trotted up to Prince Blue Moon after he escorted Princess Celestia out of the palace and said “Son, we need to talk.”