Leave it to Striker

by Strikerbolt

One step forward is two steps back

With Fire back, I desided that I should should head to Sugar Cube Corner. Discord was there, chatting with Pinkie pie and Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy had been waiting outside for me. She showed me the table, sitting down next to me. I figured that she'd wait upfront and wait for the others. She seemed to only be waiting for me. Discord then snapped his fingers. A bubble appered us all, making us invisible to everypony else. He then began the conversation.
"Now, I bet your wondering why we didn't wait for the others. Striker, I hear you discovered one of the elements. Pinkie Pie brought it to me. It seems to have changed to fit the pony. Now we know that the others pose no threat because we have this one. Or so I thought. The element disappeared in to thin air. They got it back somehow. However, we will discuss that later. We are here to see if more of your memory's have returned." Discord finished.
"Well, I only have memory of two childhood experiences. I almost got one earlier when I was staring at Pinkie Pie." I responded. Pinkie immediately looked to Discord with hope. He nodded.
"Well then, lets retry that. Look into Pinkie's eyes." I did. I felt a nagging in my mind as I stared into her light blue eyes. I was then sucked into my past memories.
"That building! It's on Fire! Doctor, we have to stop it." Past me said. A Stallion, probably this 'doctor', was standing next to me. He had a chestnut colored coat, with a mane that curved backwards, but each inch of mane would spike at the end, curved backwards, then start over. His Cutiemark was an hour glass.
"The Fire we can't stop. The ponies, we have to save." He spoke in an accent, familiar in a country east of Equestria.
"Then lets hurry!" There was a small house, next to a barn and rock farm. There was a Dragon over head. He was blasting fire at the house and barn, presumably for jewels. We ran for the house. We got there quite fast. Two figure walked out, carrying two fillies. They were all pretty gray. We ran over to help.
"We don't need the help. Pinkie Pie is still in the barn!" The Doctor was a bout to run, but I stopped him.
"You take them to safety. I've got Pinkie." And I ran for the Barn. I burst inside and saw a very scared pink pony in the corner. I was about to get her when the barn collapsed. The pony ran to me and we escaped from the barn. The dragon spotted me and dove for an attack. He got close and prepared to blow fire. I wrapped my wings around the pony and protected her. The fire flew at me, but my back ignited before it touched me. The fire on my back was my mane. It countered the purple fire from the dragon. My fire formed around me and became a force field. The dragon stopped to check its work, and I used this chance. I kicked the dragon in the snout so hard, it fell backwards. It then ran in fear, flying as far away as it could. I looked down to see the filly, and I saw her light blue eyes.
(Back to present) I looked into her blue eyes, and finally knew what I saw in them: gracefulness. "Which memory did you see?" She asked.
"The one with the farm and the dragon." I said. We both giggled.
"The one with the hero with the flaming back." She said. She hugged me. "Thank you, again."
"Now, the others will be here soon." Said Discord. Soon really did mean soon. When Discord popped the bubble, they were waiting right outside of it. Discord summed up the element story for them. "The questions remain, who took them, and what is Strikers element."
"We now know that the thief also has found wielders. Who are they? Also, are they already here?" Asked Rainbow Dash.
"When I stopped BlueBlood, he was trying to kill Rarity. Was that apart of the plan, or just he's evil?" I asked.
"Plus, am I the only one here wondering how Striker is connected to the pasts of some of us, not to mention how you-know-who is returning in a month." Said Rarity said, more to everypony else than to me. I already knew who she was talking about, but I acted confused. Everypony said they'd explain when he came back. To be honest, I think that night, everypony left more confused than before.
Our one step forward lead us two steps back.