//------------------------------// // Making the Grade // Story: New Best Flyer in Wonder Bolts Academy // by That1Brony3 //------------------------------// Rainbow Dash got up to go greet the newcomers, knowing that her sister was in this group, but not knowing how she'd do. When she got to the group, they all seemed very confident, especially Scootaloo. Rainbow was afraid her orange sister would fail and not be able to stay in the class. But she wanted to do everything in her power to help her. On the other hand, she was told to not give her sister any special treatment. By the mare alone, and by the other Wonderbolts. What was she suppose to do? How could she help her sister with out anyone noticing? She would just have to trust her sister. And have faith that she would fly well. She noticed that all the ponies were in attention position. "You can all relax. I know my letter says stand in attention when a Wonderbolt is present. But I'm an exception." Every pony in the line relaxed until Rainbow Dash gave them their first drill. She yelled "Everypony in the sky and give me five hundred laps". Everypony started to groan but did as they were told. For they knew, that if they didn't, they could get kicked out. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All of them were trying to go as fast as they could, to prove their speed. But those who did, were worn out by lap 125, and going much slower. Those who paced themselves were able to maintain speed throughout the drill. To Rainbow Dash's surprise, Scootaloo kept the fastest speed throughout the drill. When every pony was finished, she walked over to Rainbow Dash and asked "How did I do?". Rainbow Dash looked her in the eyes and replied, "You beat my time from when I was here as a student. How do you think you did?". She just shrugged. "You just broke an academy record that I had set as a student" she exclaimed. Her heart started racing. She couldn't believe what she'd just done. She had beaten her sister's time from when she was there. There must be some kind of mistake. Or maybe this was a prank. Rainbow Dash noticed this and spoke up, "There was no mistake, and this isn't any kind of prank. We wouldn't joke about something this serious." she said. Another pony in the class walked up to Scootaloo. He said "It must feel amazing to have beaten the fastest flyer here." "I don't know." she replied. "It feels good to be the fastest, but that was my sister's record I just broke. I don't want her to feel bad because I beat it. And I know I'm not the best, but she may think, because of this, I don't" "Don't worry about it too much" the other pony said. "If she really is your sister, she'll forgive you." "Thanks" she said. "I don't think I've met you before what's your name?" "My name is Sky Blitz" he said, "What's your's" "I'm Scootaloo" she replied, "Let's go. I think were about to do our second drill is about to begin. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The class assembled in front of the machine they had seen earlier. When she was sure she had everypony's attention, she started to explain the drill. "This is the Dizzytron 9000" she explained, "You will be strapped into the machine. We will start to spin you very fast. We will then have the machine let you go. Your goal is to recover and land safely. You will be timed. First up will be Sky Blitz." Sky blitz flew up to the machine. "Is it on full speed?" he asked Rainbow Dash. "No" replied Rainbow Dash "Do you want it to be?". "No" he said "just turn it up a notch." "Okay. You asked for it." Rainbow Dash said. She signaled the operator to start the machine. When it was at the speed Sky Blitz had asked for, she yelled "RELEASE!". Sky Blitz was launched out of the machine. He flipped over many times before correcting and landing safely. "6.2 seconds." Rainbow Dash said, "Not a record, but very close." "Who currently holds the record? And how short is it?" Scootaloo asked. "Beat it and I'll tell you who's record you beat" Rainbow challenged. "And since you're so confident," she added, "you can go next". Scootaloo flew up to the machine. "Do you want it sped up at all?" Rainbow asked. "All the way!" she replied. "Okay" Rainbow said. The machine started to spin Scootaloo. She got very dizzy, very fast. When she was launched, she flipped for about 3 seconds. But she thought that it took longer than the recovery time to get to the ground. When she got there, her time was announced. "5.8 seconds" said Rainbow Dash. "You beat my record of 6 seconds". Everyone in the class cheered for Scootaloo. It was her first day and she had already broken 2 records. She felt great.