//------------------------------// // Ch9: A New Challenger Approaches! // Story: Believe // by Rapplejack //------------------------------// (Disclaimer: You might want to re-read the entire fan fic because I haven't updated this in a while so you might've all forgotten what happened up to this point. ^^ Sorry for being late on the updates!) ******************************************************** "I love you, Rarity." ... Applejack stretched out her hoof as her plush body became flesh. She gave a look of satisfaction as she looked around the hut. " As much as I'd love to thank you and chat, I've got a mare to save." Applejack stated, walking past Zecora. She gave Applejack an amused smile, watching her gait as she exited the hut. Applejack didn't waste any time as she sprinted out of the Everfree Forest with record speeds. If that no good impostor did anything to Rarity... Applejack winced at the thought. She could only wonder at what horrible things Rarity could be going through. " I'm comin' for you, Rarity.." Applejack whispered, rushing out of the Everfree Forest. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Applejack" grimaced in pain as she slowly sat up, holding onto her injured hoof. This is bad... she thought, rubbing her thigh softly. A green aura formed around her, levitating herself into the air. Her limbs slowly turned black, one after another, leaving her true form exposed. Chrysalis shuttered at the transformation, rubbing her now healed thigh. She looked into the sky in deep thought, wondering what her next move should be. I should've planned this better... Now Rarity is in trouble... Chrysalis stretched her hooves as she started to sprint towards the direction that Rarity had gone. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity grimaced in pain as she woke up, still in the cave she was led to. Her hooves were tied against a wooden pole located in the center of the cave. She tried to use her magic, but her horn was covered in some kind of silky material that only allowed her to shoot sparks into the air. A dark figure stood by the entrance of the cave; the doppelganger of Applejack. "Who are you!" Rarity demanded, thrashing herself against the binding that kept her from tackling the mare. The fake chuckled as she sat down, not answering her question. "Isn't the sky just beautiful?" The fake said, looking at the sun setting across the horizon. Rarity stared in fury at the impostor, clenching her teeth from spewing out profanities all over the place. Before she could reply to the pony's question, she saw the mare pull out something from her saddle bag. A knife. Rarity felt a sudden surge of panic as her pupils shrank, her eyes not leaving the sharp metallic blade. "W-What are you trying to do?" Rarity whimpered in distress. She knew this was bad, the sight of the knife made Rarity cringe to her very bones. Seeing the fake use her beloved Applejack's face was increasing the intensity of the situation as well. "I wonder if she will come if I harm you..." The pony said ominously as she approached Rarity slowly, holding the knife menacingly in her hoof. Rarity prepared for the worst as she clung onto the wooden pole that restricted her from moving. The mare took one step forward before getting bucked across the cave, smacking violently against the wall. "You best not get near Rar' again." Applejack warned, shortly after kicking the look alike. The fake was disoriented and took a moment to regain her balance. Applejack quickly ran towards Rarity, giving her a strong hug. "Rarity, I missed you so much... Are you okay? Did she hurt you? There's so many things that I want to tell you..." Applejack said, hugging the mare even tighter. Rarity felt tears emerge from her eyes. Finally, the real Applejack was here.. The one she yearned for for so long. "A-Applejack... Is that really yo-..." "You. Arent. HER." The fake hissed after regaining her composure. She immediately dove towards Applejack, knocking them both onto the ground. Before Applejack could pin the fake, she was encased in a green magical aura. "What in the ha-" Applejack yelled, getting thrown viciously against the wall. The fake's skin started to decay and turn black; holes forming in random spots on it's body. It didn't take Rarity a second guess as to what this creature was. "Changeling!" Rarity gasped as the changeling brushed off the dirt from it's hooves. The changeling wasted no time, levitating the slowly rising Applejack into the air. "Now... You... DIE." The changeling hissed, charging up a bolt of green magic. "STOP!" A familiar voice screamed from the entrance of the cave. A green bolt smacked against the changeling, sending him flying across the cave "So you finally came..." The changeling hissed in pain, slowly recovering from the blast. Chrysalis stood at the entrance of the cave, her horn sizzling from the previous magic bolt. Applejack's jaw dropped; what was Chrysalis doing here? Wasn't she defeated after Shining Armor and Princess Cadence combined powers to banish her? Before she could say anything, the bound mare next to her spoke first. "Chrysalis? What are you doing here!?" Rarity asked, just as confused as Applejack was. Chrysalis gave Rarity a calm, content look. "I'm glad you're alright, Rarity..." Chrysalis said as she re-averted her eyes towards the changeling. "What is your reason for coming here." "After your absence, your highness," The changeling almost spat when he said 'highness', "We were left leader-less, roaming the Everfree Forest like a bunch of ANIMALS! The changeling was now standing up, a snarl grew on his face. "We were so relieved to have found you, but you were busy falling in love; genuinely in love." Applejack and Rarity watched the two in complete confusion, not knowing what in Equestria was going on. "And what is the purpose for all of this?" Chrysalis demanded, maintaining a stern stance as she glared at the changeling. "I have been elected as the new high arch of our tribe, and for me to truly become the leader, I must eliminate you!" At those words, the changeling charged head first into Chrysalis, knocking them both onto the ground. Applejack had no clue what was going on, but all she could do was assist the one who was less insane. She quickly ran over and pinned the changeling onto the ground, letting Chrysalis charge her magic. "Back away, Now!" Chrysalis demanded, firing a strange colored bolt towards the changeling. The changeling almost instantly disappeared, leaving Applejack lying on the ground. "W-what did you do to him?" Rarity asked, worried that she just witnessed a murder occur. "I sent him back to deepest depths of the Haysead Swamps. We won't be seeing him for another hundred moons at least." Chrysalis confirmed, slowly approaching Rarity. "And what do ya think you're doi-..." Applejack started to say, only to be interrupted by Chrysalis. "I love you, Rarity."