//------------------------------// // The Results That Determine the Future // Story: Derpy's Brother. // by prototype-pon3 //------------------------------// When we got to nurse Red Heart she took X-rays, cat scans, etc. anything she thought was necessary. After 2 day's of not seeing me at the farm, Big Mac started asking around to see if anypony knew where I was, As soon as he heard the word "Hospital" he ran as fast as he could to the hospital. When he reached the hospital he asked what room I was in, and came straight into my room, he took one look at me seeing my abdomen covered in bandages. He slowly and cautiously walked over, I didn't know why but he did "Unless your afraid that your gonna kill me, come on over." I say with a warm smile. He sped up but ever so slightly, once he had reached my bedside, he stayed looking at me unblinking it was actually kinda scary. But he stayed standing there, that was until Fluttershy had come in. It was like she was a his kryptonite. As soon as he saw her he broke down crying, and knowing Big Macintosh as long as I've known him, he's never cried. Sure enough following Fluttershy was Derpy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Twilight the only one that I didn't see was Rarity. As soon as Derpy saw me, she rushed to my side screaming the word "DADDY!", I didn't mind it because after all I was like a father to her. She jumped on top of the bed wrapping her hoofs around me as if I was truly dying, she refused to let go, she was afraid of letting go. That's when nurse Red Heart came in holding a clip bored and a sad look, it was then that I got truly worried and scared of leaving Derpy. Before the results were read I covered Derpy's ears ,the results came back and this is what they were: Several internal organs damaged, if not kept in check possible fatal possibility, Rib cage depressed, any heavy breathing my cause the heart or lungs to stop. As she read them off everypony in the room started tearing, Derpy not knowing what was being said stayed dry, but I had to tell her at one point, it has been 2 weeks since then I was cleared to leave the hospital.