//------------------------------// // Weekend... Part A. Take The Last Train to Ponyville. // Story: Discord Writes a Ship Fic // by Phoenix Quill //------------------------------// Discord dropped the Atomic Tangerine crayon to his desktop and rubbed his face with his paw and talon. "And then they... what?! They're a bottle and a crate, what could they do?" A few thoughts ran through his brain before he shuddered slightly. "Not that that's for sure, I mean... It's a bottle and a crate! They can't do that, can they?" As he slumped over the desk, a sudden migraine began to take over, placing his usually chaotic mind into a strange orderly state, where clear thoughts began to come through. As he sat there, all he could say over and over was, "What have I just done?" He looked out of his bedroom window, and saw the moon hanging low in the sky. It was not quite time for sunrise, but the hour was drawing near. He turned away from the window and glanced at his room. Quickly giving his pet bologna dog a pat on it's meaty head, he left into the hallways. He decided to float near the ceiling and become invisible, to look for some fun with the ponies working the night shift. It wasn't too surprising that there wasn't much going on. It was just past three in the morning, and most of the ponies that were on staff would be sleeping, except for the select few that worked for Luna. For a while, he was content with making the chandlers move over head the guards in hopes of freaking them out, but quickly grew bored with their steadfast faces of stone. A half hour later, and Discord found himself writing dirty couplets on the mirror in one of the castles larger public restrooms that are on the ground floor. Despite the chaos of writing it all in melted chocolate, his laughter felt empty. "This isn't any fun. I need to find somepony to entertain me." Quickly Discord dropped the soap, smashed a sink, and flooded a toilet with wads of paper towels before leaving the room to go find his favorite in castle victim. "And so my loyal guards, that is why it is so important to actually use soap when you shower, and not just run cold water upon yourself. Is that clear?" The three members of the night shift before her nodded and mumbled something under their breaths, as they did so, the captain of the Night Guard hit all three of them with a slap of his leathery bat like wings. "You slackers will learn your place! When Princess Luna speaks, you respond properly! Is that clear!" "Yes Sergeant!" They said in unison standing at attention as best they could. "Good," Luna said with a smile. "Now, I want each of you to take a shower, with real soap and hot water. Then by my order, you are all going through basic training again, until you shine like the soldiers you should be. Is that clear?" "Yes Princess Luna!" They called in unison before turning and running out at different canters. As they ran out, Luna leaned over to the Sergeant and whispered into his ear, "Give them the towels." He gave an understanding nod and gave chase. A few moments later the sounds of a towel being cracked like a whip, followed by screams could be heard behind the closed doors to the throne room before more guards came in. Luna smiled as the new guards took their places beside her. After eyeballing the two stallions for a few seconds, she leaned back on the throne and looked up at the ceiling. "It's good to be the princess." "What was that your majesty?" "Nothing, nothing. So, what is the next order of business for the night court?" Luna asked before clearing her throat and straightening up. The guard that stood by the door to the throne room coughed lightly into his hoof before speaking. "Announcing Prince Blueblood. Representing the house of the Unicorn Tribe." The doors opened, and as they did a short fanfare played for the prince. "Ah, our distant nephew. What did I do to deserve this extreme displeasure?" Luna laminated out loud. If he heard the remark, Blueblood did his best to ignore it, and pranced in as if he owned the place. "Ah, my dear Aunt Luna, it is so wonderful to see your smiling face once again. Tell me, how does this late evening fare for you?" Luna sat still on the throne with a dead pan look of annoyance on her face. The silence between the two grew more uncomfortable as Blueblood waited for the answer, and Luna waited for the inevitable interruption from her nephew. Finally, she took a breath to answer. "It fares well e-" "That's great, good to know that things are going well for you. Anyhow, as much as I wish to just chat over a cup of coffee and wafers with you, I have been getting reports in lately from the Ponyville province." Luna raised an eyebrow at this statement as she pulled forth a map of Equestria. After a few moments of searching she found her suspicions to be true. "Ponyville province is mostly an earth pony population. Tell me, why are you the one to bring this news to me and not Chancellor Wheat Straw?" Blueblood shuffled his hooves a bit at this question and smiled sheepishly. "Well you see, Wheat Straw is on vacation, and the general running of her tribe has been split between Commander Sky Heart and myself." He clopped a hoof on the ground, and faster than lightning a servant of his came forth kneeling before him. Blue Blood rifled through the servant's saddle bags for a few moments before he smiled and pulled out the paperwork proving this to be true. Luna looked over the paperwork for a few moments before nodding and passing it back. "Very well. Tell me, what kind of a creature is this to be wrecking enough havoc to actually make you come see me." Blueblood shuffled about in place while rubbing his mane with a hoof. "Well, it's really rather difficult to explain. Nopony has got a very clear picture of this, whatever it is. But it's enormous, bright orange, and has a diabolical laugh. I beg of you, please, send somepony to help! Reports are coming in that it's stalking Ponyville's outskirts and attempting to lure foals into the Everfree! I haven't had a wink of sleep since these reports started coming in!" Luna narrowed her eyes at Blueblood and saw that deep shadows had circled his eyes, and for once felt a tinge of pity for the spoiled prince. "Very well, captain Claymore! How fast can we assemble a team of guards to find this beast?" The guard to her right stood at attention and saluted before addressing Luna. "You're majesty, it may take several weeks, maybe even a month before we could get a whole troop together to go after this, thing." "THEN WE SHALL NEED A VOLUNTEER TEAM!" The room reverberated with the Royal Canterlot Voice, causing ponies to cover their ears and fall over from all the shaking. Suddenly, a loud sickening thud echoed across the room as Discord fell from the ceiling. When he fell, he became quite visible to Luna, covering his head from the sound of the voice. "Ah, perfect, glad to see some initiative from you Discord." Discord shook the static out of his head before breaking into laughter. "Are you kidding me? What makes you think I'm going to risk my beautiful face fighting something from the Everfree?" Luna gave a small smile to the draconequus before answering. "Well, it is your civic duty, and, maybe you would like to enjoy a weekend out of town." Discord continued to laugh at Luna before answering her properly. "Oh that is just too rich, I think you forget who you are talking to! For all you know, I might have created this problem." As he said problem, he used his talons and paw to make air quotes around the word problem that physically appeared in between them. Luna frowned at him and raised an eyebrow. "Did you?" Discord shrugged casually at the question before he began to walk away. "I have no idea, now if you'll excuse me, there's a head chef that is baking a souffle that needs a jump scare." "Then I call Chaos's Gambit!" The sound of gasps filled the hall as Discord stopped and looked back at the Princess of the Night. "What did you say?" "I call Chaos's Gambit." Luna stated once again with a calm smile. "By the ancient rites since time immemorial, you have been bound within reason to play by the rules of your own gambit." Discord quickly descended upon Luna with a foul look upon his face. He quickly grabbed the pony and held her up in the air as if she were a mere insect compared to him. "You dare to call forth my gambit?" He then dropped her back on the throne with no small amount of force and called forth a large stone with a jewel encrusted chaos star on the surface, a scroll of paper, and a quill. "Name your terms, and I shall call forth my own, if the stone of binding accepts your terms, I shall play the game by your rules." The dark princess smiled as she stood and placed a hoof on the stone, and discord placed his paw on the other end. "My terms are as follows, you shall go to Ponyville with a team of your choosing. You shall take the form of a mortal pony to hide your identity. You shall be limited to the powers of the pony you chose, no alicorn or chaotic magic. You shall find, and remove the creature that is plaguing the Ponyville Provence. Do you accept?" The stone gave a dull grumble before the two, and thee of the eight jewels light brightly only to fade away. "These terms are almost acceptable," Discord said with a frown." But there has to be stakes." Luna frowned before she spoke, choosing her words carefully. "Very well, if you lose this contest, then you will have to agree to no practical jokes on anyone, or anything for a month." Three more jewels glowed at the proposition, and Discord picked up the ball. "And if I succeed, I demand that Proposition one dash one from my ministry be enacted without hesitation. Doing so would make Chaos Day an annual holiday every nineteenth of January for a full twenty four hours, as regulated by a tamper proof hour glass. Do you accept my terms?" The last two jewels from the ends of the arrows glowed brightly, leaving only the images of the shafts, and the great center jewel to activate. Luna reached forward with her right hoof, offering it to Discord's eagle claw. "We accept." The pair shook, and the rest of the image glowed brightly giving off a great beam of light, blinding everypony else in the room for a few moments. When everypony's eyes adjusted, the stone was gone, and instead of a towering draconiquus standing before Luna, there was a brown unicorn with grey mane, beard, and tail His eyes matched and he had a casual appearance to him in general. The unicorn wore a dark blue blazer, and a white shirt with a green bow tie, and had a cutie mark of a scroll, and he had the general look of an older stallion. "Well, not quite what I was looking for, but not the worst form I could have chosen." "Well then, I guess you have a busy weekend ahead of you. Pick a name for yourself, get your crew together and get to Ponyville." Discord bowed to Luna, only for his hooves to slip out from under him and hit his nose against the hard marble floor. At this, one of the bat pony night guards laughed out loud suddenly. "I take laughing boy over there as my first team member." Discord said with a growl. "Excellent, glad to see you have got the ball moving. Go with Discord, Private Hearth Stone. Anypony else want to volunteer?" Silence was the only reply. "I'll see you both on Monday." Wordsmith was still trapped within the confines of his desk from the wall of paperwork that surrounded him. Not that he was working at the moment, he had finished the work hours ago, only to find that everypony else had left him alone with no way to get out from behind his desk. As he sat, he looked over the latest story that had come his way via Discord's usual method of having things randomly appear before him, and was rather pleased that it needed very little editing done to it. "Perhaps I can take a nap, just until somepony rescues me from the wall of paper." "WORDSMITH! Wordsmith! Where are you?" The shout was soon followed by the sound of a door opening and a few papers scattering in the wind. "Wordsmith, are you in here!" "YES I'm trapped behind the papers! Who is it? Are you here to get me out?" "It's me, Random Thought." Called out the voice. "And me, Screwball! Discord needs us now! It's an emergency!" "I can't I'm trapped behind the papers!" Wordsmith could barely hear the mutterings from behind the paper wall, when suddenly they all disappeared, revealing Screwball and Random Thought, who was holding a small device with a button. "The mark three portable instant mater transporter. Never leave home without it." Wordsmith quickly grabbed the story, and galloped out of the room after the two ponies that worked over him. "Where are we going?" "To the castle, something big is going down!" Random Thought replied. "Wait, what about all those papers, I'm not going to have to do them again, am I?" "Nope!" Screwball replied with a smile. "It's all been sent to the filing clerk!" "Can somepony please tell me what's going on?" Wordsmith cried out with annoyance. "Best to let the boss explain, here's our exit!" Random Thought called out before shoving Wordsmith into a wall, only for him to fall out of the building several floors off the ground. Wordsmith screamed as he fell, and was sure that in moments he would become a sidewalk pony omilet when suddenly he felt somepony grab him, and slow his decent. He looked up and saw Screwball was holding him around the middle, flying with the aid of her propeller beanie. "Hey, don't worry, I got you. Now come on, to the castle!" Wordsmith smiled as the pair took off over the Canterlot skies, and Random followed with a jet pack. With incredible speed, the trio soon found themselves landing at the castle gates, only to find them closed. The trio of ponies stood outside the gates of the palace wall for several moments looking at each other and shrugging. "You think it's too early?" Wordsmith wondered aloud. "Bull," Random Thought responded. "The sun's already risen, the gates should have been opened by now." Quickly, he cast a spell to magnify his voice, cleared his throat and called out, "HALLOO IN THERE! HALLOO!" Several moments of silence followed the call, when suddenly a guard popped his head over the wall. "Hello? What is it?" His voice was nasally and had a strange accent that not one of the ponies could recognize. The three ponies shrugged before Random answered back. "I am Random Thought, and these are my co-workers from the Ministry of Practical Chaos. With who am I speaking with?" "I am La Nouvelle Protection, of the third day guard division." "Go and tell your commander, that we have been charged by Lord Discord, on a noble quest. If he allows us passage to seek council with Discord, we then may continue on our search for the Monster of the Everfree." The guard looked behind him for a moment before calling out, "Well I'll ask him, but I don't think he'll be very keen. He's already got one you see." Random Thought blinked in surprise for a few moments, unsure of what he had just heard. "What?!" "He said that they've already got one." Wordsmith commented. Random Thought frowned slightly at this response, then shouted back, "Are you sure he's got one?!" "Oh yes! It's uh, very nice!" The guard then looked over at a few of his fellow guards and whispered, "I told them we've already got one." The trio of guards with him then burst into silent snickers. Undeterred, Random continued to talk his way in. "Well then, can we see it?" "Of course not!" The guard shouted back. "You are Equestrian types!" "Well what are you then?!" "I am French, I come from Prance! Why do you think, I have this, outrageous accent, you simple bureaucrat!" Curiosity got the best of Wordsmith at this comment. He could't help himself but ask, "What are you doing in Equestria?" "Mind your own business!" Wordsmith looked at his comrades in some mild embarrassment and confusion at the rudeness of the French guard up on the walls of the palace. Random Thought had had enough of this by now and nodded at Screwball, sending her to search for another way in. "Now look here, if you don't let us in to see Discord, or show us the beast, we shall find another way in." "You don't frighten us chaos representing pig-dogs! Go and boil your bottoms foals of a silly person! I blow my nose at you, so called, Random representative! You and your silly, Canterlotian, sssmunderlings!" He then blew a very long raspberry while making several rude guestures at them. "What a strange person." Wordsmith commented. "Now look here my good-" Random started. "I don't want to talk to you any more! You empty headed, animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!" Wordsmith looked around, only to find that Screwball had disappeared, leaving him and Random alone to speak with the stubborn guard. "Is there somepony else we can talk to?" "No! Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time! HURK!" If Wordsmith and Random Thought were in shock from the sudden gagging sound coming from the wall, it was nothing compared to the shock that La Nouvelle Protection received. Screwball was up on the wall with the quartet of guards with her forelegs wrapped tightly around La Nouvelle Protection's neck in an excellent choke hold. "I'll teach you to steal from the same source that we stole our jokes from! You, stupid, French, peasant, pony, peon! Now let us in to see Discord!" "JE malédiction vous et votre ministère stupide!" La Nouvelle Protection muttered under his breath. Then shouted as best as he could, "Open the gate!" Screwball tightened her grip on La Nouvelle Protection and whispered into his ear, "Pardon your actual French," then let him go as the gates rose up to let the other two ponies in. "Come on, we wasted enough time on this bit, and I hate Monty Python!" "The time, noon. The place, Canterlot Royal Palace. I am Sealed Scroll. I teach history and advanced magic at Pony University. Secretly though, I also work for the Ministry of Practical Chaos. I have been socializing with the other low level bureaucrats in the castle, nopony suspects that I am not one of them. But secretly Lord Discord himself." "Actually, we all know that now, so thanks for monologuing out loud," the pony next to him whispered. "And thank's for insulting me, I spent five years for this so called, low level, job. Not everyone can get things hoofed over on a silver platter." Discord looked at the green pony as she walked away with her muzzle in the air, and felt his jaw drop. "Well that's just rather rude of her. What's taking those three so long to get here?" Suddenly the sound of galloping caught his ears, and Discord turned to see Hearth Stone, still in his uniform, coming up quick. "Well, any news?" "Oh I've got news alright Dis- umm I mean, Sealed Scroll, They're in the dungeons." Discord's eyebrows quickly shot up as he began to trot to the dungeons. "Really? For what crime?" "Attempting to break into the castle, and attacking a guard." He explained quickly. "They were ambushed once they came in the main gate, never stood a chance. They've been locked up ever since." The pair quickly broke into a gallop as they descended the stairs to the dungeon. "And when did this all happen?" "This morning, about twenty minutes after sunrise." "How long is it going to take to get them out?" "We need somepony to post bail, or a word from a minister or princess to get them out." "I'm a minister, I think I can get them out." "You are bound by that stupid gambit, remember? You're gonna have to post bail unless you want Celestia involved." Discord shuddered slightly as he used some unicorn magic to slam open a door, and tried to bring a bag of bits to his side, only to find that the magic wasn't strong enough to summon his money. "I hope they take a check." The walls soon changed from the fancy marble to simple carved stone as they continued deeper into the mountain, and more torches lit the walls than actual sunlight. Eventually, they came to a closed door with a guard posted on either side holding spears. The pair quickly slowed as Hearth Stone saluted with a hoof. "Sirs! Escorting Sealed Scroll to post bail for the prisoners brought in this morning." The two pegasi looked over the bat pony with some curiosity, one even prodding the leathery wings with his own feathered one. "I've never seen a bat pony in person before, aren't you supposed to be nocturnal? How are you even awake?" "Coffee does wonders," Hearth replied with an endless supply of snark behind his tone. "Now, can you help us out or not?" The pair nodded, and one pulled out a clip board. "Just sign your names here and we can let you in to see them, then meet with the master jailer to pay for bail." Hearth was quick enough to sign his name, but Discord was having difficulty trying to figure out how to hold the pen properly. "This is most inconvenient, how am I supposed to hold this blasted pen?!" The thee guards looked at him, before one of the pegasi pointed up at his forehead. "You could always use magic." Discord quickly slammed a hoof into his face in how idiotic he felt, and then felt even dumber because he now had hooves instead of a soft lion paw to do that with. "Why didn't I think of that?" He then signed his pseudonym on the paper, and was let into the small dungeon cell block. As they walked down the narrow halls, they noticed that all the cells were behind solid iron bars, and everything else seemed to be made of stone. There were very few torches in here, and there seemed to be water dripping. "So, where are my co-workers located at anyway?" "The two stallions are sharing a cell, the mare has her own. Forgive the dampness, we haven't had to use these cells for quite a while." "I see that..." Discord replied under his breath. As they continued down the hall, the sounds of a lone harmonica flowed from one of the cells, as they got closer to the source of the sound, rather than getting louder, it seemed to become quieter. Finally, one of the guards that was leading them stopped before a cell and tapped on the bars. "Hey you two, got some visitors." Wordsmith and Random Thought quickly ran forward to the two ponies visiting them, and Wordsmith immediately began to do one of the things he does best, look pathetic. "Thank Celestia you're here, They fed us a cabbage cauliflower soup with beans for lunch, and I have to use a toilet, and there's no toilet in this cell! And Random keeps passing wind! This place reeks and they expect us to just, go where we stand like animals!" Discord raised an eyebrow at the statement. "Most animals are smart enough to go in one place, like the corner or something." "Don't muddy the facts with you're fancy logic and facts! Who are you anyways to tell me what to do?" "He's your boss." Hearth Stone commented. "He has to go as a mortal to fulfill his mission as stated by Chaos's Gambit." Just then the sound of thunder rumbling filled the cell block. "Excuse me, there's a mare I need to talk to, carry on Sealed Scroll." Discord nodded, and used his magic to smooth out his blazer and bow tie before continuing, "Now, as you can see I'm not myself, and you will address me as Sealed Scroll while out in public. I've come to post your bail. Don't move, don't blink, don't think, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred bits, and most importantly, don't pass gas. I can't stand the smell. I'll have you out in a jiffy, and if you do break wind, I'll lock you up in my dungeon, and you'll wish you were back here. Understood?" The pair of unicorns nodded as Discord took off to post bail. Many hours later, after finding out that they don't take checks, a few promises to Hearth Stone, a run to the bank, then back to the cells, they had finally posted bail for the three ponies and were now on their way. Discord was exhausted from all the running around town he's had to do, and for the first time in a very long time felt as though he actually needed to sleep, rather than just wanting to take a nap for the sake of dreams. But, there was no time for that, as the five ponies went their separate ways to prepare for the journey ahead of them. Soon enough, Discord, Hearth Stone, Wordsmith, and Random Thought were gathered together in a plaza by a fountain. "So, everypony got everything they need?" All the ponies gathered around him nodded in affirmation. "Alright then," Discord said with a slight frown. "I'm going to teleport all of us to the outskirts of Ponyville, there we will walk to my friend's cottage, and see about lodging before we spend tomorrow looking for this, thing in the forest." He mustered up as much magic as he could, and concentrated on teleporting all four of them to Ponyville. The magic sparked, and glowed with power. As soon as he unleashed the spell they all disappeared, only to reappear exactly forty two inches to the left. "Well that didn't work." Hearth Stone said with a frown. "I don't get it, what went wrong?" "You're a unicorn now!" Wordsmith shouted suddenly, "You can't just use magic all willy-nilly! Do you realize how far away Ponyville is, not to mention with the shear number of us, its impossible to teleport anywhere useful at all!" Discord threw his hooves in the air and stomped the ground before walking away and turning around sharply. "Well that's just great, now what do we do?" Suddenly, they heard a bell ringing. All four stallions looked around for the source of what seemed to be an alarm of some sort, only to find the sound coming from one of the latest inventions to hit Canterlot, a public telephone. Discord scrambled on his hooves to get to the booth, picked up the reciever and called into it, "Hello? Who is this!" "Screwball here, and I have an important message for you." A guitar rang out from the small speaker on the side of the phone, and suddenly everypony could hear the music coming out as Screwball sang. "Take the last train to Ponyville, And I'll meet you at the station. You can be be there by four thirty, 'Cause I made your reservation. Don't be slow, oh, no, no, no! Oh, no, no, no! Take the last train to Ponyville, Now I must hang up the phone. I can't hear you in this noisy Railroad station all alone. I'm feelin' low. Oh, no, no, no! Oh, no, no, no! And I don't know if I'm ever coming home." Discord quickly shouted back into the phone, "Of course you're coming home, and stop with the singing already! Other ponies would like to sing too you know!" He then quickly slammed down the phone and turned to the rest of his crew. "To the station everypony, and hurry! It's the last one of the day!" The quartet quickly took off galloping, only to come to a halt less than a block later when they arrived at the train station. "Well, that was fast. Quick! TO THE TICKET BOOTH!" The call was followed by them giving a war cry, and were soon joined by Screwball who just gave them the tickets that she had already bought for them. "Oh, okay then... TO THE FIRST CLASS CAR!" Rather than inspiring the rest of the ponies to run like they were going to attack the enemy, they just sauntered onto the train and flopped down into the comfy chairs and opened up their saddle bags to find something to entertain themselves with. An hour into the six hour trip, the group had already taken naps, played a few games, ate snacks, and in Discord's case, check to see how well his stories were doing. Now most everypony was looking at the rolling fields as the sun began to set over the horizon. It was Hearth Stone who finally broke the silence. "ARGH! I'm so bucking bored!" "Patience is a virtue young one." Discord said calmly. "You're one to talk." Random quickly shot out before going back to staring at the horizon. "I've an idea," Wordsmith said with a smile. "How about we play a game? We each write a page of a story, and can only look at the last page right before ours. When the story is done somepony reads it aloud and we see how crazy it gets." Discord shrugged, and the other ponies muttered agreement in general. "Alright then, I'll start, and we rotate clockwise between us. No cheating by looking farther back than you are allowed to, and write your initials on top of the page." "What should we call it?" Screwball asked as she passed him her notepad. "We shall call this story, All That Glitters." He then quickly dipped a quill in ink, and began to write down his page.