//------------------------------// // Ponyville // Story: Good, bad, and why me? // by Normalguy //------------------------------// Ponyville =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=---=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=--=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- We all went outside of Twilight's tree place. While walking some, meaning all said they have something to do. Rarity said she has business to take care of. Applejack said she has to go back to check on her family. Rainbow Dash said she has to go be awesome somewhere else, and Fluttershy said she has to check her animals. Twilight was left with me. Twilight seem to wanted to get away from me. Maybe because I stink? Maybe... I haven't showered in a while and would really like too. I confronted Twilight on this. "Twilight, what's wrong? " "No- nothing." It seems I caught her off guard with this she seems scared. " Are you scared of me?" " N-no, why would I be scared." " Because, I tackled the princess, escaped the dungeon, and fought your brother, kinda, etcetera. " She looked sad at this. She asked something that made me wonder also. " How did you get away from doing all of that?" She says while looking up to me with a sad face. " Because i'm stupid." I say with a chuckle. Her sad face turned into confusion. Since i'm new here she doesn't know me well. "You'll learn what to do with me later." We both kept walking and Twilight showed me around. It being around 5:00 pm all the shops are closing and ponies are leaving. Some ponies are still walking around catching the rest of the day. Those ponies walking around saw me and freaked out. Being all like "The horror!" Wonder what's wrong. She showed me her friend's houses. All of the places were interesting maybe being from a city it's all new and different. The last place we went to is a place called Sugar cube corner. From the outside I could see the inside but the windows are covered in cloth drapes obscuring my vision. Something tells me to run away and go inside. That's not good. "Hey let's go in. They make lots of snacks considering its a bakery." Chimes Twilight. " Hey Twilight." She turns around to face me. " I have a feeling something is gonna happen and my gut says 'go in there!' and 'run away!'." She looks at me somewhat surprised. She replies to me. "What do you mean don't go in? Just come in with me and it will be fine." " Ok, but if anything happens its your fault." She seems to make a face at this but I can't tell the emotion that well. We walked in and it's as dark as the night in a box. Yeah that dark. As we walked deeper the dark is still there. All of a sudden a click went off and the lights went on. I cringed at the light. Someone yelled 'surprise!' Directly in my face. It definitely surprised me that's for sure but instead of talking back or freaking out I turned around and ran for the door while saying nope. I ran as fast as legs would take me. One, I don't like party's that much. Two, i'm not very social. Three I feel like I should run and get some fresh air. I kept running passing houses and houses until I hit a open field. The field is grassy with a range of short grass. There isn't much to say about a field of grass. It's really windy, that's keeping me cool in this fresh night. I sit down and look around and review my day. Got a awesome weapon, made some friends with a princess, learned the town layout if I need to escape, and ran to this field. It's night time and the breeze is fresh I look around and see a forest nearby. I walk to the edge and lay down under a tree. I think about the new item I have, the gauntlet. Seeing it makes me think of the future and how it's gonna suck, but maybe the ponies will make it better. I take a quick inventory check to make sure everything is there the only thing that missing is my pen must of left it Twilight's. I soon fall asleep and delve into the realm of dreams.