//------------------------------// // Knew begining // Story: The fall of the Ponies // by Noyman Jayden //------------------------------// In Twilightland was Rainbow alive for escaped from the Trixie death but she hiding inside Twilight Sparkls Spike bed where Spike isn’t sometimes. “Is Spike here?” Trixie confused forgetting who she was looking for because she was in love with Twilightt who she made with and had to murder. “NO!” Murdered Trixie as Twologit bled to death “I did it out of love” she says meaningfully. Then Fluttershy bitched out of no where and was confused by Trixie burying Twilight under many books but liked it because she didn’t like Twilight. “Thank you” Fluttershy thanked you Trixie and flew with glee into rocket missile that Angel had shot at Ursa major but sense it blew Fluttershy to smitherrons the Ursa Major got tired and died. Trixie sadded into Spikes bed for a sleeping but found Rainbow who punched her footly and ran. Then Trixie fasted after her and a hollywood chase scene crashed into Ponyville and Lyra ran over Rainbow in a machete. No time was left for Pinkie who ate donuts until she shot herself in foreheads and many children cried and were eaten by a leoporaden it was Steven Magnet who was actually Princess Celestia in disguise to assassinate Princess Luna but Princess Luna wrongly shot the Celestia with ak-f7s. “This story makes no sense’ Edward Norton imagined before being eaten by elves. The elf eating Edward turned everything back to never and this entire story didn’t happen.