//------------------------------// // Silence Please // Story: Ephemera Folly // by TimemareHush //------------------------------// Sitting by the bank of a purple-watered creek, I stare at the clouds rolling by. After a while, I look down and expect to see the ground but it's gone! Immediately, I gasp and spread my wings, flapping them furiously. I'm uneasy as I feel like there is someone or something watching me in the pitch black darkness. I turn around quickly and come face to face with these bright silver eyes staring me down. "You, there. What is your name?" I freeze feeling the color drain from my hide. "SPEAK!" "H-Hush! My n-my name is Hush!" I exclaim in terror. The ominous voice pauses and its eyes shift as if considering something. Then it looks back saying, "Well, I have been in worse. You don't seem overly confident or free-spirited but you have spunk and are true in all that you do." This confuses me and I forget that I'm floating in darkness and a word escapes me, "Huuh?" ~*~*~_~*~*~ I jolt upright. My pillows fall to the floor along with half of my covers. Covered in sweat and feeling very odd I get out of bed and walk to my door. As I take a step into the hallway towards the stairs I feel a wave of weakness come over me. 'What is wrong with me...?' 'You need to eat.' I twist my head to look behind me. "Hello?" 'Hello Hush.' My eyes get wide. This can't be happening it was a dream, right? It had to have been! 'Calm your mind. It's hurting my head.' "How can I calm my mind when there is an imaginary voice in it!? From a dream!" The voice does a sigh. I actually feel it sigh. I then realize that I can feel it moving throughout my whole being. It makes me tremble. 'Hush, you need to calm down and breathe.' I do as the voice says and feel slightly better but still confused. "Who or what are you...? Why are you haunting me?!" 'Well, in a version, I am you. In another, I am a Godmare.' "Um...say again?" 'Honestly, was I truly meant to be in this half-minded pony? Look, I am the Godmare Feather. It was time for me to reawaken for a period of time to...let's say stretch my wings. I would introduce myself properly but I am the only thing now keeping you upright and alive. You woke up far too soon to have recovered from me entering but now you are up and this can't be changed. So. Until you are stronger, take it easy. And stop thinking about things so erratically, it hurts my head!' She finished off in such a grandiose tone that it shocks me back to the hallway where I was now just sitting. "So, does this mean...you like me? We'll be friends?" I say as it's the only thing that comes to mind. 'That is to be determined at this point. Also stop speaking out loud. I can hear thoughts just fine without it sounding all echo-y.' 'Oh, sorry. So...why can't I hear your thoughts? And how are you in me? An-' 'One question at a time and after you eat. Holding you together is a chore and I haven't tasted food in centuries.' She seemed excited about the food and I immediately thought of other things I wish to ask. 'I think one of the first things I'm going to have to teach you is to control your mind. How have you managed this for this long?' 'I get alo-' 'Ah-ah! Food first. Oh, and Surefore came in not too long before you awoke so she won't be expect-' There was a big crash at the bottom of the stairs as I was standing up. I turn and look over the banister. "You're awake!" This was about to get even more complicated.