//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 - Escaping // Story: Wandering // by SnowTIpard //------------------------------// Wandering Winds eyes fluttered closed, to open and back again "Hello?" An unfamiliar voice said. Wandering Wind slowly opened her eyes and their standing in front of her, was none other than Princess Celestia herself "Pr-Pri-Princess..!" Wandering Wind said surprised as she got to her feet. She looked at herself Weird...I dont remember putting this on She thought as she looked at the gown she was wearing, paired with crystal shoes and when she looked up, a crystal crown "Thy hopes though has enjoyment with the garment. It was crafted for though" Another voice said as Wandering Wind turned her head to see Luna standing there with a smile upon her face "Whats going on?" Wandering Wind asked the princesses "You are in the royal palace, in your room to be exact" Celestia answered "Now you must be hungry after such a long night. Why dont i have somepony whip up some breakfast for you while you just sit here and relax, Ok?" "Ok.." Wandering Wind answered as she watched the two princesses leave. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ "Does though think Twilight Sparkle chose the correct option?" Luna asked her sister as they walked through the hallways "I dont know...I just hope Wandering Wind turns out to be as good of a princess as Twilight" Celestia said sighing. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Wandering Wind sighed as the two alicorns went out of sight. She looked around for something to do and saw a book shelf in the far left corner "Huh...I wonder what books they have.." She said curiously standing up and walking over to the shelf, peeking at the books. There was a bit of daring do, magic books, and some other not to interesting things to read. She heard talking from outside her door and quietly she walked up to the door and stuck her ear against it "Why are we guarding the door again?" "Remember what the princesses said, Numbskull?" "......No...." "We cant let the girl escape until they reform her" "Oh....Ok" What was that about?! She thought as she walked away annoyed and looked at the window. She saw as she looked through the window three guards chasing a green stallion with a sword and a horn --Actually, the green unicorn was running right to the window she was in! Wandering Wind cheeped as she relised this and she quickly jumped out of the way as the unicorn jumped through the glass, large shards flying everywhere. Three very large chunks of glass went sliding through his flank where his cutiemark was and he winced as blood went flying everywhere, a bit splattering on Wandering Winds face. The Stallion ran a few feet but than groaned very loud and painfully falling to the ground, his back leg covered with blood that soon started flowing of of his body and on to the purple rug staining it. Wandering Wind didnt even blink as the guards flew in, grabbing the stallion and starting to take him away. Wandering Wind blinked and returned to her senses and relising that the guards had taken the green pony away, she quickly ran out of the room and into the hallway and called to the guards "Wait!" The guards stopped and turned around to face her "But, my lady, this pony needs to be put in his rightful place in prison and we cant just let him wander" one of them said "Please, put him in my room with the sword" Wandering Wind answered sternly "Ok...Whatever you say" The other guard said as the turned their direction towards Wandering Winds room. They through him in after Wandering Wind was sitting in the room and slammed the door "Here," Wandering said and using her magic floated some bandages over and started wrapping his leg and flank in it "Now tell me, why are you here?" She continued curiously "W-W-Why should i t-tell you" He said quietly and painfully "Because i can help you if you help me" she whispered to him. He looked at her with an angry yet curios face "What do you want from me you bastard" he said again in the angry and painful voice "I want you to help me plan an escape for both of us" She whispered to him in a quiet and eery way "Wha?!" He said surprised "You dont need an escape plan! Your a princess so you can do whatever you want" He looked at her confused and they both locked eyes for a few seconds, a magical sensation going between the two. The stallion quickly turned away . "I heard the guards saying something about how they had to make sure i didnt leave the palace" She said "And i want to get out" The stallion looked at her "Soo...Uhm...I guess i can help you, my flank doesnt really hurt anymore" He smiled a bit, though, it was more of a friendly smirk "Right, Plan" ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Twilight Sparkle sat in her room reading a book about some sort of magic when she heard a knock on her door Who could that be? She wondered as she stood up and went to open the door "Hello?" Twilight softly called out the door "Twilight?" asked Luna when Twilight opened the door "Yes Luna?" She answered "Thy has much to speak to though about...Uhm...What was her name?" "Wandering Wind?" "Oh! Yes thank you. Twilight, be honest and tell me, does though think that though has made the correct decision?" Twilight sighed not really knowing how to answer "Im not sure...She seemed like such a fitting apprentice, quite similar to me when i was young but now im....Im just not so sure" Luna put a hoof around Twilights neck "There is always the spell that would change her back into a Pegasus..." "That didnt work for some reason when i tried it on her when she was unconscious" They both looked at each other for a little before a guard burst open the door "My ladies, Wandering Wind is escaping with the criminal unicorn we have been tracking!" The two princesses glanced at each other for a second before they ran out of the door. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Wandering Wind ran for what felt like hours. She turned her head and looked at the unicorn "The door is right up here though we will probably have to unlock it" "Yeah, I know, stop bothering me about it" "If you knew it was there than why did you jump through my window?" "Shut it" He bonked her head with his sword a little and she turned her head around as far as it could go and saw the guards chasing her. She looked ahead and saw the door "Here it is!" Wandering Wind exclaimed "Wait....Mother bucking! ARHG!!" "What?" "One of the guards chasing us has the keys! UHG!! I feel sooo stupid!" Wandering Wind hit her head against the door "Ive got a plan but you might want to cover your eyes.." "Ok...?" Wandering Wind hesitantly closed her eyes, She heard yelling, slashing of swords, jingling, and the creek of a door. "Here, dont look back just walk out the door" the stallion said as Wandering Wind opened her eyes. She did not look back. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Luna and Twilight ran towards the door. Twilight eeped and stopped suddenly, followed by Luna. They both gasped "We were to late" Twilight said quietly. Four dead guards lay on the floor of the palace, all stabbed straight through the heart, pools of blood everywhere "I dont believe it..." Twilight whispered "I never thought she would do something like this..." Anger built up inside of Twilight. A pony that she loved and trusted, murdering four very admired royal guards "I swear i will get that pony.." She whispered with anger in her voice "You better be ready Wandering Wind, im coming after you!"