//------------------------------// // Chapter 13 part 2 // Story: Mastering the elements: the Earth pony chronicles // by Eriku719 //------------------------------// Chapter 13 part 2 The nights finally came, the mane six and were on a carriage to the castle for the grand galloping gala. “Excuse me spikey-wikey, could you make the carriage go any faster or we’re going to be late.” said Rarity “No problem rarity.” said spike as he grabbed his whip and whipped the alicorn pulling the carriage. “OW! Spike ease of the whip, it hurts!” said Erick “Come on faster or we’re going to be late.” Said spike “You know it’s not easy pulling a carriage filled with six mares, a dragon, going uphill on a timed schedule.” Said Erick as he went back to looking forward and said under his breath, “How I let Rarity talk me into this I’ll never know.” Eventually they made it to the gala and when they entered the castle they were of course greeted by Princess Celestia. “Welcome My little ponies, and Erick how’s your training going?” asked the princess. “Well so far I’ve learned about honesty and laughter as shown by these colored petals on my cutie mark.” said Erick, “but I still have four more to go. Anyways I noticed that your sister isn’t here with you, is she sick?” asked Erick “Oh no, why would she be sick on this night? She really excited to see her foalhood friend again.” Said the sister As they walked into the ballroom, they saw many famous ponies in there. In the back of the room was a nervous Alicorn in her dress, watching Erick from afar, blushing. “He came. I was starting to doubt, but he came.” said Luna. She the emerges from the crowd to greet the mane mane six, spike and Erick. “So good to see you all. Especially you Erick.” She said as she hugged him Erick then groaned in pain and take a step back, “Please not so hard on the hug, I had to pull a carriage just now so my back is sore.” “Sorry. Anyways since you’re here, perhaps we may enjoy each other’s company. Just like old times.” Said Luna As Erick was warming up to the idea, applejack suddenly stepped in. “Well before you two start talking, how about we get some grub? It was a long walk wasn’t it Erick?” said Applejack “That actually sounds good applejack. Sorry Luna, maybe after we can talk?” said Erick “Sure. Just don’t eat too much.” Said Luna. As they left her, she sighed in disappointment, “You let him get away.” Once when they received their food and sat down, they started talking about how their lives been so far and other small talk of that nature, until applejack brought up a unusual topic “So you and Luna have history. huh sugarcube?” said Applejack “Well yeah, we’ve known each other for a long time. We’ve been through each other’s good and bad times until we got separated. She means a lot to me.” Said Erick “…….. You like her don’t cha?” said Applejack “Well of course, how could someone not like a friend?” Said Erick oblivious to what she meant “No what I mean is that, do you like like her?” said Applejack Erick was unresponsive for a while. “Well….. Even if I did like a mare, I made a promise to myself not to have a relationship until I know nocturne is gone for good.” Said Erick “Well I won’t get in the way of your promise, but I just want you to know, that I’ll hope you find the right mare.” Said Applejack. After their meal Erick, left A.J. to find Luna. She was last seen in the gardens, so that’s where he’ll go. He eventually found her sitting at the statues with a bored expression on her face. “What’s wrong with you?” said Erick “Oh nothing. I just thought you were going to leave me all by myself and stay with your new friends.” said Luna with an attitude. “Look I’m sorry the meal was a lot longer than expected, but I’m here now and nothing will bother u-“ “HEY ERICK!” said pinkie pie from a distance as she was trotting up towards them “Hello pinkie.” Said Erick “Erick you gotta come to the dance floor it’s going to be fun.” Said pinkie “In a minute pinkie, I just was to talk with Luna.” Said Erick “but, your promise to dance with me.” said pinkie pie with puppy eyes. The argument continued on until Erick gave up. “I’m sorry I have to make you wait again. I promise I’ll come back as fast as I can.” Said Erick “it’s o.k., I don’t mind waiting.” said Luna with disappointment. As Erick was dragged to the dance floor, pinkie took his hoof and both started to dance. As time went on, Erick started to enjoy the dancing more and eventually to music started to slow down and couples around him and pinkie started to embrace each other. Erick tried to step out of the dance floor, but pinkie pulled him close to her side. “This is nice, being together like this, it makes me feel warm inside. Do you feel the same?” asked Pinkie pie “Pinkie…. I know what you’re trying to do. These feelings you have are beautiful, but I don’t know why they’re pointed at me, don’t let these past events fool you. Why do you find me so special? I’m no different from any other pony.” “Well, that’s the point. After tonight, I truly find out how I feel” said pinkie pie. Meanwhile outside, the night start to get cold and Luna has to decide to wait inside for Erick instead. “Please just let me have this.” Said Pinkie as she puckered her lips and started moving forward. “Pinkie you don’t have to do th-“ Erick was silenced by pinkie pie’s lips making contact with his. At that moment Luna, opened to door to get inside and saw Erick and pinkie together. Erick’s eyes were open when he saw Luna staring back at them. When she saw it she became mad at first, but then ran towards her bedroom leaving behind a trail of tears. Erick released himself of pinkie. “Listen I have to go. I’m sorry.” Said Erick as he went to follow luna to explain. He knocked on Luna’s bedroom door franticly to get her attention. “Luna please let me in so I can explain.” Luna’s sobbing voice muffled his words as she just stared out her window and to the moon. “I was too late. He’s gone. Why’d it have to with somepony else? Why could it have been me?” said Luna to herself. “Look Luna…. I just want to say what happened down there, it’s wasn’t on purpose. If you leave your room and meet me at the ballroom, I’ll know you’ll give me a chance to explain. If you choose to stay, I’ll understand and leave you alone. You have until the gala’s over.” said Erick through her door as he left. Luna stayed in her room questioning what to do. Just ask she was thinking a mysterious voice in her head started to speak to her. “Luna…. Go to him, but not like this.” said the voice. As the voice finished what he said a dark trail of magic showed itself and lead to a helmet under the bed. “No…. it can’t be.” said Luna. “Yes wear me Luna; you’re weak in this state. Reunite us to show Erick the real you.” said the voice. “No…this isn’t the real me.” Said Luna, but with some struggle in her tone of voice “Erick doesn’t love you. Why do you think he kissed that pony!?” said the voice Luna fell to her knees; her eyes started to fade out and just looked soullessly in the ground. “He doesn’t…. love me?” “Not in this state,” said the voice as Luna grabbed the helmet. “And together …” Luna gave in and wore the helmet. She felt the dark magic engulfing her body, transforming her into something strong and evil. She had once again turned into the evil princess, Nightmare moon. “They won’t see us coming.” End of part 2