//------------------------------// // Chapter One // Story: Nightmares // by A Madman With a Box //------------------------------// Simeon hated the home.  He hated the cold, stone courtyards, where nothing grew except a bit of moss and scraggly grass between the pavers.  He hated the stupid, meaningless motto written proudly above the gates in wrought iron.  In his mind, proud to be backwards would be a far better motto for this wretched place than anything the board of governors could ever think of.  He was sitting hunched over a desk, his eyes fixed on an ancient, glaring monitor, its bulk taking up the majority of the space on his desk.  He lifted his head, squinting out the window.  I’m sure I heard something he thought to himself, pulling the curtains apart to widen his view.  He leaned closer, but the rain and the lights from his computer made it impossible to see anything but his own reflection.  He had short blond hair and extremely pale skin.  A metal amulet shaped sort of like a stretched diamond hung out the front of his shirt, and dark rings stood out under his brown eyes.  He strained his ears, but all he could hear was the front gate creaking in the wind Simeon yawned and checked his watch.  It was past midnight.  No wonder I’m hearing things he thought.  He switched off the computer, already dreading the next day, when he would have to attend the compulsory mass in the main courtyard.  He lay down in bed and closed his eyes, feeling himself drift into sleep.  A blindingly bright flash of light lit up the courtyard outside the window, accompanied by a mechanical groaning noise.  Simeon was startled awake, the blankets falling to the floor.  That sounded close he thought, pulling the covers back over his head. In the courtyard a pale white Pony stood up. He shook his head, finding the lack of connection to the Brotherhood distracting. He frowned, then sniffed the air.  He could sense the sanctuary, he was so close now.  The Pony looked up to a second story window.   A small smile appeared on his lips.  The familiar pain shot through his head as he reached for his magic and teleported into the room.  It didn't look like the place an artefact as important as the sanctuary should be kept, he felt like it should be in some sort of temple, not this squalid place.  He shook his head.  The lack of connection with the rest of the Brotherhood was disconcerting; he had to get this over quickly before his personal feelings corrupted him. A quick scan of the room revealed nothing, the amulet was nowhere to be found.  He was about to try another room when he heard something move behind him.  He turned, and realised that what he had assumed was a bundle of blankets was in fact a creature of some sort, and it was waking up.  He began to back away when the creature rolled over, revealing a flat face and a short, brown mane.  Around his neck was a chain, to which was attached a chain.  Leaning closer, the Pony noticed an object he had only seen in the book of the Brotherhood hanging from the chain.  Hardly daring to believe his eyes, he sent a small pulse of magic toward it.  Yes!  He thought triumphantly, having finally located the sanctuary. He tried to use his magic to pull it over the creatures head, but the chain was too short and it wouldn't fit.  He briefly contemplated snapping the chain, but quickly realised that would be hearsay of the highest order.  He realised that the only option was to teleport.  Wincing with pain, he began to build up magic when he felt a sharp shock.  Realising that the link with his home universe was re-establishing itself, he threw himself onto the creature. Simeon woke in a dizzying blur of movement.  He could feel some creature holding him down, and terror gripped him.  He struggled wildly, but before he could gain any hold on the creature there was a blinding flash, and the floor seemed to drop away.  He was thrashing out of control, still trying to dislodge the creature holding him.  He spun so he was facing downward, and he closed his eyes, not wanting to see what was awaiting him at the bottom of the fall.   “It’s just a dream it’s just a dream it’s just a dream” he muttered to himself, but when he opened his eyes he didn’t see his bedroom, or the hard ground he thought he was plummeting towards.  Instead he was falling through a swirling vortex, lit up by blue and red light. “This isn’t a dream” a voice cold enough to send chills running through his whole body whispered in his ear.  “This is a nightmare”. “What are you” he shouted back, his voice barely legible over the whistling of the wind in his ears. “I am nothing” the voice whispered back, somehow perfectly easy to understand despite the wind.  “I am merely a part of the brotherhood, a cog in the machine that will bring about the return of the true Queen of Equestria”. Simeon was about to reply when he realised he was slowing.  The swirling of the vortex was lessening, and the wind was sound quieter.  Now he felt like the air had gained the consistency of syrup, and he was slowly sinking in it instead of falling.  His eyes began to hurt and he realised that it was getting brighter.  There was a sharp pain on his chest and the light increased in brightness, forcing his eyes shut.  There was a loud groan and suddenly there was cold stone beneath him. He lay panting, as his body recovering from the extreme terror of falling.  His body slowly regained strength, and he sat up.  As he did, he noticed a long thin burn in his shirt, and a matching burn on the skin of his chest.  His amulet hung out the hole, which he realised was he exact same size and shape as the amulet.  He lifted his head to look around him, and wished he hadn’t.  He lay on rock scorched black by heat, in the centre of three tall obsidian pillars, stained with what appeared to be blood.  Just outside the boundary presented by the pillars stood a throng of short black robed figures, all staring at him with unnaturally large eyes.  He turned and finally got a proper look at his kidnapper.  A short, four legged creature stood before him, covered with sickly white fur.  The general shape brought to mind a small pony, but the head was larger and seemed more human than horse.  A sharp horn stood out from its forehead. I’ve been kidnapped by unicorns Simeon thought, almost laughing at how ridiculous it sounded.  He tried to stand, but a black haze surrounded the pony-creatures horn, and he felt himself brought down onto his knees. “You will kneel before the brotherhood” the assembled figures chanted, their voices perfectly in tune.  The creature that had snatched him picked up a black robe from the ground and threw it over his back, pulling the hood up so his face was obscured by shadow. He walked over to join the throng, indistinguishable from the rest of them. “Where am I?” Simeon asked.  There was no answer.  “Where am I” he shouted, his voice echoing through the cavernous room.” “That is not important” the creatures replied.  “You are not important.  All that matters is what you are wearing around your neck. Simeon grabbed his amulet, a wave of possessiveness washing over him.   “It’s mine” he shouted.  “You can’t have it.  And you won’t try to take it.  You are meddling in things beyond your understanding.” He blinked.  Where did that come from? He thought.  The outburst had come from nowhere, almost as if it wasn't him shouting. “Your cooperation is not necessary” the creatures said in the same icy cold tone.  Their horns were obscured by black haze, and the amulet shook on his chest.  The haze around the creature’s horns became thicker, and the amulet shook harder.  The black around the creature’s horns disappeared. “What have you done” they hissed.  “Remove the link it has with you”. “I don’t know what you’re talking about” Simeon replied, gripping the amulet tightly in his hand.  “You kidnapped me and took me here for a piece of old jewellery?” “It is not what you believe it is” the creatures said.  “It is the sanctuary.  It is what we need to restore the all-powerful Nightmare.” “The what?” Simeon asked.  “I will never let you have it.  It is far more powerful than anything you could ever believe”.  There it is again he thought.  Why do I keep saying these things? “Why don’t we just kill him” asked the one of the creatures, which Simeon recognised as the one that had taken him.  He closed his eyes, knowing that what the creature had said made sense.  To his surprise, the creature that had spoken gasped and stopped whatever his next statement was going to be mid-sentence.  The other creatures turned to face the one that had spoken, and he backed away from them slowly. “You are corrupted with the poison of individuality” the creatures hissed.  “You are a scourge on the brotherhood.  You are unfit.  You will be removed”. The haze surrounded the horn of one of the creatures, only this time it collected itself near the tip and launched itself at the creature who had spoken.  The black struck him in the head, and he staggered and collapsed to the floor. “Please…Stop” he managed to croak out. “You are no longer worthy” they replied.  “The Brotherhood must remain pure”.  The creature attempted to rise, but he was obviously growing weaker and his struggles soon ceased.  Two of the creatures dragged the body out, and the others turned away as if nothing had happened.  Another two creatures stepped out and faced Simeon.  Their horns began to haze up, and Simeon felt himself grow tired. No he thought to himself as he struggled to stay awake, but the compulsion to sleep was too strong and he felt himself drifting away. Simeon awoke lying in a pile of mouldy hay.  He sat up, his head spinning unpleasantly.  His amulet was still hanging from his neck, which he felt far too relieved about.  He was in a small, dark cell with walls hewn from solid rock, containing only the pile of hay, a bucket of water and a small, barred window in the thick wooden door.  HE lay back on the hay, his head still feeling fuzzy. When he woke again the cell seemed even darker than before.  His mouth felt dry, and his stomach ached with hunger.  He sat up, and was relieved to see the bucket of water was still present.  Plunging his head in, he gulped down huge mouthfuls of the clear, cold liquid.  His thirst quenched, he stood and looked out the small, barred window.  The corridor outside the cell was dark, and he could not see more than five metres in any direction.  Outside the door stood two of the creatures…no, unicorns he thought, realising what his captors must be.  He briefly thought about trying to bluff his way out, to offer them the amulet in exchange for his freedom, but he found it hard to even comprehend giving it up.  What is happening to me he worried.  Ever since they took me these mood swings have been getting more and more frequent.  And what is it about this old necklace?  What on Earth made me so attached to it? He sat down on the pile of hay; the short walk to the door had set his head spinning again.  He was just considering trying to strike up a conversation with the guards when he heard footsteps.  The door of the cell swung open, and two of the robed unicorns entered. “You will come” they hissed in eerily identical voices. “Why?” he asked, in a voice far braver than he felt.  “What do you want with me?” “What you know is not important” they hissed in reply.  “Now come” Simeon was about to refuse, but their horns hazed over and he was pulled roughly upright.  He tried to protest, but he had lost all control over his body.  All he could do was watch as his body was walked down the corridor into a large room.  Inside it were the rest of the robed unicorns, all of them staring at him with their massive eyes. “What is your connection with the sanctuary” they hissed as one.  “Speak now” “I don’t know” Simeon managed to croak out.  “I…” Before he could finish his sentence he felt something strange in his head, something that felt both ancient and young ate the same time. “Stop” said a low voice in his head.  “Do not tell them anything”. The presence was gone as quickly as it had arrived, but it left Simeon with a strange feeling of security, as if whatever had spoken to him was keeping him safe. “I won’t tell you” he said, his voice filled with new-found confidence.  “Now release me!” "This is…disappointing” They hissed, their voices dripping with venom.  “Maybe a few more days in your cell will change your mind”. He felt his body turn and leave the room, still under the control of the unicorns that had brought him there.  A few more days?  He thought in shock.  How long was I asleep? He was marched back into the cell, where the unicorns released their control over his him.  Removed from the control of the stronger unicorns, his exhausted body collapsed to the floor. “You will remain here” his guards hissed.  “A few days locked up should bend your weak individual conscious to our will”. They left the cell and slammed the door, leaving Simeon alone in the darkness. Above the amulet, a purple shadow slowly formed. It tried to penetrate the amulet, but a flash of golden light emanated from the amulet, dispersing the shadow.