The Hidden History of Equestria

by Elijah Wyatt

The Story of Agric Part Two

Agric approaches the caves exit, and then takes a good view at his surroundings. Agric is astonished at what he sees. There are mountain walls surrounding the entire forest valley. This makes no sense to him, because mountains have tops, so how could there be light here. He looks up, directly into the sun. He quickly looks back down, as he notices a clear water lake. It dawns on him how famished and tired he is, so he decides not to over analyze it, and just go get a refreshing drink of water.

As Agric climbs down to the forest, he notices there is an absolute stillness of this valley, there is no sound outside of the sounds he makes, the air is calm, and there are no other animals here. As he gets closer to the lake, he feels an almost magical presence around him, drawing him towards the lake. He arrives at the lake, takes a drink, and then his whole body starts to glow brightly, enveloped in a magical aura as he grows a horn. He has transformed into a unicorn! Agric is in awe, as his cutie mark appears to him, two stars swirling around each other. This is what he has wanted his whole life, to be able to perform magic, and study the way of the universe, which is a job only given to unicorns. He then hears a faint voice coming from the lake. He can't make out what it's saying, or even what gender the voice is, but then he realizes something. He can now carry Zyra with basic magic that doesn't even require an incantation, something all unicorns are able to do. He dismisses the voice and runs back as quickly as he can to see if Zyra might still be alive, and to make an attempt to save her. He runs back with everything he has in him, even faster than before, and after 15 minutes he sees Zyra's body laying there. She appears dead to him.

Agric exclaimed "NO!". Agric bends down crying over Zyra's limp body, when he hears a faint breath coming from her.

Agric shouts "She's still alive! You do not deserve your fate, with all that is in me I exclaim to the heavens, that I am unworthy of your gift, and if there is any justice you should live. Please, Please live.".

He continues sobbing. Agric makes a desperate prayer "I wish so much for your wounds to heal, I can't even imagine the pain you must feel, your heart is pure, so your body I will cure.". His horn lights up, as his magical aura engulfs Zyra. Agric then puts every single bit of effort he has into this, as he sees her leg starting to glow, he rejoices for a slight second, but his concentration breaks, as he falls to the floor unconscious. He has over exerted himself.