The Elements of Dueling.

by theultimatebrony

Chapter 9

After what happened with Gilda, we all went back to my place to train for the tournament. We dueled almost every moment and tried every strategy we could think of. When sundown came, the others left and I was finishing up my duel with Addy.
"I overlay Abyss Warrior and Abyss Soldier to xyz summon Elemental Beast: Aqua Serpent (ATK2500). Now I use the spell Xyz Energy to lose one overlay unit and destroy your Ancient Fairy Dragon. I attack you directly."
Addy Lp: 0
I caught my holoprojector and took a drink from my canteen. Then I thought, "How many more duels until we have enough power to go to Equestria?"
At least a total of eight if the duelists are strong enough.
"Enough for the tournament."
I walked over to Twilight, who was sitting on a plastic chair, and told her this.
"So you still have to do the tournament," Twilight observed.
I nodded, "Come inside and I'll explain the tournament more."
We went up to my room and sat on my bed. I materialized my disk and set my deck in front of me. Then I took more cards out of a box and arranged all of them.
"The tournament is made up of the top one hundred duelists in Indiana," I said, "The first round eliminates fifty, the second eliminates twenty five." I cut the amount of cards in half twice (I like visual aids). "The third round is a battle royal format where the final twenty five wander around a maze and battle whoever they find."
"It sounds chaotic," Twilight said.
"It is. This is also the first year me and the other guys are participating, though I wonder where Tyler has been dueling at."
"How are you chosen for this tournament?"
"All registered duel pads are connected to a central computer where all the dueling data goes. Somehow the
computer decides who will get into the tournament."
"What do you get as a prize?"
"A rare card and you move on to the nationals. If you win the nationals you get a thousand dollars and
move on to the world championships. The world champ was a guy from Indiana last year. He goes by the name Phobos."
"That sounds like an ancient fear diety."
"He uses a Fire King/Flamvell deck. It's hard to beat, but I have confidence that my deck is strong enough.
I put my cards away and lied down on my bed. Twilight said she was going to get a snack and left the room.
I pulled out Aqua Serpent and thought, "What are your thougnts on the tournament?"
I am not sure what to expect. We should just worry about one opponent at a time and as they come.
I continued laying back until Aqua Serpent started talking again, You're thinking about Twilight.
I sat up, "No I'm not."
I can see into every pore of your mind. I know that you've been thinking about the kiss that happened.
"A kiss that you caused," I was getting agitated at Aqua Serpent. He was right though, I had been thinking about it. Every time I was near Twilight, I got nervous. I thought that I was just worried that she would judge me, but maybe it was more.
Are you going to pursue this? I know you want to.
"No. She's nice, smart, and, I admit, beautiful, but I'm not going to ask her out. She's from a different universe and we'll have to part when this is all over. Plus, she probably has someone that she has her eye on."
"I don't," a voice from the doorway said.
I looked up and saw Twilight standing at the door. As she walked in and closed the door I felt my face burn in embarrassment.
"I, uh, um," I tried to say something to defend myself.
Twilight sat down beside me, "I don't have any feelings for stallions I know. Though that doesn't say much considering ninety percent of the population of Ponyville are mares. Did you mean it when you said I was beautiful?"
Twilight looked down at the floor and began to blush, "I was sort of hoping you'd say that."
"Does this mean..?" I thought. I then said, "Do you any feeling for a non-pony?"
"Maybe. I might be sitting next to him right now."
I saw black spots slipping into my vision. I shook my head and said, "I would ask you out but I don't have a holoprojector that can make you look like a human."
Twilight frowned a little, "There's also the fact that we would have to split up when this was over, you were right there."
If you would hove Twilight put a hoof on a mark, I have a suggestion that might help you.
I put Twilight's hoof on my arm.
If you were to find Discord, he might provide a way for you to see each other. Even if not in person, some sort of Skype-y thing.
"Do you really think he'll do that?" Twilight asked.
It is possible. Also, there is a portal that will lead from Earth to Equestria opening in five months. It will be open for three days and close for two and a half years.
I looked at Twilight, "I think he's telling the truth."
What reason would I have to lie to you? Seriously.
"Hazaa!" I thought.
"This means we can go out," Twilight said, "I'll have to figure out how to tell Shining Armor, whether we should tell the others..."
I pulled Twilight's face up to mine and kissed her. I pulled away and said, "We can figure out that later."
I pulled Twilight closer and we began to kiss again. I accidentally touched my mark and heard a voice in my head.
Score! You owe me twenty bucks guys.
I pulled away and thought , "You guys were betting on whether I would end up with Twilight?'
Brett's voice appeared in my head, Maybe. You are the biggest bookworm we know and Twilight is the biggest the ponies know. It was natural. I bet that would happen before we got to Equestria and Tyler bet you couldn't get a girl since the eighth grade.
I grumbled and ignored him. I lied back down and Twilight snuggled up to me.
"Good luck at the tournament tomorrow."
I thanked her and went to sleep.