Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Bonus chapter: Deleted scenes

This is just deleted scenes. Don't take them as if they are part of the story. You'll see a few that you won't like, but glad I didn't put them in the story.

Those are the actual scenes I cut out/changed mind about. Most are weird, some are a WTF moment. But, this is my creative process. Enjoy a look at craziness XD

I'm going to do this:

Each chapter will have a few deleted scenes. Each delelted scene is seperated from the others with a ------------------- That way, you don't get confused.

Bonus chapter: Deleted scenes

Chapter three:

All the ponies in the room stopped cheering and looked at me. They all had a confused look on their faces.

"What is that thing?" Somepony asked.

"I have no idea. He kinda scares me." Another one said.

"I think he looks kinda cute." One said.

I sighed and became slightly annoyed, why? I have no idea, I had enough of this at my school. "Okay, I'm going to be nice here and answer your questions! One: I'm a freaking he! Not an it! Two: I scare you?! You don't know the meaning of it! Three: Thank you, that was a nice comment."

I turned began heading for the door.

I think you all know why I cut that scene XD I was thinking of making Lance a badass, but changed my mind at the last second.

Chapter 6:

I picked up the pen and notebook and turned towards the table. A couple, both light blue, was sitting there holding menu's. I walked over and placed the notebook on the table, "May I take your order?"

The blue stallion looked at me and his eyes widened, "Oh my! What are you!"

The mare screamed.

I looked at the two, "Please, calm down. I'm not going to..."

The mare struck me across the face.

I looked at her, "Ma'am, you don't have to resort to..."

She hit me again, and this time much harder.

My eye twitched, "I don't want to have to kick you out."

The stallion stood, "You can't kick us out you freak!"

I then did something I never thought I would do. I spread my wings and sprang forward, head butting him in the chest.

I stopped typing there, I was hating the though of him getting into a fight, so I changed it.

Chapter 10:

I fell back on my back and started pushing it back under my clothes. When it was back in, I looked over at the Princess's, "Sorry about that. You kinda caught me at a bad time."

I'm pissed! I was about to have sex with Twilight and then this!

Celestia looked at me, strangely, "You was about to mate with my most faithful student?!"

I scratched the back of my head, "Umm, yeah..."

She glared, "How dare you try and take her innocence!"

I held up my hooves, "Wait! She wanted to do it!"

She glared harder, "I can see that in your memories, but I don't approve!"

Luna slowly backed away from her angry sister.

I gulped, "But I..."

She stomped her hoof, "I don't want to hear it!"

I fell to the ground as the ground shook.

She stepped forward, "I here by banish you from Equestria! And all your friends!"

Her horn began to glow and I felt myself being transported, far away from the Palace.

My computer cut off at this point, and I was pissed. But while retyping, I changed my mind and decided to go with a more happy path.


"Oh, but I'm so much better." Her horn glowed and I lifted up in the air.

"Luna, don't do it. This is rape!"

She looked at me and smiled, "Not rape, just surprise sex."

"Same thing!"

She smirked, "You'll like it either way."

I was suddenly at a loss for words, I couldn't think of a response!

She pulled me forward, causing my member to penetrate her.

I'm not going to describe this anymore, because it was a full on sex scene. But, I didn't like it, so I removed it and went with the second option.

Chapter 23:

This next part was a friends idea, and I wanted to be nice and use it. But cut it at the last second, because it felt wrong to write it. I'm sorry, but what your about to read is sick and disgusting!

Greg dropped David onto his bed and sighed. He was missing the party just so he could bring David back home. That sucks.

As he turned to leave, David snored lightly.

Greg turned and looked at him.

It may be the weed talking, or the alcohol, but something seemed different. Greg felt something... strange.

He was looking at David, and only one word came to mind. Sexy.

Greg couldn't figure out why he was thinking that, or feeling the way he was.

He then made his way over to David and...

I'm stopping it right there! Oh God! I'm so glad I didn't put that in the story.

Chapter 32:

Celestia nodded, "I now pronounce you as husband and wife. If anypony has any reason why those two may not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Greg smirked. He stood and yelled, "I have a reason."

Everypony gasped and turned.

Celestia glared, "What would that reason be?"

He smirked and pulled out his member, "Because my dick is so much bigger than his!" He began humping the air, and motioning to Luna, "Come on Luna, you know you want this!"

XD I was going to put that in, but decided against it.

Chapter 34:

When I walked into the living room, David was sitting down next to Rainbow Dash, patting her back.

I walked up behind them, "What's wrong with her?"

He looked up at me, "Just a little headache, you know, hangover type headache."

I nodded, I remembered my first hangover. That was a crazy party that night.

My friend had told me of this party happening down town and wanted me to come. So of course I agreed, who wouldn't want to party?

Once we was there, we ran around, talking and having a good time. It was fun, till he got into a fight with a girl. Yeah, I said girl.

He ended up getting his ass kicked, by a freaking girl! While that was happening, I was drinking everything I saw.

I drank beer, whiskey, something I think was wine, and I'm pretty sure I drank piss by accident. After an hour of this, I passed out, right on the couch.

I awoke the next morning with a splitting head ache. The worst part was what was written on my face and chest. On my head was the words, 'Tea bag here!' And on my chest was, 'Free whore, I take checks'. Yeah, not the best night of my life.

I cut this because it didn't really go with the story.

Chapter 37:

This was going to be the beginning of the chapter, but I changed it when I saw a comment by Iron Clad.

"Hello, I'm Lance, and welcome to jackass!" I said as I stood next to Big Macintosh. I nodded and he bucked me in the side of the face.

All the bronies began to laugh at my attempts to stand.

You can see why I didn't do this one.

Chapter 38:

Celestia nodded, "I now pronounce you as husband and wife. If anypony has any reason why those two may not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace."

I looked out into the pews and glared at Greg. He smirked and stood, "I have a reason!"

Celestia looked annoyed as hell, "WHICH IS!"

Greg smirked, "Twilight shouldn't marry Lance, he has no balls! But me, I have big balls!"

"NOT ANYMORE!" I screamed as I flew from the alter and slammed a hoof into his groin.

It was a funny idea, but meh.

Chapter 40:

Frederic's mouth hung open in surprise and shock. Then without warning, he jumped into the air and smashed through his window. He flew over Canterlot and yelled at the top of his lungs, using his new found Royal Canterlot Voice, "YES!"

He quickly changed course and flew straight towards Lance's house. Upon reaching his house, he didn't even bother with the door. He flew through the window, which caused it to be smashed, and landed in the living room.

Lance fell off the couch, holding his face, "Glass! There's glass in my eyes!"

Twilight did the same, but with more grace.

Frederic grabbed them in his hooves and pulled them close, "Come my friends, I have wonderful news for you to hear!" With that, he teleported them back to his study.

That scene was removed for a reason.

Chapter 60:

We both looked at the poor rabbit that had ran up to us. It was nuzzling my leg, apparently happy to have some company.

"I say we eat it." Peter suggested.

I shook my head, "No, I couldn't eat this little guy. He's so damn cute...."

[Look at all that fat...]
<I'm so hungry!>

I rub my stomach, "On second though." I reached down and grabbed it by the scruff of the neck, "Who want's rabbit?"


"I WANT IT!" Peter yelled out.

Fifteen minutes later

"And that's how Equestria was made." I said, finishing off a stupid story.

Peter chuckled as he turned the stick over the fire, roasting the rabbit, "Man, this is going to taste good!"

Meh, I didn't feel like killing a bunny.

Chapter 61:

She slowly nodded, "That was... awkward."

I chuckled, "You have no idea."

Break smirked again, "Oh look. Pick that one."

I looked to where he was pointed and recoiled. The category was MLP: TwilightXTrixie.

I slammed my hoof into the screen, "Oh no!"

I looked at the screen and saw that I had hit the button. Fucktastic...

My head was filled with all the images I had seen for TwilightXTrixie. Even every Fan-Fiction, and fantasy. Basically, everything.

When it was over, I looked at Twilight. She had a shocked look on her face, actually, it was beyond shock.

"How... why.... when.... I never did any of that!" She said in a weak voice.

I put a hoof over her, "I know."

She wiggled out from under it, "I saw that story you wrote about me and her! That was sick!"

Oops, I forgot about that story. I'm screwed, "Sorry..."

"No more bed time fun for you!"

Me, Break, and Dawn all screamed out, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

XD I have no idea why I cut that scene.

Chapter 62:

Frederic told me to remove this scene... me sad.

A pink cloud formed above my head and began to rain. Chocolate milk rain that is.

I had to admit, this was pretty cool.

<Keep your guard up Lance.>
[Fuck that idea, Lance, lets go Pinkie Pie on this thing and enjoy it!]

I smiled and jumped forward and landed on my haunches. I opened my mouth and tilted my head back, letting the chocolate milk pool in my mouth. It tasted awesome!

[Sounds like your drinking cu...]
{You will shut the fuck up now!}

I heard snickering behind me and the snap of fingers. Suddenly, the chocolate rain stopped tasting like chocolate.

I gulped down what was in my mouth and began gagging, "What the hell was that?!"

I turned around and saw Frederic and Annabel laughing.

Annabel looked up and smirked, "I thought you would like the taste of sperm."

[D-DId she say... sperm?!]

I began to breath heavily, "OH MY GOD!" I pushed my hoof into my mouth and made myself throw up. I then turned and galloped away, running for the nearest lake.

That is what it use to be XD Sperm, not milk. But, I was nice and removed it at the request of Iron Clad.