//------------------------------// // Chapter 9: Realization // Story: Once In A Blue Moon // by Bayonate //------------------------------// Princess Luna's POV Monoceros is such a beautiful city!! I love the excited buzz in the air and the energetic voices echoed happiness. The city itself had a gorgeous color scheme of blacks, whites, and silvers. It almost seemed like you had stepped into a modern world or city in this case. I have always been drawn to stars, seeing how my name is Luna, and I was totally digging the whole festival. I managed to see the magical moment of the Trees while I was in my carriage. It was probably amazing done here, but trust me, it was 1,000 times better in the sky. A gruff voice interrupted my thoughts. “So, what do you want to see first?” “Ummmmmmm do you guys have an astrology tower or something?” “They sure do”, Tia said with a wink Sounds interesting.... We walked down the crowded street and everypony got out of the way for some reason. It is probably because we were traveling with their prince. Speaking about Prince Blue Moon! It's like he and Tia have something going on that I don't know about. Blue Moon is moving way to stiff to be natural. It is like he is afraid of messing something up. Celestia would be tilting her head toward Blue Moon but not so much that you would catch her stealing glances. Blue Moon would sometimes also try to catch a glance of my sister. A few times they turned their heads to look at each other at the same time. They would quickly look the other direction with a blush evident on their faces. They keep on looking at each other like they lov- HEY WAIT A MINUTE!!! Could it be? Tia LIKES somepony!? I have to investigate this!! Princess Celestia's POV I feel Luna’s gaze burning on the back of my head. I have a feeling Luna is planning something, but I don't know what!! I HATE when I don’t know what my sister is planning! She has this thinking/observant/mischievous look. Every once in a while, she'll look at Blue Moon or I observing us like a pair of subjects perfect for her next mad experiment. We got to the astrology tower, and it was a wonderful piece of architecture. It stars, planets, galaxies, constellations, and other celestial forms on its walls. The structure was topped off with a silver dome and enormous telescope. Luna looked at the observatory in awe. She turned to Blue Moon and I.... uh oh... “May I please go in with JUST Tia?” she asked in a super sweet sing-song like voice. Blue Moon just shrugged his shoulders and walked away in the other direction. Gee, thanks for the support! GAH! Colts these days have their heads filled with hay! I grumbled as I walked into the tower with my “beloved” sister. Inside, the tower was decorated with paintings of stars, planets, nebulae, famous astronomers, and amazing photos of space. A circling staircase led up to the top. As we started the long journey up, Luna started a conversation on the “awkwardest” topic. “So, you REALLY LIKE Blue Moon right?” she asked innocently. Yeah innocent my horn! I knew she was up to something! She was always mischievous. She put a firecracker in one of my slices of cake once and that resulted in 6 months of intense prank warfare. “Well, I uh....” “I can tell that he really LIKES you!” Luna exclaimed. I blushed deeply. “How do you know that?” “I can see it in his EYES”, and she took that opportunity to then peer into mine. She studied it for a second and her own eyes grew wide. “HOLY HAY YOU LOVE HIM TOO!” She squealed and jumped into the air. “SHUT UP!! He'll here you!” I clamped my hoof over her mouth. “Why can't he hear?” she inquired with a raised eyebrow. “You'll understand when you really like somepony”, I whispered. “Oh”, she whispered back. Prince Blue Moon's POV Those mares are taking forever and I keep on hearing squealing for some reason... I walk into the tower to see Princess Celestia with her hoof over Princess Luna's mouth. “What in the world??” I mutter. “Oh it's nothing!” Celestia quickly stammered, “I was just uhh……” “She was just teaching me how to do a bird call”, Princess Luna finished. Riiggghhhhttt a bird call and I was just on my way to make hyppo pancakes with my friend Narwhal!!! We walked out of the observatory and returned to the palace. Princess Celestia's POV Blue Moon and I dropped off Luna at her room and started to walk down the hall towards mine. Memories of my earlier conversation with Luna kept playing in my head, making me blush. “YOU LIKE HIM TOO!” she sang. I do not!!! Blue Moon looked at me weirdly as I argued with myself. “You okay?” he asked softly, “You keep on making weird facial expressions.” “Oh you I'm fine”, I replied, “Just thinking...” I trail off. “Oh, okay, I guess...” The rest of the walk was really awkward.