The Princess and the Muse

by xedalpha

Chapter 2: The Dream Hunter

Chapter 2: The Dream Hunter

I awoke to the sound of song drifting in the air, which after the events of last night was a welcome change of pace.
I let out a long yawn and looked down to realize that I was now alone on the sofa.

I swept my sleepy gaze about until I sighted Mimica, who was already awake and was sat down on her flank as she brushed her mane with the spindly comb she normally kept concealed in her hair for safekeeping. It seemed to be the only actual possession she had, as she’d been carrying nothing else with her when I’d found her.

I observed her through lidded eyes for a moment. She appeared back to full strength once more, and I noted that the gaps between her periods of exhaustion were increasing, but that didn't mean another wouldn't come.

I'd tried asking her directly about the root cause of her problem, and had only been able to get out of her that she needs a specific kind of magic with which to sustain herself. Any attempt to get her to elaborate further had been met with a brick wall. And so the only idea I could come up with (which was a rare occurrence) was to collect as many magically imbued artifacts as possible in the hope one of them would be effective.

As one might imagine, such artifacts do not come cheap to say the least, and so I have been forced to, shall we say, act on the grayer side of the law for quite some time now.

Strangely, it seemed that the effectiveness of each gem or artifact appeared to increase depending on how hard it was for me to acquire. And considering last night had consisted of dodging the Royal Guard and barely escaping the wrath of Princess Luna, it was no small shock that she was back in shape.

Mimica was of course the source of the singing. And as soft and hauntingly soothing as her voice was, it was truly at odds with the subject matters of the songs she often sang when she thought she was alone.

I coughed into my hoof politely and the sound immediately halted. Mimica shifted quickly about to look at me, “Feeling better this morning?” I asked.

She nodded solemnly and quickly entwined the ebony comb back in her mane.

“Can I ask you something?” I said unsurely.

“What is it?”

“It’s just, I do like your singing, but I was just wondering why your songs always seem to be about…I dunno…”

“Subjects of a macabre nature?” she offered with a weary smile.

I cocked my head, “Kinda…” I responded carefully. I mean her songs were nice, just so long as you didn’t listen to the lyrics too closely.
They had all the aura and softness of a lullaby, if lullabies were about consuming the hearts and souls of your enemies and grinding the world into dust under your hooves that is. Otherwise, nice...

She sank down onto her chest, her hoof idly playing with the comb in her hair, “I know they’re bad, but when my mother used to sing them to me...” she cut herself off and shook her head with annoyed dismissiveness.

“Tell me…” I prodded gently, resting my head atop my hooves to regard her. I was actually kind of startled; normally Mimica wouldn't have volunteered even that much information. She was usually very tight-muzzled about that sort of thing.

She looked back at me briefly and then turned away again, her shoulders sagging slightly as she sighed, “…I could pretend that she actually loved me.”

“Mimi?” I asked, sitting up slightly.

She seemed to scoff at the ridiculousness of it all and shook her head, “Even at that age I knew of course. Changelings rear their young that way: we fill them with such love when they’re young, then we tear it all away from them leaving a gaping void. We call it nurturing, preparation.”

“So you…?”

She nodded, “Changeling princess. I had to be empty on a grand scale. ‘Let your heart be crushed until there’s no room left in it for anyone but yourself,’ those are the only words of advice my mother ever gave me once I was old enough to walk.”

“So what happened? How did you-“

“-You’re asking a lot of questions today, Alpha Spark,” she suddenly cut in, and I knew just like that she’d clammed up once more, “What about you? We've been together for months and you've never once said a word about your parents.”

I smiled sadly, “I suppose I am a bit of a hypocrite in nature. But I wouldn't know the answer to that either way. I Haven’t seen either of them for years.”

She focused her attention on me as I stood up and approached the shelves against the opposite wall, “Years?”

“Yup,“ I confirmed as I pulled down a scroll from the upper shelf and crossed to the rear table, unfurling it, “Five at last count, but that’s not important just now.”

She plodded over and looked down at the map, “Well?”

“You remember what I said last night, about going to lie low?”

She looked about, “I thought we were lying low. We are in the middle of nowhere.”

I shook my head, “We can’t stay here. Princess Luna will probably be able to track where I teleported to since I used her magic to power the headband in order to get away. She probably knows where we are already. And I would rather not be here with a box full of borrowed artifacts when the Royal guard starts banging down my door.”

Borrowed?” she echoed with a suspicious narrowing of her eyes.

“Hey, I’m going to give them back. There just…hasn't been an opportune moment. Been busy looking after my friend.”

Mimica seemed to want to object, but she merely shied backward in response, shifting slightly, “Well do you have any ideas?”

“Hundreds,” I replied, “Most useless. Not unless we have a hot air balloon. Wait…do we have a hot air balloon?”

“We do not.”

“Then mostly useless, but either way, I think we should just head north until the heat dies down.”

I left that prompt hanging: that thread of an idea, and Mimica stepped up by my side, “That could work,” she traced her hoof along the map to the west, “We head back towards Canterlot-“

“-Towards?” I interjected, gaping at her.

She frowned at me, “You’re the idea man, Spark, leave the details to me.”

“If you say so…”

She pointed to a line on the map, “As you can see, there’s a train line running directly north to the Crystal Empire. It runs past a small town west of here. We can board a train there and we should have a clear line to the north, if running away together really is a wise idea.”

I knew there was an unspoken, ‘as opposed to just leaving me be and saving yourself,’ but I didn’t dignify it with a response.

“Can’t think of anything better right now,” I said with a shrug, “So we cut west through to,” I squinted my eyes at the map, “Ponyville, hop on a train, hole up somewhere in the north, mail those things back to their owners with my apologies and then wait it out until nobody cares anymore. Problem solved.”

Mimica nodded and seemed to do her best to smile convincingly. It wasn’t like I didn’t understand her lack of optimism. It seemed like she’d been resigned ever since we’d met, but I knew being on the road wouldn’t be too good for her in the long run.

I even had to accept that everything I was doing was just a stall. Sooner or later we would have to get her help. But openly seeking help for a Changeling in Equestria was like getting honey off your hoof by sticking it into a bear cave: One way or another the issue might get resolved, but a happy ending would most likely be out of the picture.

I cast a downward glance at her. How many times had she asked me why I was doing this for her?

She never attacked me on the morning she’d first awoken in my home. That had shocked me. I’d been expecting to have to fend her off until I could explain that I meant her no harm. Instead she’d just asked my name and where she was. From there she’d just lain mostly in silence until she was strong enough to move.

She’d once been forced to ask that surely even I could see that choosing to take her in was a ridiculously bad idea. And I’d admitted it: it probably was by far the stupidest thing I’d ever done, but for some reason choosing to go out and scoop that crumpled black form up in my hooves felt like the smartest thing I’d ever done, and I’d stuck by that feeling.

I’m not sure how she took that, but for some reason she always slept by me from that night on, and it had been the next day that I’d awoken to discover the persona she’d constructed to hide her true appearance.

I’m not sure why she went to such ends, especially when one considered her failing strength. She’d shied away every time I’d ask about it however. To be honest, I sort of preferred her original form.

As far as Changelings went, or at least from the pictures I’d seen of them, she was actually sort of cute. Not cute in any kind of adorable way, mind you; but cute in a sharp, pointy, marginally scary sort of way.

I’d tried to reiterate this point in the hopes of boosting her self-confidence, or at the very least in the hopes of convincing her to conserve her magic. She retaliated by jabbing me in the flank with her horn and not talking to me for two whole days. In fact she seemed to have rather a lot of difficulty even looking me in the eye during that time.

I’ve since come to the conclusion that avoiding the whole ‘looks’ matter to be a wise choice, and have therefore been content to let her waltz about in whatever form suited her best.

I was suddenly very aware of my horn as it throbbed due to the overexertion of the previous night, hidden away behind layers of mane. And it only occurred to me right there and then that I had no right to press anypony about hiding their true self.

“Are you okay to travel?” I asked, breaking the silence I had fallen into.

She nodded and rolled the map back up with a nudge of her horn, “won’t be a better time.”

I inclined my head and went to pack my saddlebag.

The small ornate chest containing the magical items took some shoving to get packed, but I knew it was too dangerous to leave behind. I couldn't just take the contents alone either. The box’s enchantments hid the artifacts from detection, and I knew carrying them loosely would have us caught by any security unicorns who’d been notified of my various…borrowings.

I also knew I’d probably need divine intervention if Princess Luna herself happened to be in range when that lid opened. It was only by sheer luck, several flukes and the skin of my teeth that I’d managed to get away from her last night. Next time, I knew I wouldn't be so fortunate…

I shoved the map along with some provisions and supplies inside and then tossed it over my back.


Mimica inclined her head and fell into step at my side as we set out on our way.


One of the problems about living in the middle of nowhere: not much in the way of roads, or even beaten tracks for that matter.

“That reminds me,” I said as we left the path from the main door and arched sideways into the grass.

“What is it?”

“You’d best hide your wings if we see anybody coming,” I said, glancing warily up.

Her brow furrowed and her wings fluttered unconsciously, “Why?”

I cocked my head, “Alicorns are very rare, and we really don’t want to attract that kind of attention.”

“Okay, but…why are you looking up?” asked Mimica with a frown, glancing up also as we walked.

“Because we’re right under an intersection of the weather patrol routes. We may not see many earth ponies, but we might see a Pegasus or two passing over. Do you really want them coming to take a closer look if they catch sight of you?”

“I guess that makes-“Mimica was abruptly cut off however as what sounded like a trumpet horn suddenly echoed over the landscape.

I frowned, looking around, “Strange…that almost sounded like a royal announce-“

“-Get down!” snapped Mimica an instant before she tackled me to the earth over a small ridge and into some long grass by a pond.

“What in Equestria are you-“

“-Head down!” she hissed, shoving my head down behind the ridge again as she peeked over the top.

“What is it?” I whispered.

Her eyes flicked to me and then nodded carefully over the top of the outcropping.

I peeked slowly over to look back the way we had come.

A pair of white Pegasus ponies had landed and now stood either side of the small path leading up to my home. Each had a trumped wedged beneath their left wing and both bore the insignia of the Royal Guard.

I looked past them as a further six members of the Guard came into a landing, “Oh no…” I murmured, “Mimica, stay as low as you can. Do not move, and if possible, try not to breathe…”

“What is it?” whispered Mimica, “Tell me it’s not that princess you ran into.”

I shook my head, “Oh no, it’s worse than that. Much, much worse…” I said, and watched as the royal carriage touched gently down behind the guards pulling it, “Obviously she’s decided to look into this personally. I suppose that stone really must have been important if she’s chosen to investigate during the day on Luna's behalf.”

“What? Who is it, Spark?” she demanded with a hiss.

I looked to the entourage just as she came into view. I was briefly staggered at how her gleaming white outline seemed to glow in the sunlight. Then the moment passed, and I let out a defeated breath, “It’s Celestia…”

Mimica choked a gasp, her attention snapping to the Princess as she descended from her pallet with a gentle fluttering of her wings. I found myself looking at the Changeling and was briefly startled.

She looked terrified, absolutely petrified. I’ve seen her display quite a range of emotions: sadness; amusement; occasional contentment, but never had Mimica allowed herself to show actual fear before.

She flinched as I dared move enough to rest a hoof atop her shoulder, “Are you okay?”

“…fine,” she managed to say, though that was sort of hard to believe when she was visibly trembling at the same time.

I left my hoof where it was and returned my observations to the group ahead. Some of the guards had already entered the fort whilst the rest had formed a cordon around the building, both on the ground and above it.

I observed Celestia. She hadn’t moved since stepping down and was just standing there, staring up at the building in front of her. Unlike her guards, the princess didn’t have a serious glare or even a frown on her features. In fact, she just seemed to be looking up at the structure with a strange inquisitiveness, as if it were some strange puzzle that had momentarily caught her interest.

Her attention suddenly shifted somewhat as her head orientated just ever so slightly in my general direction.

I froze, not even daring to take a breath. It wasn’t like she was even looking directly at me, but I still got the terrifying sense that she was somehow extremely aware of my presence. And just like that, she returned her attention ahead once more.

I let out the breath I was unaware I’d been holding, “What is it?” whispered Mimica, her wings pressed tightly against the side of her body.

“Didn’t you see that?” I asked, “She looked right this way.”

“To be honest, I’m trying not to look at her at all,” she replied.

I returned my attention ahead and watched as the guards inside re-emerged, the leader shaking his head apologetically toward the princess.

Celestia nodded her head and the guards began surveying the area.

“They’re going to find us if they start searching,” whispered Mimica, “I’d be glad if you could grant me some of that inspiration…”

I rolled my eyes, “Well I’d be happy to, but-“and then it happened: against my will as normal, there was a gentle pulse of light from my concealed horn and Mimica inhaled a sharp gasp.

Suddenly, one of the two unicorn guards who had been standing either side of Celestia tensed. His horn glowed with blue light and he swung about to look directly at me.

Such a tiny amount of magic used and still he detected it? The pony was good at his job, I’d hand him that…

“Trouble…” I murmured as Mimica suddenly began rummaging about in my pack.

He shouted something at the Guard commander who immediately began barking orders and waving his subordinates ahead.

Then something strange happened. Celestia raised her hoof up and said something too quiet for me to hear at this distance. The guards looked confused but obviously complied with whatever their princess had said and then began gathering back into a line by the carriage.

Celestia herself stepped forward instead.

‘And doomed again…splendid.’

Suddenly, Mimica’s hooves were on my shoulders as she dragged me back a few steps, “What are you doing?” I demanded.

She responded by slipping off my bag and shoving a drinking straw in my mouth, “Saving your flank. Oh, and I’ll apologise for this later.”

I would’ve questioned had my mouth not been full. There was also the fact that Mimica had just turned about and bucked me gently backwards with just enough force to knock me off balance and flop backward into the murky pond water behind me.


Luckily the splash hadn't been too loud. Mimica was forced to pull her attention away, only able to hope that Alpha Spark had managed to right himself enough to breathe and to stay still enough to avoid detection.

The Changeling ducked reflexively down on her knees as a great shadow fell briefly over her as something blocked out the sun above for just a second. Then there was the sound of displacing air from a couple of great wing beats as something touched down.

Mimica kept her eyes glued to the grass as a shadow fell over her once more. The Changeling became aware of an oddly present rosy scent in the air, “Well hello there,” chimed a friendly voice.

Mimica tensed and flinched down further.

There was a brief moment of silence.

Umm…” said the figure above unsurely as she shifted her hoof, “You…don’t have to keep bowing, you know,” she said, her voice trying to sound reassuring.

The Changeling didn't move. And while she certainly didn't hold true to the allegiances of her brethren, Mimica had nonetheless been reared to believe that the one now looming over her was her sworn blood enemy. And when you’re brought up on expressions like ‘Celestia’s in the detail’, common sense alone isn't always enough to overcome instinct.

“Okay then…” came that cheery voice again.

There was a sound of rustling grass and then silence once more. Mimica dared look up from behind her hooves, only to find Celestia smiling back from about three inches away, her chin resting atop her hooves as she crouched down on her chest, “There you are,” she chimed.

Mimica yelped in fright and leaped back upright. She would've beat her wings had she not locked them away behind her glamour.

Celestia blinked in mild surprise and then grinned before sliding back up to her hooves, “Is something wrong?” she asked, cocking her head curiously.

Mimica took a step back, glancing about, “N-no…I…ah…I was just…star struck,” she said, but instantly became aware of how impossible it was to fake awe and reverence through abject terror.

“Well you certainly don’t need to be afraid of me,” said the princess with an almost amused giggle.


Celestia didn't push further. She merely stood, waiting patiently for the unicorn before her to calm down slightly, “Feeling better now?” she asked gently.

“Y-yes, ma’am, thank you very much.”

She grinned, “It’s no problem. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind answering a couple of questions.”


Celestia nodded and pointed a hoof back the way she’d came, “Do you know the pony who lives over there?”

Mimica shook her head, “No, ma’am. I’m just out here…uh…gathering…bugs.”

Celestia again looked somewhat confused, but then just smiled, “Well it’s always good to stay active and have a hobby.”

Mimica laughed nervously, “Well you know what they say: Celestia makes work for idle hooves.”

The princess blinked, “Excuse me?”

“N-nothing!” stammered the Changeling hastily.

Okay…” said the princess with confusion, her smile immediately returned though, “Well I don’t suppose you might have seen anyone come or go.”

“No, princess, just me.”

“I see…” said Celestia, her eye going in one smooth movement down to the bag on the floor, to the pond behind, and right back to Mimica again.

The Changeling princess felt her hooves dig into the earth as she readied for what may be about to come.

Instead, Celestia merely let out a sad sigh, “A shame. Though if you do happen to see a certain unicorn pony about these parts…”

“Let me guess: Dangerous, so stay away?”

Celestia hummed, “No, not dangerous. In fact, if you do happen to come across him, just tell him that there are those out there willing to offer help to those who ask, and that nobody is beyond help.”

Mimica missed the fact that Celestia hadn't bothered to describe exactly who she was supposed to pass the message onto, “I’ll make sure to tell him…i-if I do happen to come across someone that is.”

Celestia nodded and turned to leave, “Well it was nice meeting you,” she said, only to hesitate, as if considering something. She reached a hoof up to the crown atop her mane and pulled free a small golden gem that briefly pulsed with contained sunlight before going dim, “Here…”

Mimica hesitantly reached out and took the seemingly innocent-looking topaz, “W-what is it?”

“For when you’re ready to ask for help…”

The Changeling princess covertly pressed her horn to the stone, confirming no magic was being emitted, nor anything else that could be tracked. She quickly looked back to Celesta, “Y-you mean for when he is ready to-”

Celestia just nodded, cutting her gently off, “-of course…” and Mimica gasped when the pony princess’s hoof moved and touched her on the shoulder with gentle affection, “And as I said: it really was nice meeting you, my little…” she paused, and her expression softened almost imperceptibly, “my little friend.”

Without another word spoken, Celestia turned about and returned to her guards, departing a moment later.

Mimica watched them leave. She then immediately collapsed to her knees as the tension suddenly broke all at once. She took several long, calming breaths in the hopes it might help.

Keeping her eyes fixed on that spot in the sky, Mimica walked almost vacantly over to the edge of the pond and sat down. She idly reached out and propped the bottom of her hoof down on the tip of the straw sticking out of the water.

There was a disturbance under the water a few seconds later and Alpha Spark erupted from beneath the surface, heaving for air. He wiped some pond weed out of his face and looked about before finally settling his glare on Mimica, “What in the hay was that for?”

“Just letting you know they’d gone…”


Spluttering, I trudged out of the pond and onto the grass. I stopped by Mimica and followed her gaze into the distance, “I can’t believe we escaped them…”

I saw Mimica shake her head, expression still distant, “We didn’t escape,” she said, “She let us go.” At that, she extended her hoof toward me, revealing the shimmering yellow gem there.

I frowned and picked it up to examine it.

“Celestia gave it to me,” explained Mimica, “I’ve already checked; it’s safe.”

“What is it?”

She just shook her head again, “I don’t know…”

I kept a wary eye on her and moved to stow the gem inside the bag. I tossed it over my back and then rested a hoof on Mimica’s shoulder, “Are you okay?” I asked quietly.

She closed her eyes and took a sudden, shuddering breath, “I’m fine, sorry. I just…got a little scared back there.”

“You and me both,” I said as she stood back to her feet.

“She wasn't scary…” said the Changeling suddenly, her voice small.


“I…thought she would be terrifying. But she was so warm…” I watched her hoof move almost unconsciously to touch her shoulder.

I smiled, “Celestia is powerful, but I don’t think anyone in Equestria would describe her as unkind.”

She just nodded in silence. Clearly she was still shaken. I briefly nuzzled her and felt her frame relax against me, “You okay to carry on?”

She closed her eyes and nodded, not breaking the connection between us just yet, “Yes...Thank you, Spark.”

And thus we carried on our way...


We made camp about three miles outside the town of Ponyville, our intent being to make our way in early the next day and catch the first train out. That was assuming all went well.

Mimica was curled up against me as normal as I settled down by the campfire. The low sound of her breathing along with subtle crackling and popping of the logs amongst the flames had me quickly drifting off to my own slumber…


A blast of wailing wind suddenly struck me in the face and I leaped up in shock, the flames in the fire pit extinguished under the force of the gust.

I staggered back, looking down to realize what was missing, “Mimi?!” I called out over the echoing wind, looking about in panic.

The swirling gusts of air seemed to gather into a cyclone about the dead fire before exploding into a blaze of dark blue flame.

WE HAVE FOUND YOU!!” bellowed what I can only describe as an annoyingly familiar voice.

“Oh, please don’t tell me…”

The flames warped and coalesced into the unmistakable shape of Princess Luna. I locked my gaze on her, “Where’s Mimi? What’ve you done with her, Luna?” I demanded.

We have done nothing to your companion! This is your dream, not hers.

“A dream?” I echoed, looking about and realising just now how dark and oddly disjointed everything seemed, “And can you dial it down just a little? I’m right here in front of you.”

Luna scowled, and when she spoke again her tone hadn’t changed, but thankfully the volume had, “Very well.”

“I’ve already told you, your highness: I promise to return the gem to you once I’m finished with it and we’re somewhere safe. My friend’s health may rely on it.”

“Yes, your friend…” Luna’s eyes pulsed white and the curled up form of Mimica shimmered into existence nearby, “Interesting…The dreams of all ponies are within my domain, and yet I am unable to sense hers. Clearly you must’ve given her some charm to protect her.”

“Clearly…” I lied dryly, which I would do for Mimica in a heartbeat, even to the face of Princess Luna herself.

Unlike when we were actually face to face, I sensed that this Luna knew I wasn’t telling her the truth.

I did my best to steel myself, which wasn’t easy when staring down the mare of the night, “I will return the gem to you in due time. You have my word, Luna.”

“Unacceptable!” she called, “You know not what forces wait out in the shadows seeking the powers thou hadst so foolishly gathered together! My sister may have been content to not pursue you herself, but I will continue to have you hunted until what is mine is returned and the safety of Equestria is assured!”

“Wait, what are you talking about? What ‘forces’?”

“You really have no idea, do you?” she asked, leaning down from the flames that she stood atop like a podium. She stamped her forward hoof down into the earth.

There was a deafening crash of thunder along with a blinding flash of light.

The silhouette of another was briefly visible out there in the dark: a large, jagged shape looming over Mimica’s sleeping form like some creeping evil trying to seep its way in and grasp hold of her.

A loud hiss seemed to pierce through the noise and I tensed back as the shadow vanished.

I turned my attention back to Luna as she spoke again, her voice calm but perfectly authoritarian, “I care not what my sister’s motivations are. But for the safety of all Equestria, you will be found, Alpha Spark. My plans have changed: for both night and day will you be hunted, and I shall use my sister’s forces as were they my own. You will know no safety, no rest, until what was taken is returned once more. NOW BEGONE FROM MY SIGHT!


There was another thunderclap and I sat bolt upright, gasping for breath. The fire had burned down to smoldering embers. Mimica shifted and lifted her head up to look at me, “What is it Spark?” she murmured, looking out through sleepy eyes.

I kept my eyes on the dying fire as I spoke, “It’s nothing…sorry for waking you.” She muttered something incoherent and then rested down against me once more.

I suddenly remembered that shape looming out of the shadows, reaching for her, and I was only partially aware of my hooves going round her sleeping frame to hold her tightly against me. She sighed happily and shifted against me before going silent once more.

I frowned at the dying fire as if it might offer some solution to my confusion, ‘Luna wants to chase us but Celestia lets us go free? Just what is going on?’

Remembering that dark shape now had me wracked with the horrible feeling that something was out there in the blackness, watching us from afar.

I didn't sleep for the rest of the night.

‘Just one small town…’ I thought to myself as I sat there in the dark, waiting for dawns first light, ‘Just one small town and we’re home free.’ I smiled and ran a hoof through Mimica’s mane as she slept contentedly against me, ‘Just how much trouble could that be?’

To be continued…
